COG - Coronavirus/COVID 19: Fearmongering of the Populace via the Electromagnetic Frequency (Satanism, Vaccinations, 5G/WiFi, & Divide and Conquer)

COG - Coronavirus/COVID 19: Fearmongering of the Populace via the Electromagnetic Frequency
(Satanism, Vaccinations, 5G/WiFi, & Divide and Conquer)

    Fear-mongering is the ploy that is always used against the Populace (Sheeple); i.e., FEAR keeps one is check due to one's conscience. So, if one perceives a threat and is in fear of it, then one becomes acquiescence or pliable to whatever one is being subjected to. The aforesaid in Psychology is called/termed Conditioning, which is used for many Occultic reasons/purposes; e.g., MKUltra (Mind C/Kontrol) [1], Monarch Programming, Sex-Kitten Programming, and Manchurian Candidates. All of which has its roots/foundation from the Nazis in Germany; most of which came over in Project Paperclip or Operation Paperclip [1|2|3] under then President Truman. This is also used in PSYOPs [1|2] in which Problem, Reaction, Solution or Hegelian Dialectic [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel] is demonstrated. The aforesaid "ideals "convey warped/demented paradigms, such as "The end justifies the means,"  Y.O.L.O. (You Only Live Once), and "Do What Thou Wilt"; all of which are tenets of Satanism unbeknownst to the Sheeple or Populace/Plebeians, because it is purposeful Occultic and Esoteric Gnosis (Hidden Knowledge understood by very few).  And via Conditioning, one will suffer brain-damage in which one has to compartmentalize [1|2] what is happening to them (i.e., what they are perceiving and experiencing), as protection to one's psyche and to disregard or dismiss what one is experiencing.  This is why one stays in highly dysfunctional and or abusive relationships, because one is irrational and not sane, i.e., one is operating from a delusional perspective or viewpoint. Stockholm Syndrome [1|2] is another Psychosis or side-effect of Conditioning like Cognitive Dissonance or Plausible Deniability [1].

     Since 2002 or in the last 18 YEARS there has been at least 12 OUTBREAKS of "Viruses"; that EQUALS 1 "Virus Outbreak" every 18 MONTHS (1.5 years) with Mumps, Measles, and Zika reoccurring; further, there were 2 DIFFERENT "outbreaks" of "Bird Flu," e.g., H1N5 (2003) & H1N1 (2009). If one goes back to 1757, then one needs to add 3 MORE "outbreaks" of the Measles, 3 MORE "outbreaks" of Rubella, 3 MORE "outbreaks" of Ebola, 2 MORE "outbreaks" of Zika, 2 MORE "outbreaks" of HIV, 1 MORE "outbreak" of West Nile, 1 MORE "outbreak" of Tuberculosis, and 1 MORE  "outbreak" of SARs.

Measles Virus - 1757 (Scotland)
Measles Virus - 1912 (USA) 
HIV - 1920 (Congo)
Zika Virus - 1947 (Africa)
Zika Virus - 1952 (Uganda)
AIDS Virus - 1960 (USA: but, wasn't diagnosed or known then)
Measles Virus - 1963 (USA)
Rubella Virus - 1964 (USA)
Ebola Virus - 1976 (Congo)
HIV - 1980 (USA: HIV originated in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo around 1920 when HIV crossed species from chimpanzees to humans)
Tuberculosis - 1984 (USA)
West Nile Virus -1990 (Algeria and Romania)
H1H5 (Bird Flu) - 1996 (China)
H1H5 (Bird Flu) - 1997 (Hong Kong)
AIDS Virus - 1999 (USA)
West Nile Virus - 1999 (USA)
SARS Virus - 2002 (China)
H1H5 (Bird Flu) - 2003 (USA: swine flu pandemic: Origin from Mexico)
Rubella Virus - 2004 (USA)
Mumps Virus - 2000 (USA)
Mumps Virus - 2006 (USA)
Zika Virus - 2007 (USA) [Rockefeller Foundation | Zika Virus ATCC® VR-84™ (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]
Tuberculosis - 2007 (USA)
H1N1 Virus - 2009 (USA)
Ebola Virus - 2012 (Uganda & Congo)
Ebola Virus - 2012 (Italy & UK)
Zika Virus - 2015 (USA) [Rockefeller Foundation]
Measles Virus - 2015 (USA)
Measles Virus - 2019 (USA)
Corona Virus - 2019 (USA)

      ⬆︎Anne*411@YouTube⬆︎                          ⬆︎oceanwavex@YouTube⬆︎
 ⬆︎WeAreChange@YouTube⬆︎                          ⬆︎odiupicku@YouTube⬆︎
⬆︎R Carbone⬆︎                                                                 ⬆︎R Carbone⬆︎

 Netflix's Coincidence/Happenstance???

["In this docu-series, meet the heroes on the front lines of the battle against influenza and learn about their efforts to stop the next global outbreak"]

(Truth and Not Disinformation or Mendacity)

 COG - Miley Cyrus' Slide Away (Rothschild, Sabbateanism/Sabbatean Frankism, & Satanic Freemasonry)

COG - Death of David Rockefeller at 101 (3/6/9/12, Torah, Israel, 1911 War, & Satanic Freemasonry)

2010 Annual Report - The Rockefeller Fundation 
(Satanic Cult/Sabbateanism/Sabbatean Frankism/Frankists)

    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test does and CANNOT test SPECIFICALLY for COVID 19 (problems with test); what it tests for is Viruses overall, which includes Corona. Furthermore, most of the World's Populace has a Corona Virus within themselves since there are many strains of them, which causes cold or flu-like symptoms, but overwhelmingly they are minor ones that a normal immune system defeats like it does with most Viruses or colds. Hitherto, there is NO SPECIFIC test for COVID 19. Moreover, the "test" only will show a positive for Corona (not COVID 19) and it does not tell the AMOUNT of it that one has as one needs massive amounts of ANY Virus for it to harm or kill one. Additionally, the test uses several highly specialized machines that have to be in a completely sterile environment and they are prone to contamination, and thus, False-positives that the test produces. Another aspect of this test is that is looks for Sequencing of the Viral RNA (not a viral antigen). E.g., antigens are any substances causing one's immune system to produce antibodies (immunoglobulin, which is used by one's immune system in which it identifies and thus, neutralizes any foreign objects (Bacteria/Viruses). Overall, the PCR Test is sampling cells, which may or may not contain a "virus"; it also does not show/prove/identify if a "virus" is replicating or to the extent/amount of it in its totality.  

     Event 201 a "Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security [that was] in partnership with the World Economic Forum [along with] the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
      Center for Health Security continues: "In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually. These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society. Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes “Event 201,” would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions." 
     Event 201 a "Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security [that was] in partnership with the World Economic Forum [along with] the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences."

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel
Other Imperial College's "Findings"


Imperial College (UK) Found As Sole Agent Of Panic Over Coronavirus

  Horowitz: When did Coronavirus begin in the US? And why it matters.
German journalist goes to hospital ‘teeming with coronavirus patients’ - how can doctors cope? - and finds NO ONE THER


  Coronavirus - What is really going on? - David Icke talks to Jimmy Church

Coronavirus - Ticking All the Boxes For The Global Elite - David Icke 

Sanity Amid The Madness, Acquiescence And Sheer Stupidity (DEVASTATING information) - David Icke

Fiddling The Figures/The Magic Trick - David Icke 'Virus' Update

12 Virus/Health Experts Condemn Extreme Covid 19 Response - David Icke

Extended Lockdowns, A Form Of Mass Torture - David Icke Talks To The TradCatKnight Podcast

'Covid 19' And 5G - What's The Connection? The David Icke Dot Connector Videocast

Is There A Virus? - David Icke? 

A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures

M.D. Andrew Kaufman

 CDC Tests for COVID-19

  "We are woefully unprepared for a pandemic"



Imperial London College's Swine Flu Simulation: 2001 Britain
(6 Million Sheep, Pigs, and Chickens Exterminated)

Squats and sticks | Indian police punish coronavirus lockdown violators



61k of 45m is ONLY 0.013555% of the Populace

The 5G and WiFi Connection
 (Destroying One's Cells, i.e., DNA/RNA via Frequency, Energy, & Vibration)

 COG - Icke & Vella on AI & Consciousness (5G, Frequency, & Transhumanism)

COG - David Icke & Harald Kautz Vella on OptoGenetics, 5G, & Databasing (Satanism/Draconianism)

COG - 5G: Transhumanism/2045 Global Initiative/AI/DARPA (Zionists & Satanic Freemasonry)

 COG - Transhumanism / Automation Agenda (Ai) 

5G Or COVID-19?
by Vrillex 

⬆︎ Vrillex ⬆︎

 The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg





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