Gematria: COG - NASA's Juno Jupiter Mission PSYOP (JJP/JJMP) [13/31, 35/53]

Gematria: COG - NASA's Juno Jupiter Mission PSYOP (JJP/JJMP)
[13/31, 35/53]

(4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 27, 28, 35, 38, 40, 46, 48, 53, 58, 60, 68, 80,103,137,143, 171, 192, 210, 228, 244, 253, 262,  263, 271, 276, 318, 336, 348, 357, 364, 373, 418, 441, 588, 618, 623, 640, 684, 724, 696, 858, 897, 1008, 1039, 2244, 2646, 3840 | 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 26, 31, 32, 42, 44, 47, 50, 59, 66, 74, 88, 98, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116|119|911, 126, 133, 156, 166)
BBC NEWS: Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre
By Jonathan Amos, July 4th, 2016
The US space agency (Nasa) says its Juno probe is on course to go into orbit around the Planet Jupiter.The satellite is described as healthy and ready for what scientists concede will be a risky manoeuvreJuno has to execute a precise rocket firing to slow itself sufficiently to get captured by the giant world’s gravityIf it succeeds, researchers should get their best ever view of what lies beneath Jupiter’s stormy cloudsThe 35-minute orbit insertion burn - timed to to start at 03:18 GMT (04:18 BST) on Tuesday - is sure to jangle the nerves of everyone here in mission control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.If the engine fails to fire at the right time or for an insufficient period, this $1.1bn (£800m) venture will simply fly straight past Jupiter and into the oblivion of deep spaceJuno will not have its main dish pointed at Earth during the braking procedure, so the mission team will have to follow events via a series of simple tones sent back through the probe’s low-gain antennaRick Nybakken, Juno’s project manager, said the probe had to thread itself on to a very accurate trajectory to achieve its goalWhat we’re targeting is a space that’s tens of km wide. We’re going to hit that within 1.2 seconds after a journey of [2.8 billion km]. That tells you just how good our navigation team is,” he told reporters. We need to get into orbit tonight and I’m very confident we will.”The scientists must sit on their hands, though.  The event is so far away, radio messages take 48 minutes to cross the vastness of space.  Juno has to do everything on its own.Assuming everything goes to plan, Juno’s mission is to look down on the giant world to work out what it is made from and how it is put together.We should finally discover whether it has a solid core or if its gas merely compresses to an ever denser state all the way to the centre.We should also gain new insights on the famous Great Red Spot - the colossal storm that has raged on Jupiter for hundreds of years.  Juno will tell us how deep its roots go.The principal investigator is Scott Bolton from the Southwest Research Institute in Texas.He says he cannot wait to get started: “It is the king of our Solar System. This is it; more massive than all the other planets and everything else in our Solar System combined (other than the Sun),” he said.[Additionally,] “Its zones and belts, its Great Red Spot, its incredible turbulent atmosphere - we’ve known it for many, many years. It’s a gorgeous planet but what Juno is about is looking beneath that surface. We’ve got to go down and look at what’s inside.” But as enticing as the science is, what worries team-members is the intense radiation around Jupiter, which could upset Juno’s electronics, now or in the coming months. This radiation is a consequence of Jupiter’s mighty magnetic field, which whips particles to near light-speedExperts have designed Juno’s orbit such that it avoids dipping into the most hazardous regions that surround the planet. Engineers have also put sensitive electronics for the probe’s instruments and control systems inside a thick-walled titanium box. Even so, some equipment, such as the visible camera, is expected to fail before a formal end to the mission is called in early 2018.JPL engineer Heidi Becker said the success of Juno was going to depend absolutely on the protection it receives from its “suit of armor”. “[Without it], Juno would be experiencing a radiation dose of over 20 million rads, which is like a human undergoing 100 million dental X-rays in a little over a year,” she explained.But it is only by getting in close to Jupiter - a little under 5,000km above the cloud tops on occasions - that Juno can acquire the data it seeks. The satellite is equipped with nine instruments designed to study Jupiter’s spectacular auroras and to look through the planet’s many obscuring layers. A key quest is to determine the abundance of water in the atmosphere - an indicator of how much oxygen was present in Jupiter’s region of the Solar System when it formed, and perhaps a tell-tale of any migration it may have made from its original formation location. The uncertainty over the presence of a solid core should be resolved with the aid of very precise gravity measurementsScientists have models for how they think the centre of Jupiter behaves, but there is no way they can test the physics in an Earth lab. The atmospheric pressure at Earth is about one bar; at the centre of Jupiter it is 80 million bar,” explained mission team-member Fran Bagenal from the University of Colorado. “That’s like a thousand elephants, one on top of the other, with the bottom elephant standing on a stiletto.” The orbit insertion burn on Tuesday will put Juno in a large ellipse around the planet that takes just over 53 days to complete. A second burn in mid-October will tighten the orbit to just 14 days. It is then that the science can really start. Nasa plans to run the mission through to February 2018.Juno will be commanded to end operations by ditching itself in the atmosphere of the planet.This ensures there is no possibility of the probe crashing into and contaminating Jupiter’s large moons, at least one of which, Europa, is considered to have the potential to host microbial life. There will be updates on Juno’s orbit insertion across BBC News, and the BBC Sky At Night program me will run a special program me dedicated to the mission on Sunday 10 July at 20:30 BST, on BBC Four.
Jupiter is 11 times wider than Earth and 300 times more massive
It takes 12 Earth years to orbit the Sun; a ‘day’ is 10 hours long
In composition it resembles a star; it’s mostly hydrogen and helium
Under pressure, the hydrogen becomes an electrically conducting fluid
This ‘metallic hydrogen’ is likely the source of the magnetic field
Most of the visible cloud tops contain ammonia and hydrogen sulphide
Jupiter’s ‘stripes’ are created by strong east-west winds
The Great Red Spot is a giant storm vortex twice as wide as Earth


Eyes on Juno - Artist concept of Juno near Jupiter - NASA@LINK
NASA: Eyes on Juno
After a journey of more than 5 years, the Juno spacecraft is ready for its detailed look at Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. 
Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre in the English Reduction system equals 244
  • 244 is like His Eminence, Archon Code, The Hidden GodSatanic, Nineteen, Kardashian, Mocking Bird, Demonic Garbage, God of the Dead, Raging Fire, The Mask, Black Book of Life,  Tick Tick, Cast Magic, Sacred God, Affliction, Near Death, The Black One, & Kismet in Jewish Gematria
  • 244 is like Human Souls Are Stars, Destroy The Internet, Dimensional Vibrations, Corrupt Government, Snake Robot Technology, South Atlantic AnomalyIncompetent President, Michelle Obama Anti Christian, &  The Apocalypse Angel Of Death in Simple Gematria
Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre”  w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 253
  • 253 is like Beginning and End, Digital Imaging, I Am The Bible Code, A Microchip, Bible Related, The Black Seed, & Fake Health Care in Jewish Gematria
  • 253 is like Internet Beast System, Demonic Super ComputerSatanic Rap Music Lyrics, The Blood Of Jesus Christ, & Religious Hypocrisy in Simple Gematria
Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre”  w/BOTH "s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 262
  • 262 is like America S Game, Riding Gate, ClintonAn Arch Demon, Fallen Moon, Faked Signs, Species, Gene Israel, Fahrenheit 451, Infernal God, Infection, Triangle, Binge Drinking, Code of Light, Fake Saint, Radical as Hell, Altering, Integral,  & The Magic is, Impatience in Jewish Gematria 
  • 262 is like President Mitt Romney, Builder Of The Great Pyramid, Father Of The Children Of Ammon, Seen By Her Nations Husband, Pleiadians Of Jesus Christ, One Hundred Billion Dollars, Governor Chris Christie, May The Fourth Dimension, Global Physical Security, False Religions Falling Away, The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, Mountain West Conference, Divorce Is A Necessary Evil, The Twenty Two Paths, Forty Four Thoughts, September Twenty Six, January Thirty First, April Four Sixty Eight, Contracted Zombie Virus, Daylight Savings Time Change, Thirty two Fourteen,  Seventeen Sixty Three, The Adjustment Of The Fool, Barack Obama Is Hiding Comet Elenin, & Barack Hussein Obama 12th Imam Mahdi in Simple Gematria
Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre”  w/THREE "s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 271

  • 271 is like Star, God is Good, Red Dragon, God is a Liar,Catching Fire, Man of Light, The Goat, Sickle-cell Anemia,The Killing Game, Migraines, Primal Man, Epileptic, Bible Gematria, The Code of Life, & No Code Pink in Jewish Gematria
  • 271 is like Divine Gene Of The Holy Elders, The Path Of Hurricane Erin On 911Seventeen Seventy Six, This Is Your Final Notice, Conscious Unconscious, Gay Murderer Screams Of Hell, The Rainbow Is A Sign From God, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Spiritual Enlightenment, The Effect Of Gematria Deciphering, Gematria Shows Patterns in Simple Gematria

Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre” in the English Ordinal system equals 640
Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre” in the English Sumerian system equals 3840
Eyes on Juno” like Juno Probe in the English Reduction system equals 44
& like 8+5+20+11=44/8 (Juno's Departure to Jupiter) & USD (U.S. Dollar) in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like Prophet in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 44 is like  like KILLHopeFaith, and Karma in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
Eyes on Junow/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 53
  • 53 is like Kendra, Tran, Chances, Albino, I Hope, Dalia Lama, & Haste in Jewish Gematria
  • 53 is like Skin, Database, Chances, Albino, Coca-Cola, Divide, Black Cat, Hasidic, Haste, Sabbath, Machine, Choir, Ban Oil, Hacking, Sink, I Hope, Dalia Lama, Sheep, Atlas, & Ending in Simple Gematria
Eyes on Juno” in the English Ordinal system equals 143
  • 143 is like BanksRobbedHero, & Lambs in Jewish Gematria
  • 143 is like George Soros, Evoking Aliens, Change The World, The Perfected Man, Ground ZeroWizard Of Oz, Absolute Evil, Kills The Beast, The Gates Of Hell, Ninety Three, The Hexagram Name, Russia Attack, The Grim Reaper, Cursed Number, & The 72 Stargates in Simple Gematria 
  • 143 is like Government Accountability Office in Pythagorean Gematria 
Eyes on Juno” in the English Sumerian system equals 858
Juno (Probe) like Texas [Southwest Research Institute] in the English Reduction system equals 15

  • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
  • 15 is like Gun in Pythagorean Gematria 
Juno in the English Ordinal system equals 60
  • 60 is like Surveillance w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 60 is like Magick in Jewish Gematria
  • 60 is like AliensKingsCastleDraculaTheCodeOrderBattlePoliceSecondTeacherReplaceOrangeDiamondHoly, Pray, Caught, Four, Word, Believe, Over, Magnet, Dreams, Jump, Found, Life is, & Active in Simple Gematria 
Juno in the English Sumerian system equals 360
  • 360 is like The Problem, London False Flag, Prediction, Earthlings, The Giants, Red Star, Soul, The Garden of Eden, Nonsense, Rare Earth, The Angel of Death, Incurable, Obama Deception, False Miracles in Jewish Gematria
  • 360 is like Dracula, Aliens, Desire, Kings, Battle, Found, Inside, Active, Dreams, Teacher, Order, The Code, Life is, Spy, Their, BerlinHoly, Police, Orange, Pray, Believe, Word, Magnet, Four, Twice, & Replace in English Gematria
  • 360 is like Extraterrestrial Infiltration, Cern The Large Hadron Collider Prophecy, Destroy The Cern Large Hadron Collider, God Roars Incredible Upon His Throne, The Turning Point For Humanity, The Fusing Of Reptilian DNA To Mammal DNA, The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, That Escape Of Them Unto The Nations, Archetypal Dimensions Of The Psyche, Judged By Universal Platinum Laws, I Have Hidden Everything In Plain Sight,  Eleven September Two Thousand One, That Will Make Your Hair Stand On End, Paternal Ancestors Are Native AmericanIslam Condemned Of The Holy Trinity& Sally Curtis Demon Possession in Simple Gematria
Juno Probe like Eyes on Juno” in the English Reduction system equals 44 like 8+5+20+11=44/8 (Juno's Departure to Jupiter) & USD (U.S. Dollar) in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like Prophet in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 44 is like  like KILL in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
Juno Probe in the English Ordinal system equals 116
  • 116 is like Country, Powerful, & African American in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 116 is like Reptilian, Be Very Afraid, Confusion, Pelosi Liar, Zuckerberg, Directions, Mind Master, Omega Delta PhiMeaning of Life, Rothschild, Prince of Peace, Anointed One, Ursa MajorRoyalty, Maternal Agenda, Powerful, Country, Making RoomPeace Symbol,  Angel of Light, The Bread of Life, Hugo Chavez, Eternal Dream, Illuminate, Alert and Manage, Scales of Law, Usama bin Laden, Golden Tiger, Lack Muslim, Liberian Girl, David Koresh, Adolph Hitler, Loves Kids, ThursdayPandoras is in Simple Gematria 
  • 116's INVERSION is 119 & their REFLECTION is 911
  • 119 is like Star of David & All Seeing Eye in Simple Gematria (& 47 in Pythagorean Gematria)
  • 119 is like like Nikola Telsa (Pythagorean Gematria) 
  • 911 like Vatican Hill, Nine Eleven FEMA, Natural Disasters,  See Reveal, O Barack Obama Jr., The Demonic Grey Aliens, Supergiant Approaching, Division, Devil’s Mind, Is Resurrection Of Dead, The Angel Of The Church In Philadelphia, Offensive, False Flag Nukes At Utah, Bad Obama Revealed, & The End Of The Aeon Of Horus in Jewish Gematria
  • 911 is like Nine Eleven Was An Inside Job Orchestrated By A Very Top Secret Group In The Us GovernmentGray Alien Creator Deity Dead In Willow Glen The Rumour Has It Along With Reptilian And Draconian 241 4777Nothing In The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity, I Will Arise And Go To My Father And Will Say Unto Him, Father I Have Sinned Against Heaven And Before Thee, Eleven September Two Thousand Fifteen A Mobile Crawler Crane Collapsed Onto The Masjid Al Haram In Mecca, & The Ones Responsible For Putting Aborted Babies In The Food Will Suffer In Hell For Eternity in Simple Gematria
  • 39 is like GreedPagan, Flat, Belief, Net, & Angel in Simple Gematria
  • 39 is like New York in Simple Gematria [New York = 666 in English Gematria]
  • 39 signatories on the Declaration of Independence & Books in the Old Testament
  • UN (39 floors at the United Nations)
  • 7/26/1788 (Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York) sums to 39 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 57 and 75 are REFLECTIONS
  • 57 is like God GeneDeceivedVaccine, Actor, Bible Code in Simple Gematria
  • 75 is like Alien Decoded in Jewish Gematria
  • 75 is like EternalGuardianLord God, Andromeda, ThelemicSkull, Lamb of God in Simple Gematria
  • Scottish Rite w/BOTH "s" exceptions sums to 75 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 10 symbolizes by ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light and also the God number (like 555+5 
  • 10 is formed of the Pillar and the Circle
  • 10 is both Masculine and Feminine, or Father/Mother principles
  • 10 is the number from which all things come, and all must return
  • 10 is the symbol of ‘wholeness’   
  • 10 is the symbol of humanity, number 1 and number 0  
  • 10 is the symbol of the gift of power and protection
  • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
  • October sums to 33
  • 33 is the Magic #, Teacher #, Master # in Satanic Freemasonry
  • also the 33 vertebrate in one’s spine
  • 33 is like Magic in Simple Gematria
  • 33 is like A Seal Of Satan, Handgun, Gunshots, DiamondMarineFederalPoliceNazis, October, Teacher, Beyonce, KKK } (11K (11) K (11), Coeptis [cœptis], DelawareLeft Eye, Mean, Indian, Sixteen, & Race War in Pythagorean Gematria  
BBC in the English Reduction system equals 7 like in the English Ordinal system equals 7
BBC in the English Sumerian system equals 42 like New World, New Testament Freemason in Pythagorean Gematria, like FEMA in Jewish Gematria, like Bad in English Gematria, & like Saddam, Deacon, Bad Cubed, & Gun in Simple Gematria
Nybakken and Becker say Juno is as prepared as it can be for what lies ahead
Rick Nybakken (Juno’s project managerin the English Reduction system equals 52
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo [order] in Simple Gematria
  • 52 is like NWO, DevilSix in English Gematria
Rick Nybakken in the English Ordinal system equals 124
  • 124 is like Hell ManHealsI’m a Maniac in Jewish Gematria
  • 124 is like John Kerry, JFK Airport, Chromosome, DNA Molecules, Great Britain, Technology, Programmer, Deceiver of Men, Hidden Letter, Olympians, The Future, Biblical Gematria, Depression, New Jersey, Isaac Newton, Miss Piggy, Father of Lies, Fifty-two, Eye for an Eye, The O and the X, Son of Satan, Blood Sacrifice, Fornication, Fireworks, 1812 Overture, White Crow, The Hebrew Bible, Jesus and Gene, Zero Order, Vegas Hell Gate, Death of Us All, & Demonic Church in Simple Gematria
RN in the English Reduction system equals 14
  • 14 is like Obama in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 14 is like Dead in Jewish Gematria
  • 14 is like 7 Dead (Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986) in Simple Gematria
  • 14 is a karmic number and these people need to learn independenceself-initiativeunity and justice. And it is the number of the good and the charity in Numerology
RN in the English Ordinal system equals 32
  • 32 is like America & Gunshot in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 32 is like Dead Head in Jewish Gematria
  • 32 is like ObamaAgenda 21MediaBombGunshot, Debacle in Simple Gematria
  • Barack (18 PG) + Obama (14 PG) sums to 32
  • 7/4/1776 summed equals 32
  • UK} U=3 / K=2 >32 
  • The 33rd day in the calendar is February 2nd
RN in the English Sumerian system equals 192
  • 192 is like Genes DNA, I Am Chaos, Paradigm, Obama Dies, & I Ll Kill Obama in Jewish Gematria
  • 192 is like Life, Media, Agenda 21, Agenda, Obama, Debacle, Bomb in English Gematria
  • 192 is  Crystal Skulls, Evil Corporation, Gender Transition, The Gray Race Of Aliens, The Serpent Holder, Twenty Third Card, Christ Returns, One Hundred And Seven, & Arrogant Tyrant in Simple Gematria
Scott Bolton (Southwest Research Institutein the English Reduction system equals 38
  • 38 is like Jew, DeathNigga& Bible in Simple Gematria
Scott Bolton in the English Ordinal system equals 155
  • 155 is like Science, Defense, I am Killing, Athena, Design, Black Lion, Hand in Hand, & Heroic in Jewish Gematria
  • 155 is like Reptilian Elite, Head of Mind Control, Synthetic Cell, Aliens Beneath Us, A Depraved Nature, In My Minds Eye, Avian Flu Is Alien, Dragon Destroyed, Immortality, Very Deceitful, Christianity, Babylon The Great, Corpse Flower, Demons Are Coming, He Whom is SatanBlood of My Blood, Beasts from Hell, You Go To Hell, Erotic Violence, The Wrong Path, January Ninth, February Third, Gay San Francisco, & Smokeless Flame in Simple Gematria
SB in the English Reduction system equals 3
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinitythe Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
SB w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 12
  • 12 is like FCC in Pythagorean Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 is like DEC in Jewish Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 symbolizes the command and the good, and governs the space and the time, that is to say the operation of the Cosmos, from where its designation of cosmic number
  • 12 Symbols of material and spiritual food, because of the 12 breads which Jesus Christ broke to the Last Supper, Himself being the Bread of Life.
  • It's the Number attributed to the government of the world or the Cosmos.
  • It is the creative capacity, and in some religions, it expresses also the Divine Mother
SB in the English Ordinal system equals 21
  • 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
  • 21 is like Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
SB in the English Sumerian system equals 126
  • 126 is like BloodCain and AbelFool, & Plane, in Jewish Gematria
  • If you SUM the ENTIRE alphabet it equals 126 
Fran Bagenal (University of Coloradoin the English Reduction system equals 45
  • 45 is like Officers in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 45 is like DNANBCEdibleFailed in Jewish Gematria 
  • 45 is like DragoPitEaten, GodsLeaderHealsElectSpade, , Effect, Yoda, Cinema, & Alarm in Simple Gematria 
Fran Bagenal in the English Ordinal system equals 81
  • 81 is like GoldAdolf24 Finale, Cain Abel, Shots, Officers, High End, Legend (I Am Legend in 2007: Movie of post man-made infection/plague that turns people into Zombies or "mutants"), Okla (31 State), Chicago in Jewish Gematria
  • 81 is like Rights in Simple Gematria
FB in the English Reduction system equals 8 like in the English Ordinal system
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
FB in the English Sumerian system equals 48
  • 48 is like CellDamage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
  • 48 is like DeviceHoaxEvilBloodSex, Famine in Simple Gematria
  • 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria 
Heidi Becker (JPL Engineer) in the English Reduction system equals 61
  • 61 is like News, Miracle, Shot, & Officer in Simple Gematria
  • 61 is like God Freemasons w/BOTH "s" exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 61 is like Disneyland in Jewish Gematria
Heidi Becker in the English Ordinal system equals 79
  • 79 is like Surveillance Video in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 79 is like Chemical, GodheadMad-child, Dog Head in Jewish Gematria
  • 79 is like Mother, Akhenaten, I am an Alien, Alpha Omega, Murder, Diamonds, Dualism, Dualism 19, Criminal, Chaos Magic, Get Framed, 666 Yeshua, Material, Ravens, Black Ravens,  Democrat, Civilian,  Nature in Simple Gematria
HB in the English Reduction system equals 10 like in the English Ordinal system
  • 12 is like FCC in Pythagorean Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 is like DEC in Jewish Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 symbolizes the command and the good, and governs the space and the time, that is to say the operation of the Cosmos, from where its designation of cosmic number
  • 12 Symbols of material and spiritual food, because of the 12 breads which Jesus Christ broke to the Last Supper, Himself being the Bread of Life.
  • It's the Number attributed to the government of the world or the Cosmos.
  • It is the creative capacity, and in some religions, it expresses also the Divine Mother
HB in the English Sumerian system equals 60
  • 60 is like New York City , Massachusetts w/THREE "s" exceptions , & Surveillance w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 60 is like Magick in Jewish Gematria
  • 60 is like AliensKingsCastleDraculaThe CodeOrderBattlePoliceSecond TeacherReplaceOrangeDiamondHoly, Pray, Four, Word, Believe, Over, Magnet, Dreams, Jump, Found, Caught, Life is, & Active in Simple Gematria 
  • *Orange & Diamond all sum to 33 like Police in Pythagorean Gematria
8+5+20+11=44/8 like USD (U.S. Dollar) in Simple Gematria & like Eyes on Juno” Juno Probe in the English Reduction system

44 is like Prophet in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 44 is like  like KILL in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
  • 24 is like Baal, A Kid, & Chica in Jewish Gematria 
  • 24 is like D (4), BB (922/4), BB8 (228/12/3), ABA (121/4), AC (13/4), D4 (44/8), D6 (46/10/1), D7 (47/11), D33 (6), D59 (14/5), D66 (12/3), D2600 (8), & D5578 (25/7) in English Gematria
  • 24 is like CBS, MIB, X (Death), 3XCat, Sad, Act, Canada, & FEM in Simple Gematria 
  • 6 represents the Male energy, the soul of man and the macrocosm of God
  • 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram6-pointed StarStar of DavidThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
8+5+2+1+1=17/8 & like NASA w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system
  • 17 is like GOD, KILL, & SHOT in Pythagorean Gematria   
  • 17 w/"s" exception (5+1+10+1) is like NASA in the English Reduction system 
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
8+5+1+1=15/6 is like Juno (Probe) & Texas [Southwest Research Institute] in the English Reduction system equals 15
  • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
  • 15 is like Gun in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram6-pointed StarStar of DavidThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
  • 8+5+1+1=15/6156 like Speed of Orbit1056156) & like JP (Juno Probe's initials), which sum to 156 in the English Sumerian system
Speed of Orbit:
1056 or 156/12/3
  • 156 is like I Am an Alien, Kings, BerlinFalse Flag, Fracking, Grimm, Code Nine, Real Magic, The Game, & Achilles in Jewish Gematria
  • 156 is like God, Flag, Game, Heal, Drac,   in English Gematria
  • 156 is like The Grey Alien Race, Tall Gray Aliens, The Demonic Aliens, Eater of Souls, Occult Gateway, The Fifth Element, The Reptilians, Francois Hollande, Battle Of Midway, Final Curtain CallJuly FourthAmerica’s Birthday, Thirty-three, As Above, So Below, February Second, Six Six Six, Devil’s Creation, Metatron’s Cube, Twenty-eight, Brilliant Minds, The Number of Man, Calvary Cross,Messiah Gateway, Maniac Conned Icons, Nine Seven Eight, God Saves Israel, Biblical Prophecy, Lord Of The Sabbath, Baltimore News, The Seventh Day, Barack Obama Agreement,The Beast Barack H Obama, Great Deceiver B Obama, The New Age Barack Obama, Obama’s Request, Barack H Obama Miracles, The Wicked Barack Obama, Barry Sotero, Obamas Power Is, December Eighteenth, Gematria Gateway in Simple Gematria 
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinitythe Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
Max Speed:
  • 2+3+6+1=12/3
  • 2 is like FCC in Pythagorean Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 is like DEC in Jewish Gematria & Simple Gematria 
  • 12 symbolizes the command and the good, and governs the space and the time, that is to say the operation of the Cosmos, from where its designation of cosmic number
  • 12 Symbols of material and spiritual food, because of the 12 breads which Jesus Christ broke to the Last Supper, Himself being the Bread of Life.
  • It's the Number attributed to the government of the world or the Cosmos.
  • It is the creative capacity, and in some religions, it expresses also the Divine Mother
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinitythe Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 23 is like Lie in Jewish Gematria
  • 23 is like  I Am, In, End H2O, Fake, Made, Agama, Hack in Simple Gematria
  • 23 means Duality, Charisma, Communication and Society in Numerology
  • 5 is represented geometrically as the Pentagram 5-Pointed Star: Baphomet in Satanic Freemasonry
610 or 61/7
  • 61 is like News, Miracle, Shot, & Officer in Simple Gematria
  • 61 is like God Freemasons w/BOTH "s" exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 61 is like Disneyland in Jewish Gematria
  • 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected Man: Transhumanism in Satanic Freemasonry
Orbit Height:
  • 26 is like GOD & Flag in Simple Gematria
  • 26 is like Hide & Faked in Jewish Gematria
  • 26 is like Kill in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 72 is like Balance Dead Again in Jewish Gematria 
  • 72 is like DEC in English Gematria 
  • 72 is like  MoneyMagnetic, Bird FluMarriageHitlerMea CulpaSadistMohammed, Rocket, RebornHimself,  Accurate in Simple Gematria
  • 17 is like GOD, KILL, & SHOT in Pythagorean Gematria   
  • 17 w/"s" exception (5+1+10+1) is like NASA in the English Reduction system 
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
$1.1 Billion} 11/2
  • 11 is a Master # and means Sin, Transgression & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
  • in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
USD (U.S. Dollar) in the English Reduction system equals 8 & like in the English Reduction system 
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
USD (U.S. Dollar) in the English Ordinal system equals 44/8 like 8+5+20+11=44/8 (Juno's send or start of "mission"), Eyes on Juno” Juno Probe in the English Reduction system
  • 44 is like Prophet in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 44 is like  like KILL in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
Juno Probe in the English Sumerian system equals 696

JP in the English Reduction system equals 8
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
JP in the English Ordinal system equals 26/8
  • 26 is like GOD & Flag in Simple Gematria
  • 26 is like Hide & Faked in Jewish Gematria
  • 26 is like Kill in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • *2+6=8 like 1+7=8, so 8 (GOD) & 26 (GODREDUCE to same number
  • 17 is like GOD in Pythagorean Gematria 
  •  is the number of 
JP in the English Sumerian system equals 156 & like Juno's Speed of Orbit:
1056 or 156/12/3 & like ++1=15/6156 (Juno's departure)
  • 156 is like I Am an Alien, Kings, Berlin, False Flag, Fracking, Grimm, Code Nine, Real Magic, The Game, & Achilles in Jewish Gematria
  • 156 is like God, Flag, Game, Heal, Mega, Hide, Data, Drac in English Gematria
  • 156 is like The Grey Alien Race, Tall Gray Aliens, The Demonic Aliens, Eater of Souls, Occult Gateway, The Fifth Element, The Reptilians, Francois Hollande, Battle Of Midway, Brilliant Minds, Final Curtain CallCalvary Cross, Twenty-eight, Maniac Conned Icons, Lord Of The Sabbath, July FourthAmerica’s Birthday, Nine Seven Eight, God Saves Israel, Baltimore News, The Seventh Day, Thirty-three, As Above, So Below, February Second, Six Six Six, Devil’s Creation, Metatron’s CubeThe Number of Man, Messiah Gateway, Biblical ProphecyBarack Obama Agreement, The Beast Barack H Obama, Great Deceiver B Obama, The New Age Barack Obama, Obama’s Request, Barack H Obama Miracles, The Wicked Barack Obama, Barry Sotero, Obamas Power Is, December EighteenthGematria Gateway in Simple Gematria 
  • 911 is the 156 Prime Number
  • 33 is the Magic #, Teacher #, Master # in Satanic Freemasonry
  • also the 33 vertebrate in one’s spine
  • 33 is like Magic in Simple Gematria
  • 33 is like A Seal Of Satan, Handgun, Gunshots, DiamondMarineFederalPoliceNazis, October, Teacher, Beyonce, KKK } (11) K (11) K (11), Coeptis [cœptis], DelawareLeft Eye, Mean, Indian, Sixteen, & Race War in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • Ninety & Sixty ONLY two numbers that sum to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • (3) K (11 w/"v" exception} U=3x11=33
  • Christopher Columbus’s initials } CC = 33
  • FBI established on July 26, 1908
  • 7+2+6+1+9+8= 33
  • 7+26= 33
  • Delaware (3rd State), Massachusetts (6th), & Hawaii (50) sum to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria (only 3 said States sum to said #)
  • *Orange & Diamond all sum to 33 like Police in Pythagorean Gematria
Nine Seven Eight is referencing Massachusetts, which sums to 33 and is the 6th State formed by Crown Colony of Massachusetts Bay.
  • 6 represents the Male energy, the soul of man and the macrocosm of God
  • 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram6-pointed StarStar of DavidThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
  • 23 is like Lie in Jewish Gematria
  • 23 is like I Am, End, H2O, Fake, Made, &  Agama in Simple Gematria
  • 5 is represented geometrically as the Pentagram 5-Pointed Star: Baphomet in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
  • 13 is a Sacred Number & represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 9 is Sacred # & means the Cube (Black Box: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 25 is like Annuit (to approveOrdo (order) in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 50 is like SnakeFraudFallenAmericaSacredOwlMad MenCircle, Bush, Cain and Abel in Simple Gematria 
  • 50 is like BeastsMankindAncientFreedom, MolochLost, AnubisEye DamageDead Now in English Gematria
  • FIFTYis like CNN IlluminatiBlack OperationsCycles, Lucifer Beast& Satanic Genetic Deeds in Jewish Gematria
Crown Colony of Massachusetts Bay in the English Reduction system equals 113
  • 113 is like Dishonest, Mainstream, & Green-screen in Simple Gematria
  • 113a in the Bava Kama; Jews (Zionists) may circumvent a Gentile (non-jew) with subterfuge (lies)

One-fifty-three sums to 113 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 153 is like  Fallen God, CPS, Beings, AgentFear God, Hell Fire, Labor, Cracking, Hail Leader, Creep,  Bad Apple in Jewish Gematria
  • 153 is like Purpose Plan, Galactic Federation, Creator of Earth, The Female Hidden One, The Ground Key, Free Your Mind, The Hidden The Discovery, Desire The Keys, The Clear Beginning, Confirming A “Hidden”, Decode Irrefutable, Four Elements, The Unified Earth, Heed the Realities, Open Figured Gate, Code Facts, Seek Decoded Number, Read All The Code Mind, Creator of Earth, Michael The ArchangelThe Bible Is Right, Extreme Racism Masturbation, Prime Numbers, Heavenly Formed, The Number Of God, In The Holy Place, Made Them One Flesh, The Christians, Christians Gate, Reveal the Bible, The True Light, Sacred Lessons, The Master Faith, Diamond Dominion, Extreme Racism, Quid Pro Quo, I Played the Fool, Hidden Witness, Albert Einstein, Happy Birthday, English Words, The Last Language, Grammar TongueThe Water Of Life, It’s So Amazing, & Cross Reference in Simple Gematria
Crown Colony of Massachusetts Bay in the English Ordinal system equals 374
  • 374 is like God the Father, Right Hand of God, Hadron Collider, No Emotion, Frontal Lobe, Demonic Messiah, Sealed on Forehead, Forehead Had Seal, Repent Obama, Lightning Rod, Fluoride, The Code Of Filth, The Flames Of Hell, Refraction, Terminated, & Parasitical in Jewish Gematria
  • 374 is like Pleiadians Live Underneath Mountains, Grey Aliens Are Demons Wearing Suits, & As The President Of The United States in Simple Gematria
Crown Colony of Massachusetts Bay in the English Sumerian system equals 2244
  • Pleiadians Live Underneath Mountains, Grey Aliens Are Demons Wearing Suits, & As The President Of The United States to 2244 in English Gematria
  • 22 is like Died & Fake in Jewish Gematria
  • 22 is like VDeal, 33rd& Bane in Simple Gematria
  • 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision & Balance
  • 44 is like Prophet in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 44 is like  like KILL in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 22+44= 66
  • 66 is like KingKing 5Biblical, Coded in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like K in English Gematria, which is 11 in Pythagorean Gematria, which is the Master # and means Sin, Transgression & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 66 is like  Lunar, Already BeastsMankindDebit CardRat RaceAncientQueerLose FaceI’ll Be OkayEye DamageDead NowAnubisTwin, Sodom,  Cain and Abel, Moloch, Blessed, Lost, Abyss, Curse, Padded Cell, Islamic, Freedom, Event, & Fishes (The Miracle Catch of 153) in Simple Gematria
  • Thirty-Three written sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • Christians w/BOTH "s" exceptions sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 66 Books in the Bible (39 Old Testament & 27 New Testament)
"I, Pet Goat II" by Heliofant
Massachusetts w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 42

  • 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Nigger (5+9+7+7+5+9)  in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
  • 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
  • 42 is like Saddam, Gun, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria
  • 42 is the Life’s Purpose # & Angel # in Numerology
  • 59 is like NYPD in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 59 is like Kill in Jewish Gematria 
  • 59 is like NegroSlave, & Blues in Simple Gematria 
  • 59 } Revelation; i.e., the Bible counts 59 written numbers in ordinal (the order type of a well-ordered sets & extensions of natural (whole #s) form further, in the Bible59 numbers are multiples of 60
  • 77 is like Be Hidden & Hiding in Jewish Gematria
  • 77 is like Dragon Head, FEMA Camps, Engineer, Power,  Obama LiesShootHexagramDamn LiesChristJudaism in Simple Gematria
Gematria: COG - Man with Gun Shot at White House Entrance PSYOP
Massachusetts w/TWO "s" exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 51
  • 51 is like HidingBe Hidden, Conspiracy& Bad Karma in Simple Gematria 
  • 51 is like Freemason in Pythagorean Gematria
Massachusetts w/THREE "s" exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 60
  • 60 is like New York City & Surveillance w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 60 is like Magick in Jewish Gematria
  • 60 is like AliensKingsCastleDraculaThe CodeOrderBattlePoliceSecond TeacherMagnetReplaceOrangeDiamondHoly, Pray, Four, Word, Believe, Over, Dreams, Jump, Found, Caught, Life is, & Active in Simple Gematria 
Massachusetts w/FOUR "s" exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 69
  • 69 is like DelawareTexas, & Reincarnation in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 69 is like Pace in Jewish Gematria 
  • 69 is like York, One Eye, Cameron, Knight, BishopFalse Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Goyim, Crush, Reward Rough, Bad Books, Curve, Pirate, Delaware, Mexico, Mexican, Wealth, People, Who Am I, Is in Me, Texas, & I Can be Healed in English Gematria
  • 69 is like York, One Eye, Knight, Bishop, Cameron, False Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Pandora, Goyim, Texas, Mexico, Wealth, People, Mexican, I Can be Healed in Simple Gematria
  • 69 in Numerology, it means Idealism, Family, Harmony, Health, & Compassion; it also denotes the Infinity symbology too and refers to Karma as well 
Massachusetts in the English Ordinal system equals 168
  • 168 is like Sheep, Chickens, Climate, Dark Angel, Graphic in Jewish Gematria
  • 168 is like Man, Lamb, BankBe Hid In English Gematria
  • 168 is like European Union, Devil In Disguise, Evil Intention, Crooked Serpent, An Alien Lifeform Is, The Messiah Of Pain, Prehistoric Man, Humankind, Vladimir Putin, Curry Favor, Emotional Blackmail, Guilty Messiah, New York CityAbomination Of Hate, Fascist Megalomania, Devil’s Notebook, Hater Of Unquenchable Anger, Is Very Demented in Simple Gematria
  • AFFINITY w/New York City & Massachusetts: they BOTH sum to 1008 in  the English Sumerian system
Massachusetts in the English Sumerian system equals 1008
  • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
  • 100 is like Global, Fire, Gemini, Bible Code, Magician, Black Mamba, Circle 336, & Michelle in Jewish Gematria
  • 100 is like World BankNew Science, Nano-Bots, Gold QueenPalace QueenAlpha QueenDemonic BeingAlienationMolecularGoddess Hand, Elohim Bride, Bride of King, Wednesday, Fuse AtomI Am Light Beam, I am ChristJesus God, New York City, LightningI am Code Pink, Encoded Pink Birthmark in Simple Gematria
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)
NASA w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 17 & like 8+5+2+1+1=17/8 (Juno's Departure to Jupiter)
  • 17 is like GOD, KILL, & SHOT in Pythagorean Gematria   
  • 17 w/"s" exception is like NASA in the English Reduction system 
NASA in the English Ordinal system equals 35 & like Mission in the English Reduction system
  • 35 is like Headache in Jewish Gematria
  • 35 is like China, Ebola, NASA, Image, Catch 22 & Goal in Simple Gematria
NASA in the English Sumerian system equals 210
  • 210 is like AkhenatenIs A LiarBlack Knight, CubeDecision in Jewish Gematria
  • 210 is like Ebola, China, EyeImageCatch 22 in English Gematria
  • 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the English Reduction system equals 171
  • 171 is like Fifteen, Death Hell, The Agenda, Finished, Speech, Coincidence, & Indicate in Jewish Gematria 
  • 171 is like The Great Architect, Construction, Savior of Mankind, Event Horizon, Annunaki Nephilim, Crop Circle MessageObama Executioner, Barry Soetoro, Final Countdown, & Nephilim The Klu Klux Klan in Simple Gematria 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the English Ordinal system equals 441
  • 441 is like I am the Great One,  European,The DNA Secret, This is not a Game, Disaster BP, The Ascension, The Plans of God, Land of Darkness, Masonic Grand Lodge, Epitome of Deceit, Paris Salon, Take Umbrage, Lady Gaga, The Magus, The Golden Haired One, Satanic Megalomaniac Prophet King, Redeemer of God, Reincarnated Angel, Kill and not be Seen, The Dark Messiah, Forehead to be Sealed, An Inferno of Hate, Mexican Bank, Taunt, Electrical Magnetic, Translated, The Abominable Bigot, Mike Fleck Funded Obama, The Lone Ranger in Jewish Gematria
  • 441 is like December Twentieth Twenty Three Thirteen, The Fifth Column Fights Against The Evil Aliens, Inhabitants Of The Ultraviolet Spectrum, Has Accounts In The Swiss Bank Corporation,  Converts Possibility Into Actuality, May Twenty First Two Thousand Eleven, The Mighty Queens Judgement Of The Nations,  Whitehouse Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, The Earth And All Its Works Will Be Destroyed, Aliens Will Come in Two Thousand And TwelveJesus Christ And His Family Of Destruction, Perfection With The Holy Spirits Work, Those With Thirteen Letters In Their Name, The Number Eighty One On Everyones Left Hand, Treason Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan On Iran,Bloodthirsty Madman With No Self Control, Psychological Manipulation Was Used On Him, Thanks For Your Information LambGood Luck in Simple Gematria
National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the English Sumerian system equals 2646
JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
JPL in the English Reduction system equals 11
  • 11 is a Master # and means Sin, Transgression & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
JPL in the English Ordinal system equals 38
  • 38 is like Jew, DeathNigga& Bible in Simple Gematria
JPL in the English Sumerian system equals 228
  • 228 is like Draconian, Meaning Of Life, Alpha and Omega Diamonds, Road Rage, Dramatic, Selfish, Missed, Act of Malice, The Man-child, Elect One, & Alien Beings in Jewish Gematria
  • 228 is like Alpha, ChangeKabbalah, Death, Gold, Fire, Noah in English Gematria
  • 288 is like United States Of America, Time is Running Out, Are Fifty-one Reptilian, Scientific Illumnism, Frequency Signature, Divine Intervention, Underground Alien Bases, Creator and Destroyer, Spraying the Skies, Father of Civilization, The Unified Field Theory, She Is A True Princess, Tropical Storm Igor, Go for it Obama Tells GOP, The Second Book of Moses,Who is the Antichrist, Martin Luther King Jr., Eleven Million Dollars, Cosmopolitan Magazine, The Bible’s Lion Return, The Sado-Masochistic Hell, Four Skull Bottles, Demon Causing Seizure, The Key of Rituals, Earth Day Twenty Ten, & Jesus Christ Is Lord in Simple Gematria
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the English Reduction system equals 110
  • 110 is like RockefellerAdolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, & President in Simple Gematria and ALL equal 660 as well in English Gematria 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 119
  • 119 is like Star of David & All Seeing Eye in Simple Gematria (& 47 in Pythagorean Gematria)
  • 119 is like like Nikola Telsa (Pythagorean Gematria) 
  • 119/9 are INVERSION & their REFLECTION is 911
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the English Ordinal system equals 317
  • 317 is like China UFO,  Cœptis, Son Of Ra, Back to France, The Miracle Of, Gross, Dark and Gothic, Forsaken Me, Diabolical Beast, Birth Death, Forcing a Mark, Demolition, The Sabbath, Scapegoat, & Messiah Obama in Jewish Gematria
  • 317 is like Nostradamus Was A 33rd Degree Mason, Fourth Blood Moon Over Israel, The First Zionist Congress, Barack Hussein Obama The Antichrist in Simple Gematria
Southwest Research Institute

Southwest Research Institute in the English Reduction system equals 112
  • 112 is like Wickedness, Telepathy, Victory, Inner Earth, Unknown, ConnectionCorrelation, Cashless Card, Zionist, Catholicism, Divinity, Imagination, Obama the Beast, 7 Deadly Sins, Asmodeous, Satanic Leader, & Nuclear Fire in Simple Gematria
Southwest Research Institute in the English Ordinal system equals 364
  • 364 is like The Seeing One, The Eternal, Speed of Light, Disease of AIDS, Tree of Death, Renaissance, Anagram Database, Death-grips, Reincarnate, Obama Canadian Blackmailer, Lost One Add One, & Enlightenment, Animal Intelligence, Tupac in Jewish Gematria
  • 364 is like Alien Pleiadians Are Harvesting Souls, The Destiny Of The Large Hadron Collider, Destroy Nebuchadnezzars Stargate, Prince Harry Is Son Of Princess Diana,  How Will Humans Respond To Aliens, The Second Death Hath No Power Over Him, Obama Using Hi Tech Weapons Against Elect, The Origin Of Suffering Is Attachment,Apocalypse Androgynous Angel Of Death, Muslims Will Control The World, & Nine Two Five Nine Zero Zero Six in Simple Gematria
SRI in the English Reduction system equals 19
  • 19 is like IdeaAhead, DNA in Jewish Gematria 
  • 19 is like AdamRaIdeaAhead, AR 15, DNA in Simple Gematria 
SRI w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 28
  • 28 is like ManBankLambBleed, Om, & Case in Simple Gematria
  • 28 is like Pistol & Video Pythagorean Gematria
  • It is the number of chapters of the Gospel of Matthew and also of the Acts of the Apostles
  • 28 means Self-determinism, Independence, Relationships, Diplomacy, Business in Numerology
SRI in the English Ordinal system equals 46
  • 46 is like Hero in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 46 is like ChaosLogicMagicalDead AgainChicago in Simple Gematria
SRI in the English Sumerian system equals 276
  • 276 is like In DNA of Blood, Clone Fake Meat, Prince Daniel,  ID Plan of B Obama, Barack Agenda Mark, Black Chose Obama, Obama’s in Hell, Barack Tell Lie, Deception, The Seed Ink, Tears,  China Attack, Abominable Seal, Foul, Halls of Gold,  Tabloids, Robs a Bank, Appealed in ManBackup in Jewish Gematria
  • 276 is like Behold, Robbed, Chaos, Papal, Cesar, Chicago, Encode, 18 19 Chicago 20 in Simple Gematria
University of Colorado (UC)
University of Colorado in the English Reduction system equals 104
7/4/1776 (7+4+17+76)=104 [Declaration of Independence]
  • 104 is like Gunshot in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 104 is like SeedAIDS, PNAC, Finance, Life Change, & Fired in Jewish Gematria
  • 104 is like Unified Field, Michelangelo, Monster, The Hidden Hand, Flag of England, Existence, M Theory, Reptilian, Fourteen, Jerusalem, Powerball, Six Six, Dangerous, Drowning, Big Brother, I Hate You,  Ten Seven, Pervert, The Quran, The Deceiver, Grateful Dead, Oil Spill, IdolatryAmerican Idol, The Dark Side, Vortex, Aluminum 13, Karma Police, Two Logic, & Demonic Alien, Dead Ringers in Simple Gematria
NOTICE1664; 1776-1664=112
  • 112 is like Wickedness, Telepathy, Victory, Inner Earth, Unknown, ConnectionCorrelation, Cashless Card, Zionist, Catholicism, Divinity, Imagination, Obama the Beast, 7 Deadly Sins, Asmodeous, Satanic Leader, & Nuclear Fire in Simple Gematria
  • 112's REFLECTION is 211
  • 211 is like MasonLast, Black PopeBlack Pope 112The Base, The Black FlameFirearmFalse LogicFabricatedPlans in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like KingKing 5EPABiblicalCoded in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like K &  FDA in English Gematria
  • 66 is like Already BeastsMankindDebit CardRat RaceAncient, LunarQueerLose FaceI’ll Be OkayEye DamageDead NowAnubisTwin, Sodom,  Cain and AbelMolochLost, Abyss, Curse, Padded Cell, Islamic, Blessed, & Event in Simple Gematria
  • Thirty-Three written sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • Christians w/BOTH "s" exceptions sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 66 Books in the Bible (39 Old Testament & 27 New Testament)
  • 77 is like Be Hidden & Hiding in Jewish Gematria
  • 77 is like Dragon Head, FEMA Camps, Engineer, Power Obama LiesShootHexagramDamn LiesChristJudaism in Simple Gematria

COG - JULY 4th PSYOP: Man w/Gun at White House (Independence Day & Obama Assassination) 

University of Colorado w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 113
  • 113 is like Dishonest, Mainstream, & Green-screen in Simple Gematria
  • 113a in the Bava Kama; Jews (Zionists) may circumvent a Gentile (non-jew) with subterfuge (lies)
University of Colorado in the English Ordinal system equals 266
  • 266 is like Alchemist, Middle Earth, Moon Fallin, God is Real, Google Logo, Godless,Back Man Oracle, Fear of Death, False Light, A False Hero, False Friend, Placebo Effect, Shock Ending, Obama Lincoln, Napoleon, Man of Sin, Head Shot, Abominable Madman, Obama Dragon in Jewish Gematria
UC in the English Reduction system equals 6
  • 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram6-pointed StarStar of DavidThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
UC in the English Ordinal system equals 24
  • 24 is like Baal in Jewish Gematria 
  • 24 is like X (Death) in Simple Gematria 
UC in the English Sumerian system equals 144
  • 144 is likMark of the Beast & Time in Simple Gematria 
  • 144 is like Forty-Four & April Fourth (4/4: 44 like Kill) in Simple Gematria
  • Forty-four written sums to 144 in Pythagorean Gematria
Jupiter in the English Reduction system equals 36
  • 36 is like Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 36 is like Bleed, Adam, Black, Ha Ha Ha Ha, FILA in Jewish Gematria
  • 36 is like Barack and Oil in Simple Gematria
  • Summing numbers 1-36 equals 666 like Prophecy in Jewish Gematria
Jupiter in the English Ordinal system equals 99
  • 99 is like Alliance in Jewish Gematria
  • 99 is like PhysicsServant, Telepathic, ThirteenJudgementMichelle ObamaRaptureDelusion in Simple Gematria
  • 13 written sums to 99 in Pythagorean Gematria
Earth in the English Reduction system equals 25
  • 25 is like Annuit (to approveOrdo (order) in Pythagorean Gematria
Earth in the English Ordinal system equals 52
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo [order] in Simple Gematria
  • 52 is like NWO, DevilSix in English Gematria
Planet in the English Reduction system equals 23
  • 23 is like Lie in Jewish Gematria
  • 23 is like I Am, End, H2O, Fake, Made, Agama, & Hack in Simple Gematria
  • 23 means Duality, Charisma, Communication and Society in Numerology
Planet in the English Ordinal system equals 68
  • 68 is like Big BangMalice, Killed, Bad God, Behind, Gap, & Changed in Jewish Gematria
  • 68 is like Alien BaseDirectedGod is Dead, Mohammad, Barack ObamaBarack ObamaBarack Obama 440Logos (the Word of God), Decipher, & Language in Simple Gematria
Great Red Spot in the English Reduction system equals 58 & like STS in Simple Geamtria
  • 58 is like Freemasonry & The Seal Of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 58 is like Again, Agenda, Agenda 21, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
  • 58 is like ClawsJade Helm, Bleeding, FacebookFatherAsleepAdult in Simple Gematria
Great Red Spot w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 67
  • 67 is like KillerAlchemySilenceSatanicClownPharaoh, Black Death in Simple Gematria
  • 67 is like Revelation w/"v" exception in Pythagorean Gematria
Great Red Spot in the English Ordinal system equals 148
  • 148 is like Miracle & Dark Lamb in Jewish Gematria 
  • 148 is like Aliens In The Media, The Grey AliensGray Serpent,Holy Bloodline, Destruction, The Trinity, Nuclear Weapon, & Satanic Wizard in Simple Gematria
Days & Months:
[the day that the orbit insertion burn will put Juno in a large ellipse around Jupiter]
Monday (July 4th, day of article/posting) in the English Reduction system equals 27 (4+6+5+4+1+7), which reduces to 9
  • 27 is like CodeRaceEgo, & Faked in Simple Gematria 
Tuesday (July 5th, Juno is put into "a large ellipse around the planet") in the English Reduction system equals 23 (2+3+5+1+4+1+7), which reduces to 5
  • 23 is like  Lie in Jewish Gematria
  • 23 is like  End, H2O, Fake, Made, Agama, & Hack in Simple Gematria
  • 23 means Duality, Charisma, Communication and Society in Numerology
  • 48 is like CellDamage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
  • 48 is like EvilBloodDeviceHoaxSexFamine in Simple Gematria
  • 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinitythe Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 28 is like ManBankLambBleed, Om, & Case in Simple Gematria
  • 28 is like Pistol & Video Pythagorean Gematria
  • It is the number of chapters of the Gospel of Matthew and also of the Acts of the Apostles
  • 28 means Self-determinism, Independence, Relationships, Diplomacy, Business in Numerology
  • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
  • 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
  • 21 is like Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinitythe Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 10 symbolizes by ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light and also the God number (like 555+5 
  • 10 is formed of the Pillar and the Circle
  • 10 is both Masculine and Feminine, or Father/Mother principles
  • 10 is the number from which all things come, and all must return
  • 10 is the symbol of ‘wholeness’   
  • 10 is the symbol of humanity, number 1 and number 0  
  • 10 is the symbol of the gift of power and protection
  • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
7/4/2016 (4th posting)
7+4+20+16=47/11/2 & like suit of armor” in the English Reduction system
  • 47 is like Caesar in Simple Gematria
  • 47 is like Star of David & President in Pythagorean Gematria  
  • 47 is like Beast, Obey, TimeJudge, Gavel, Authority, Candy, & Mafia in Jewish Gematria
  • 2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
  • 27 is like CodeRace, EgoFaked& Fecal in Simple Gematria 
  • 27 is like Car Bomb in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 27 is like January in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 27 means humanitarian, of harmonyspiritual insights and unconditional love in Numerology
  • 9 is Sacred # & means the Cube (Black Box: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 20 is like Feed, & Facade in Jewish Gematria 
  • 20 is like Jade, Jade 2, & KFC in Simple Gematria
  • 2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
  • 18 is like Masons (Satanic Freemasons), Shots& Kills in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 18 is like BigHead, & Die in Jewish Gematria
  • 9 is Sacred # & means the Cube (Black Box: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry
February (NASA plans to run the mission through to February 2018)
February sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Nigger in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
  • 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
  • 42 is like Saddam, Gun, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria
  • 42 is the Life’s Purpose # & Angel # in Numerology
February is ALSO the month for Lupercalia, which sums to 98 in Simple Gematria like Mission
  • 98 is like Base, Base 64, Bribe, Diabolic, Obama Dead, Fake Name, Black Flame& Hold Back in Jewish Gematria
  • 98 is like Alpha and Omega, Prophet, Garden of Eden, DualismCrystal, Angel of DeathHiggs HoaxLuciferian, PythonJudas’ Goat, Morphine, Iran Attack, Islam Clock, Israelite, Black KnightChosen One, Second Death, Barack’s Wife, Gay Music, IstanbulLupercalia in Simple Gematria
COG - JULY 4th PSYOP: Man w/Gun at White House 
(Independence Day & Obama Assassination) @LINK
STS in the English Reduction system equals 4
  • in Numerology is means Fate
STS in the English Ordinal system equals 58 & like Great Red Spot in the English Reduction system
  • 58 is like Freemasonry & The Seal Of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 58 is like Again, Agenda, Agenda 21, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
  • 58 is like ClawsJade Helm, Bleeding, & Facebook in Simple Gematria
STS in the English Sumerian system equals 348
  • 348 is like Caucasian, Pole Shift, False Market, False MarketBlood of the Lamb, Death Plot, The Rising, Its A Miracle, Replaces Obama, Hunt, Episcopalian, Horror, The Blood of Cain, Detroit in Jewish Gematria
  • 348 is like Father, Facebook, Jade Helm, Al GoreZodiac, Bleeding, Lady GaGaLoved, Calendar, German, Please in English Gematria
  • 348 is like The Destruction Of The Universe, International Finance Corporation, Gematria Must Be Taken Seriously, Evil Plot To Take Over The World, Loss Of Human Imagination And Beauty, The Direction To Another Dimension, & Holy Warriors Of The Apocalypse in Simple Gematria
STS+0884+8+8=20/2 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 20 is like FeedDig, & Facade in Jewish Gematria 
STS+08858+8+8=74/6 in Simple Gematria
  • 74 is like HexagonAccursed, MasonicKillingSatan’sLuciferBible Study ClassGospelJuryJesusCrossMessiahJewish, Gematria, Nuclear, London, & Pinnacle in Simple Gematria 
  • 74 is like Royal Air Force in English Gematria
  • 74 is like Surveillance Camera & Alphabetical Order in Pythagorean Gematria
STS+088348+8+8=364/13/4 in English Gematria
  • 364 is like The Seeing One, The Eternal, Speed of Light, Disease of AIDS, Tree of Death, Renaissance, Anagram Database, Death-grips, Reincarnate, Obama Canadian Blackmailer, Lost One Add One,Enlightenment, & Animal Intelligence in Jewish Gematria
  • 364 is like Alien Pleiadians Are Harvesting Souls, The Destiny Of The Large Hadron Collider, Destroy Nebuchadnezzars Stargate, Prince Harry Is Son Of Princess Diana,  How Will Humans Respond To AliensThe Second Death Hath No Power Over Him, Obama Using Hi Tech Weapons Against Elect, The Origin Of Suffering Is Attachment, Apocalypse Androgynous Angel Of Death, Muslims Will Control The World, & Nine Two Five Nine Zero Zero Six in Simple Gematria
STS w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 13
  • 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
  • 13 is a Sacred Number & represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
STS w/BOTH "s" exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 21
  • 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
  • 21 is like Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
088} 88 (the Master #11 in Satanic Freemasonry multiplied by 8)
  • 88 is the Kingdom of Dualism/Duality (Satanism) in Numerology
  • 88 is like ProgramPoisonExodusGreat SealHandguns, Texas (Jet Propulsion Laboratory: JPL), Purple in Simple Gematria
  • 88 is like George Washington in Pythagorean Gematria
  • The number Eight being the Symbol of the Infinity88 symbolizes the double directions of the Infinity of the Universe, that is to say the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
  • 88th Congress enacted Civil Rights Act of ’64 8x8 = 64
  • Barack Hussein Obama was elected President 44-years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed (1964 to 2008)
  • Barack Hussein Obama sums to 64 like Do What Thou Wilt & Civil Rights in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system equals 8 (5+1+1+1)  
  • 724 is like Serpent Priest, The Bilderberg Group, Obamas Request,Gay Matter, Sealed Upon Foreheads, Barack H Obama Had Fake Eyes,  Obama Spys, A Course in Miracles, Civic, Masons Hold The Message, Number Of The Beast, Please Please Please Please, The Brotherhood Of Death, Blindness Of Satanic Lies, The Beast Of Perdition, The Freak Of Selfishness, Islam R The Chosen Ones, Narcissistic People,Operation Clean Up, Spirit Of Darkness, Obstruction, Eight Spheres Make A Cube, & Three Three Three A Demon in Jewish Gematria
  • 724 is like From The Place Of His Habitation He Looketh Upon All The Inhabitants Of The Earth, & Yea Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death I Shall Fear No Evil in Simple Gematria
  • 66 is like KingKing 5EPABiblical, Coded in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like K & FDA in English Gematria
  • 66 is like Already BeastsMankindDebit CardRat RaceAncientLunar, QueerLose FaceI’ll Be OkayEye DamageDead NowAnubis, Twin, Sodom,  Cain and AbelMolochLost, Abyss, Curse, Padded Cell, Islamic, Blessed, Field Day, & Event in Simple Gematria
  • Thirty-Three written sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • Christians w/BOTH "s" exceptions sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 66 Books in the Bible (39 Old Testament & 27 New Testament)
Lupercalia is a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15, and meant to avert evil spirits as well as to purify the city, so as to release health and fertility

20 (Death) | 52 (NWO, Pope, & Ordo) | 33 (Master#
Rick Nybakken, Juno’s project manager:
What we’re targeting is a space that’s tens of km wide. We’re going to hit that within 1.2 seconds after a journey of [2.8 billion km]. That tells you just how good our navigation team is” in the English Reduction system equals 640 is like Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre” in the English Ordinal

What we’re targeting is a space that’s tens of km wide. We’re going to hit that within 1.2 seconds after a journey of [2.8 billion km]. That tells you just how good our navigation team is” in the English Ordinal system equals 1720
We need to get into orbit tonight and I’m very confident we will”  in the English Reduction system equals 263

  • 263 is like Intelligence, The Kingdom, Dependent, Infernal Flame, Lord Of Hell, Infernal Ego, & Elitism in Jewish Gematria
  • 263 is like Outside The Circles Of Time, New Declaration Of Independence, Transsexual Purity, Royal Couple Release Satan, Past Present And Future, Alien Cloaking Electromagnetic, The Builder Of The Pyramids, Another False Flag Operation, The People’s Republic Of China, Breakdown Of Civilization, U.S. President Elect Barack Obama, Spirit Of The Anti Messiah, The Holy Breath Of The Queen, Barack Hussein Obama Jr Revealed, Tremendous Muslim SinThe Secret Of Freemasonry in Simple Gematria

We need to get into orbit tonight and I’m very confident we will” in the English Ordinal system equals 623
Scott Bolton from the Southwest Research Institute:
It is the king of our Solar System. This is it; more massive than all the other planets and everything else in our Solar System combined (other than the Sun)” in our Solar System combined (other than the Sun)” in the English Reduction system equals 576
[Additionally,] “Its zones and belts, its Great Red Spot, its incredible turbulent atmosphere - we’ve known it for many, many years. It’s a gorgeous planet but what Juno is about is looking beneath that surface. We’ve got to go down and look at what’s inside” in the English Ordinal system equals 1575
JPL engineer Heidi Becker:
suit of armor” in the English Reduction system equals 47 & like 7+4+20+16=47 (the date)

  • 47 is like Caesar in Simple Gematria
  • 47 is like Star of David & President in Pythagorean Gematria  
  • 47 is like Beast, Obey, TimeJudge, Gavel, Authority, Candy, & Mafia in Jewish Gematria
  • 74 is like HexagonAccursed, MasonicKillingSatan’sLuciferBible Study ClassGospelJuryJesusCrossMessiahJewish, Nuclear, London, Pinnacle in Simple Gematria 
  • 74 is like Royal Air Force in English Gematria
  •  &in Pythagorean Gematria

suit of armor” in the English Ordinal system equals 137

  • 137 is like Obama in 3DObama HellLinkedinEightDanger& Medicare in Jewish Gematria
  • 137 is like  Aliens WalkingGreedy Nation, In The Beginning, Washington DC, The Gematria Bible, Eye Of Horus, Gematrix Org, Mind Control, The Gematria Web, Great Pyramid, Alien Knowledge, Google Is Evil, Baphomet Da Devil, Saddam Hussein, & Church Of Satan in Simple Gematria
[Without it], Juno would be experiencing a radiation dose of over 20 million rads, which is like a human undergoing 100 million dental X-rays in a little over a year in the English Reduction system equals 630

[Without it], Juno would be experiencing a radiation dose of over 20 million rads, which is like a human undergoing 100 million dental X-rays in a little over a year” in the English Ordinal system equals 1485
Fran Bagenal from the University of Colorado:
The atmospheric pressure at Earth is about one bar; at the centre of Jupiter it is 80 million bar”  in the English Reduction system equals 357
  • 357 is like Second Rome,Pope Dragon, Pope’s Dogma, Pope False P, Obama’s Draco DNA, Merchants, Mark of Sarah, Plan of Sarah, No More Cash, Oil Barrels, Bless Islam, Grim Reaper, Difficult, Calculated, Bad Implants, See the Light, Birth Life Death, O Free Mason, Metro a Bad Bomb, Number 9, Time to Begin, The Raging Fire, End for Osama, I Am a Obama Satan, Democrat Obama, Dollar Cash, Barack’s April, & Obama Angel of Light in Jewish Gematria
  • 357 is like Earthquakes In Southern California, The Serpent Told The Truth God Lied,Illuminati Used H1N1 Vaccine To Kill Him, An Ancient Treasure For All The World, Make A Cosmic Connection With A Stargate,My Parts Will Be Eaten Tomorrow, Destruction Of The Vatican Library, Hebrew Transliteration System, Commit Murder Of The Holy Spirit, Prostitution Has Secret Meaning,One Third Of Adults In The U S Are Obese, Eight Twenty Eight Nineteen Fifty, September 11 Quotes Inspirational, Isaiah Chapter Forty Verse Nineteen, Tearing Down Strongholds Of Satan, James Chapter Four Verse Seventeen in Simple Gematria

The atmospheric pressure at Earth is about one bar; at the centre of Jupiter it is 80 million bar” in the English Ordinal system equals 897
That’s like a thousand elephants, one on top of the other, with the bottom elephant standing on a stiletto” in the English Reduction system equals 373
  • 373 is like Nano Bots, Tree of the Dead, Limitless,Beast PopeShining Moon, Atlantic Ocean, Porthole, Recreation, Total Faker, Lucifero, Luciferian, Lunatic, Secrets, An Abomination, Kiss Of Death, The Spiral, Egoistic, Racists, Incarnation, Keeping the Faith, The Radiance of God, Bearer Of Light, Designed To Kill, O Lucifer, The Madness, The Lambs of God, Satanic Demon, Atomic Tom, & Giorgio Armani in Jewish Gematria
  • 373 is like Paganism Does Not Accept Earthly Leaders, The Striking Sound Of Satan In The Air, I Want To Live Forever So Far So Good, Rapture Arrival In The Jubilee Season, She Rules Heaven With Jesus Christ, Division The Second Seal Of Revelation, Kenneth Clinton Created The Illuminati, New York State Election Results, & The Anunnaki Are From A Planet Called Nibiru in Simple Gematria
That’s like a thousand elephants, one on top of the other, with the bottom elephant standing on a stiletto” in the English Ordinal system equals 1039
[Jet Propulsion Laboratory: JPL]
California in the English Reduction system equals 52
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo [order] in Simple Gematria
  • 52 is like NWO, DevilSix in English Gematria
California in the English Ordinal system equals 88
  • 88 is the Kingdom of Dualism/Duality (Satanism) in Numerology
  • 88 is like ProgramPoisonExodusGreat SealHandguns, Texas (Jet Propulsion Laboratory: JPL), Purple in Simple Gematria
  • 88 is like George Washington in Pythagorean Gematria
  • The number Eight being the Symbol of the Infinity88 symbolizes the double directions of the Infinity of the Universe, that is to say the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
  • 88th Congress enacted Civil Rights Act of ’64 8x8 = 64
  • Barack Hussein Obama was elected President 44-years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed (1964 to 2008)
  • Barack Hussein Obama sums to 64 like Do What Thou Wilt & Civil Rights in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • ALSO like STS088-724-66, the NASA's ID for the Black Knight Satellite
[Southwest Research Institute]
Texas in the English Reduction system equals 15
  • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
  • 15 is like Gun in Pythagorean Gematria 
Texas in the English Ordinal system equals 69
  • 69 is like DelawareTexas, & Reincarnation in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 69 is like Pace in Jewish Gematria 
  • 69 is like York, One Eye, Cameron, Knight, BishopFalse Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Goyim, Crush, Reward Rough, Bad Books, Curve, Pirate, Delaware, Mexico, Mexican, Wealth, People, Who Am I, Is in Me, Texas, & I Can be Healed in English Gematria
  • 69 is like York, One Eye, Knight, Bishop, Cameron, False Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Pandora, Goyim, Texas, Mexico, Wealth, People, Mexican, I Can be Healed in Simple Gematria
  • 69 in Numerology, it means Idealism, Family, Harmony, Health, & Compassion; it also denotes the Infinity symbology too and refers to Karma as well 
[University of Colorado]
Colorado in the English Ordinal system equals 83
  • 83 is like CNN & Change Ahead in Jewish Gematria
  • 83 is like Evil Eye, Eugenics, & Negative in Simple Gematria
Colorado in the English Reduction system equals 38
  • 38 is like Jew, DeathNigga& Bible in Simple Gematria
Manoeuvre in the English Reduction system equals 42
  • 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Nigger (5+9+7+7+5+9)  in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
  • 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
  • 42 is like Saddam, Gun, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria
  • 42 is the Life’s Purpose # & Angel # in Numerology
Manoeuvre in the English Ordinal system equals 114
  • 114 is like Pearl HarborWorld War, HolocaustA Seal Of Satan in Simple Gematria
Manoeuvre in the English Sumerian system equals 684
Probe in the English Reduction system equals 29

  • 29 is like BlackBecameHeldA LambBind& Gang in Simple Gematria
  • 29 is like Handgun in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 29 breaks down to the number 11, a Master Number in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 29represents Relationships, Teamwork, Compassion, Companionship, Diplomacy  in Numerology
Probe in the English Ordinal system equals 56
  • 56 is like KenyaHealingAttackISISThe EndDroneApril, Hatred in Simple Gematria
Probe in the English Sumerian system equals 336
  • 336 is like The Beatles, Suicidal, Satanic Dogma, Satan’s Dead, Obama Calls Death, Infinite Death, Four, He Has Risen in Jewish Gematria 
  • 336 is like ISIS, Light, Fear God, Three, The End, Attack, Healing, Shock, & Hatred in English Gematria 
  • 336 is like Barack Hussien Obama Is The Mark Of A Beast, Barack Obama On The Wing Of Abominations, Barack Hussein Obama Has Died Obama Deception, Usa Leader Barack Obamas Deadly Wound Healed, & Barack Hussein Obama Says He Is Sin God in Simple Gematria
Satellite in the English Reduction system equals 31
  • 31 is like Skull & Bones in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 31 is like Cube CNN in Simple Gematria
  • 31 is also one of the three highest ranks of Satanic Freemasonry (3132& 33)
Satellite in the English Ordinal system equals 103
  • 103 is like Blame DNAFalling, I Can Be Healed, Obamagic, O Hell in Jewish Gematria
  • 103 is like The VaticanThe GraysThe SecretCapitalismSeptember 11Before Earth, Twin FlameObama DeceiverSeptember, Great FloodBlack Widow, & Dark Knight in Simple Gematria
Satellite in the English Sumerian system equals 618

Mission in the English Reduction system equals 35 & like NASA in the English Ordinal system
  • 35 is like Headache in Jewish Gematria
  • 35 is like China, Ebola, NASA, Image, Catch 22 & Goal in Simple Gematria
Mission in the English Ordinal system equals 98
  • 98 is like Alpha and Omega, Crystal, Prophet, Garden of Eden, Angel of Death, Higgs Hoax, Luciferian, Python, Iran Attack, Islam Clock, Israelite, Morphine, Judas’ Goat, Black Knight, Dualism, Chosen One, Second Death, Barack’s Wife, Gay Music, Istanbul, White Magic, Darkened Hair, Lupercalia, which was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility in Simple Gematria
  • 98 is like Base, Base 64, Bribe, Diabolic, Obama Dead, Fake Name, Black Flame,  & Hold Back in Jewish Gematria
Mission in the English Sumerian system equals 588
Solar System in the English Reduction system equals 40
  • 40 is like LifeUsRecedeDebacle in Jewish Gematria
Solar System in the English Ordinal system equals 166
  • 166 is like Demigod Gene, Hiding Place, The Lamb, Hell Gate, Bleed Rain, Black Rain, & An Epidemic in English Gematria
  • 166 is like Reptilian Queen, Dragon Bloodlines, The Alien Invaders, Aliens Want Blood, An Alien President, Human Struggle, One World Order, Annuit CoeptisTwin Towers, September Eleven, The Nine Eleventh, Nine Eleven Bin Laden, Sudden Rapture, Light And Darkness, Secret Society, Devil Satan Dragon, Lucifers Number, Swine Flu Vaccine, Nine Elevens War, New York Nuked The American People in Simple Gematria
Solar System in the English Sumerian system equals 996
A Simulation from NASA's "Eye's on Juno" app. that ones uses to see the supposed locale of Juno via a SIMULATION or ANIMATION. App@LINK

The above is JPL's YT channel in which the show ANIMATION from their APP that is supposed to display the locale of Juno, the Probe on its "mission". But, it is NOT REAL, it is a Facsimile. #'s } 193, 175, 221, 103, 623 (6/23), 23 (from 623), 144/443 (from 1443), 234, & 37. 
Serpent's Tongue as well as the sphere having a "ring" within it as the All-Seeing Eye or Eye of Horus, which is actually a Reptilian Eye & thus, Homage to the Draconians. Further, the stars within the sphere are representing the Draco Constellation via Ursa Minor (Little Bear) & Ursa Major (Great Bear).
  • The Annunaki, Hybrids (Illumined), & Quasi-Illumined (Patsies)@LINK
  • Draconians: The Reptilians are Amongst Us (The Series)@LINK

Moreover, all the letters represent a Snake or Reptile slithering or its perceived body-type. Red means Blood/Satan, Sacrifice.

COG - Draconians: The Reptilians are Amongst Us 𝐈𝐕 
(Cloning, Obama, NASA, & Media Reptilians)

35 (minute orbit insertion burn)
48 (minutes to cross the “vastness of space”)
3:18 GMT
4:18 BST
$1.1 (billion cost of “mission”)
£800m (cost of “mission”)
80 (million bars of Jupiter juxtaposed to Earth)
2.8 (billion km “journey”)
1.2 (seconds after the billion km “journey”)
5,000 (km above the cloud tops of Jupiter)
53 (days to complete the orbit)
14 (days orbit after the 2nd burn in mid-October)


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