Gematria: Zika/West Nile Virus Returns in 2017 (David Rockefeller, Satanism, & Freemasonry)
Gematria: Zika/West Nile Virus Returns in 2017 (David Rockefeller, Satanism, & Freemasonry)
Sadly, most of the Slumbering Sheeple, Plebeians, Commoners, Goy, Goyim, or Cattle do not know, due to a complete lack of RESEARCH that Viruses are MAN-MADE, i.e., the Powers that Be, such as the Satanic Hybrid Illuminati Bloodlines that are subordinate to the Draconians, have created these diseases/maladies that ravage the Human Species. The aforesaid has correlations to Morgellons, which is connected to LFs, ELFs, EMFs, and WiFi as well, which is also is rooted in DWAVE Quantum Computing and Scalar Technology (from Nikola Telsa), all of which I have covered extensively in the past 3 years via the Blogger/Blogspot and YouTube Channel.
Scaler Technology: "Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Applications such as energy weapons and mind control. Scalar Waves are also known as Tesla Waves. Why were we never taught about scalar technology in our science class? Could this be the technology that brought down the twine towers on 911? Is this the EMP to end our world? This technology is the devil's keys to unlock Pandoras box!" ~ @LINK
Scalar waves are also called ‘electromagnetic longitudinal waves’, ‘Maxwellian waves’, or ‘Teslawellen’ (‘Tesla waves’). Variants of the theory claim that Scalar electromagnetics (also known as scalar energy) is the background quantum mechanical fluctuations and associated zero-point energies.
Scalar wavelengths are considered to be finer than gamma rays or X rays and only one hundred millionth of a square centimeter in meta-width. They belong to the subtle gravitational field and are also known as granitic waves. Uniquely, they flow in multiple directions at right angles off electromagnetic waves, as an untapped energy source called ‘potentials’. ~ @LINK
Over a hundred years ago Nikola Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920’s Einstein referenced to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later their application is still undervalued and underused.
So what are Scalar Waves?
Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments. Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source. So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot. They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! ~ @LINK
Note all of the Secret or Privatized Organizations/Entities that he (and his Bloodline is a part of and also Founded/Financed as well, which is all a part of the Secret Society or Shadow Government, etc., which is the Satanic Hybrid Illuminati Bloodlines mentioned before. E.g., Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Council of the Americas, Group of Thirty, League of Nations, & the United Nations, but that is leaving many off, and these are just the ones that they have allowed us to know of, so via discernment, they are many others that remain hidden; not to mention, these names are also Fronts or Alias' for their real names, which are Occultic.
Below are the Logos and Symbology of the aforementioned Groups/Entities that are all Satanic Bloodlines, which all have ties are are founded in Satanic Freemasonry, which is different from Freemasonry as the non-Satanic version does not practice Satanic Rituals and are not of the Hybrid Illuminati Bloodlines; notwithstanding, Freemasonry still has it roots that are embedded with the Satanic version of it.
NOTICE: 101, which is off of the Number 100; so, 100, and 101, which can be seen @LINK.
San Bernardino County sums to 110 (similarly like DR's AGE at Death) in Reverse Full Reduction & Reverse Single Reduction Gematrias; further, San Bernardino also sums to 100 (also similarly like DR's AGE at Death) in Reverse Full Reduction EP & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematrias.
NOTICE: the year in which ZIKA was Patented by the Rockefellers in 1947. This is covered in detail in the aforesaid Blog @LINK.
NOTE: the months listed, e.g., September and August as well as Los Angeles (locale for "3 deaths"). Los Angeles w/"s" exception sums to 46 in Pythagorean Gematria.
August sums to 73 in Reverse Ordinal Gematria like California in LCH Gematria
73 is a Prime #
73 is like The Book of Revelation in Septenary Gematria
73 is like Angel, Hail Me, & Defiance in Jewish Gematria
73 is like Angel, Hail Me, & Defiance in Jewish Gematria
73 is like Nation, United, RFID Chip, Egypt, Nibiru, Children, Eighteen, Sacrifice, Goddess, Crazy, Joseph, Nimrod, & Normal in English Gematria
Virus sums to 18 in Chaldean Gematria like Kern (locale of Zika) like ZV (Zika Virus) in ALW Gematria like DR in ALW Gematria like Oil (Standard Oil) in Pythagorean, Reverse Full Reduction & H Exception Gematrias; also similarly like Los Angeles, which sums to 108} 18 in LCH Gematria & similarly like “Deeply Saddened” (Bush Sr. quote on DR’s Death) in Jewish Gematria, which sums to 1449} 18/9
18's REFLECTION is 81, which ATCC (Patent Code for Zika) sums to in Reverse Ordinal Gematria like Los Angeles County wTWO /“s" exceptions in Pythagorean, Revesre Full Reduction, & Reverse Single Reduction Gematiras; further, Banker sums to 81/9 in ALW Gematria like “Wonderful Friend” (Bush Sr. quote on DR’s Death) in Jewish Reduced Gematria
- 46 is like Freemason in Jewish Reduced Gematria
- 46 is like Hero, Nostradamus, Rogue One, & Armageddon in Pythagorean Gematria
- 46 is like Chaos, Logic, Magical, Dead Again, & Chicago in Simple Gematria
- 46 is like Speculation in Chaldean Gematria
- 46 is like Supposition in Septenary Gematria
46's REFLECTION is 64 like San Bernardino in Jewish Reduced Gematria like Los Angeles County in Chaldean Gematria & like Zika Virus w/"s" exception in Pythagorean Gematria & also like Africa (origin of Zika) in Francis Bacon Gematria
- 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching (ancient Chinese divination text & the oldest of the Chinese classics)
- 64 Codons in Human DNA
- 64 is like Thelema, Israel, & Zion in Simple Gematria
- 64 is like Nigga in Jewish Gematria
- 64 is like Do What Thou Wilt, Civil Rights, Synagogue of Satan (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama in Pythagorean Gematria
- 8x8 = 64
- 88th Congress enacted Civil Rights Act of ’64 } 8x8 = 64
- Barack Hussein Obama was elected President 44-years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed (1964 to 2008)
August sums to 37 in Reverse Full Reduction, Reverse Single Reduction, Reverse Full Reduction EP, & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematrias like Los Angeles in Pythagorean & Septenary Gematrias. 2017 can be seen as 20+17=37 like Monday the Day of the Vernal Equinox of 2017, which is also the Day of Death (DOD) for David Rockefeller. Further, the Talmud Bava Kamma (Jewish Bible known as the Torah and connected to Zionism: fanatical Jews) in Pythagorean & Septenary Gematrias, & like Talmud in Reverse Reduction & H Exception Gematrias sum to 37.
- 37 is like RFID, Being Once, Dead End, Flame, Hell, Seal, Weed, Break, Demo, & Scan in Simple Gematria
- 37 is like December, Sci-Fi w/"s" exception, Nostradamus, Watergate, Bamboozle in Pythagorean Gematria
- 37 is like Francis Drake in Chaldean Gematria
- Francis Drake (born 1540), knighted by Queen Elizabeth I in 1581, was second in command of the English Fleet and mostly responsible for defeating the Spanish Armada who called him Franciscus Draco} "Francis the Dragon"
Interestingly, Los Angeles County sums to 187 in ALW Gematria like Rockefeller in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 187 is the Code for MURDER in the California Penal System
- 187 is like Fraternal Order of Police in Reverse Full Reduction EP Gematria
- 187 is like Time in Satanic Gematria
- 187 is like Society of Jesus, & Washington D.C. in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 187 is like Search, Broken, Bones, Fallen One, An Egomaniac, Obama’s Age, Safari, & Encoder in Jewish Gematria
- 187 is like George Washington, Concealed Mystery, Stare Into Abyss, Esteem the Planets, William Shakespeare, All Pleiadians are Evil, The God of Heavens, The Death of Humankind, Learn to Read Gematria, Columbia Pictures, Together Forever, Merovingian Kings, Megalithic Culture, Maitreya is Satanic, Cute Emo Boys Nude, Lord Jesus Says, Nailed to the Cross, Holy Spirit Law, Hamas Leader Khaled Meshaal, May Fifth Rapture, I’m Your Brother, Keep Your Chin Up, China Power North, Native American Pride, An Angel Alone in Paris, Child Sex Crime Burn, The Church in Sardis, Thirteenth Zone, Brotherhood of Death, Of Eternal Damnation, Was a Child Molester, & Preposterous in Simple Gematria
- 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan); as well as Cruel, Insensitive, Violent, Bullish or Greedy
- Saturn is the 6th Planet and known as the Planet of Chaos, Discord (Discordia), Degradation, & Limitation
- Saturn was 1st recorded in 8th Century BC
- 8-Pointed Star symbolizes Saturn/Satan/Saturnalia/Satanism
- 8 is like NASA in the English Reduction system
- 8 is a Fibonacci #
- 8 in Numerology represents Power & can entail Sacrifice
San Bernardino sums to 88 in Pythagorean Gematria like California in Ordinal Gematria. David Rockefeller's Great Grandfather, in 1882 created Standard Oil Trust (a conglomerate Oil company/entity, which was later ruled to be a Supreme Court ordered ruled was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1911).

Notice: 2,000 years of Chaos; 2,000 can be seen also as 20, which is also the Day of the Vernal Equinox and DR's DOD. The 20 is also Correlated or shares AFFINITY with the Day of the Vernal Equinox of 2017, which is also the Day of Death (DOD) for David Rockefeller. Further, the Bava Kamma sums to 20 in Pythagorean & Jewish Reduced Gematrias like Africa (origin locale of Zika) & also like ZV ATCC (Patent ID: ZIKA VIRUS), which sums to 20 in Septenary Gematria like SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") in Jewish Reduced Gematria. Ironically, Death, Shit, Crap, Feed, Facade, & Assassin all sum to 20 as well. And there are Pious references, as always that are Embedded (click on image/s to see a larger version of it).
Mosquitos sums to 153 in Ordinal & ALW Gematrias; further, One-fifty-three sums to 113 in Pythagorean Gematria like September (month of Zika) in Reverse Full Reduction EP & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematrias
- 113 is a Prime #
- 113 is like Dishonest, Scottish, Mainstream, Black and White, Perverted, Protest, & Green-screen in Simple Gematria
- 113 is like Bullshit & Fiction in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 113a in the Bava Kama: Jews (Zionists) may circumvent a Gentile (non-jew) with subterfuge (lies)
- 113 is like Foundation in Jewish Ordinal Gematria
- Symbol of the Christ immolated on the cross
- Salemi, who has deducted the sacrifices of animals in the Old Testament, points out that 113 bulls in whole were sacrificed comparatively to 1130 sheep
- The word victim is used 113 times in the Bible
- The words "sacrifice for the sin" are used 113 times in the New Revised Standard Version
- 153 is like Jesuit Order in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 153 is like Fallen God, CPS, Beings, Agent, Fear God, Hell Fire, Hail Leader, Labor, Cracking, Bad Apple, & Creep in Jewish Gematria
- 153 is like Purpose Plan, Galactic Federation, Free Your Mind, The Hidden Code Facts, The Discovery, Desire The Keys, The Clear Beginning, Seek Decoded Number, Confirming A “Hidden”, Decode Irrefutable, Four Elements, The Unified Earth, Heed the Realities, Open Figured Gate, Read All The Code Mind, Creator of Earth, Creator of Earth, The Female Hidden One, Hidden Witness, Michael The Archangel, The Bible Is Right, Heavenly Formed, The Number Of God, In The Holy Place, Made Them One Flesh, The Christians, Christians Gate, Reveal the Bible, Sacred Lessons, The True Light, The Master Faith, Diamond Dominion, Extreme Racism, Prime Numbers, Extreme Racism Masturbation, English Words, The Last Language, Cross Reference, Grammar Tongue, & The Ground Key in Simple Gematria
- 153 is a symbol of the Trinity
- 153 is a symbol of God and the Church: Pagans = 100, Jewish = 50, Trinity = 3
- Characteristic number of the mission of the Christ in the New Testament. The Fathers of the Church agree to see in the number 153 a symbol of the Catholicity of the Church, because it is the number of the universality
- Representative number of the Rosary
Virus sums to 89 in Ordinal Gematria like Zika Virus ATCC in Reverse Reduction & Jewish Reduced Gematrias like Race, God of War, Osiris, Demiurgic, Death is Fake, Black Hand, Black Diamond, Da Vinci Code, Stupid False Logic, and Fooled Again & like August (month of "3 deaths") in Ordinal Gematria & also like Los Angeles (one locale of "3 deaths") in Reverse Full Reduction EP & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematrias; further, it is also a Fibonacci Number as well.
- 17 is a Prime # (7th Prime)
- 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected Man: Transhumanism in Satanic Freemasonry
17 from the 2017 year, is like August (month of "3 deaths") in Pythagorean Gematria like SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") in Chaldean Gematria like One (101 years old at DR's Death), which sums to 17 like Banker (DR's Profession/Livelihood) & like June (DR's Birth Month) in Chaldean Gematria. Further, August also sums to 107} 17 in JKFW Gematria.
Zika Virus sums to 59 in Jewish Reduced Gematria like Culicidae (Higher Classification of the Mosquito: vessel for the Virus). Kill sums to 59 in Jewish Gematria and also represents the 59 written numbers in ordinal form in Revelation. 59 & 17 have an AFFINITY: Kill = 59 (JG)/17 (PG)/44 (OG), which are ALL Embedded in Zika. Furthermore, the AFFINITY is underscored/buttressed by Five (written) & Nine (written) both summing to 42 in Ordinal Gematria; so, the 42, 59, 5, 9, 21, & 3 ALL share AFFINITIES between them and ostensibly are all Embedded within the Gematria.
- 59 is a Prime #
- 59 is like Revelation in Reverse Reduced, H Reverse Gematria, EP Full, & EP Single Gematrias
- The Bible counts 59 written numbers in ordinal (the order type of a well-ordered sets & extensions of natural (whole #s) form; further, in the Bible, 59 numbers are multiples of 60
- The numerical value of the Hebrew word LEITE, meaning to wish ardently, gives 59
- 59 is like NYPD & John F. Kennedy in Pythagorean Gematria
- 59 is like Kill in Jewish Gematria like Negro & Slave in Simple Gematria
- 95 is like Revelation in EP Full & EP Single Gematrias
- 95 is like Book of Revelation w/"v" exception in Pythagorean Gematria
- 95 is like Dark, Drak, & Face Of Baal in Jewish Gematria
- 95 is like Alligator, Pineal Gland, Brain Wave, An Alien Garage, Disaster, Sirius, Pentagram, Halloween, Absolute, Confiscate, Hussein, & Martyr in Simple Gematria
- 95 is like One (like DR's AGE at Death: 101) in Jewish Gematria
Virus w/"v" exception, Saturnism w/"s" exception, & Kabbalistic w/"s" or "k" exceptions, A Seal of Saturn, & Talmud Bava Kamma in Chaldean Gematria like September (month of "3 deaths") in Jewish Reduced Gematria like Kern (locale of Zika) in KFW Gematria like Monopoly (Standard Oil owned by the Rockefellers) in Pythagorean Gematria sum to 44 like Mosquitos (vessel of Zika) in Septenary Gematria like Kabbalistic in Reverse Reduced Gematria like the aforementioned Kill in Ordinal Gematria.
Five & Nine in Ordinal Gematria sums to 42. "G," which is in the Freemason Logo or Iconography sums to 42 in Sumerian Gematria, which is also the female Mosquito's Life-span that is 42 Days. Plus, Forty-two (written) sums to 43 in Pythagorean Gematria like San Bernardino (locale of Zika) in Chaldean Gematria like Rockefeller in Septenary Gematria like Hundred (DR's AGE: 101) in H Exception Gematria.
Furthermore, Twenty-one sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria and 21 is QE's birthday (4/21); Five (written) sums to 21 in Reverse Reduced, H Exception, & Septenary Gematrias; plus, 21 is also a Fibonacci Number; 3 (like the "First 3 deaths") also sums to 21 in Chaldean Gematria. Regarding 42, Kern (locale of Zika) sums to 42 in Reverse Full Reduction EP & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematrias.
42's REFLECTION is 24 like Kern in Reverse Full Reduction & Reverse Single Reduction Gematrias.
42's REFLECTION is 24 like Kern in Reverse Full Reduction & Reverse Single Reduction Gematrias.
- 24 is like Satanism in Pythagorean Gematria like Baal & A Kid (baby Goat) in Jewish Gematria like X (Death) in Simple Gematria

Kern (locale of Zika) w/"k" exception sums to 30} 3 in Pythagorean Gematria and also represents G30 (Group of Thirty), which the Rockefeller's founded/financed and DR was a part of as well. Furthermore, SoCal (locale of Zika) sums to 300} 3 in Sumerian Gematria.
- 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinity: the Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
- 3 in Numerology represents Fairness, Objectivity, & Good Judgement
- 3 is a Prime # & a Fibonacci #
- 3 represents all kinds of Plurality for Ancient Egyptian Numerologists
- Christians have the Holy Trinity
89's REFLECTION is 98; Lupercalia sums to 98 and is Embedded as well, which has to do with Sacrifices on this Ritualistic Pagan "holiday" (Feb. 13-15) in which the Sheeple worship or celebrate on February 14th (Valentine's Day), which has nothing to do with Love and all to do with Satanic Sacrifice (Rituals). Unbelievably, Rockefeller Brother's Fund sums to 98 in Septenary and Chaldean Gematrias like Talmud Bava Kamma in Reverse Reduction & H Exception Gematrias like September (month of "3 deaths") in Jewish Ordinal Gematria & like SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") in Francis Bacon Gematria. Further, Israelite, Juda's Goat, Luciferian, Angel of Death, Diabolic, and Dualism all sum to 98. Moreover, August (month of "3 deaths") sums to 908} 98 in English Extended Gematria.
K2SO's quote in Rogue One has 33 Embedded. SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") sums to 33 in LCH Gematria like August in Septenary Gematria; further, August sums to 303} 33 in Primes Gematria.
33 is also Correlated to Queen Elizabeth and David Rockefeller. E.g., summing the amount of days between the Vernal Equinox and DR's DOD to QE's birthday, i.e., from 3/20/17 to 4/21/17 is 33 days. Banker (Rockefeller's profession) w/"k" exception sums to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria; furthermore, DR's Net Worth at the time of Death was $3.3 Billion. Additionally, Chase Manhattan Corporation (Rockefeller) sums to 330/6 in KFW Gematria & like Ten (101 years of age: DR at Death) in Trigonal Gematria.
Further, aforesaid days also amount to 1 Week & 12 days; the 12 is like the WEEK # (12) on 2017 and two said events. SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") sums to 102} 12 in Francis Bacon Gematria.
- Scottish Rite is 12 letters
- 12 Revolutions of Saturn, Mercury, & Neptune equals 1008 years (108/18/9): 18 in Satanic Occultism Symbolizes/Represents Satan
- 12 Disciples of Jesus Christ
- 9 is Sacred # & means the Cube (Black Box: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry
- Nine (written) sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria
- Nine (written) sums to 21 in Reverse Reduced & H Exception Gematrias
- 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
- 21 is like Kabbala in Pythagorean Gematria
- 21 is like Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
- 21 is like Led & Edge in Simple Gematria
- Twenty-one sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria
- Five (written) sums to 21 in Reverse Reduced, H Exception, & Septenary Gematrias
- 21 is a Fibonacci Number
- 3 sums to 21 in Chaldean Gematria
Additionally, 1 Week & 12 days is like 13 (1+12), which the Vernal Equinox/DR's DOD sum to (3+2+1+7=13) like DR (initials) in Pythagorean & Septenary Gematrias and like Talmud in Jewish Reduced Gematria and also like Two, which refers to the 2 versions of the Talmud. Further, Cababla, God, and Pagan sum to 13 as well. Also, like the 13 Countries (87 cases of Zika) September (month of "Zika") sums to 103} 13 in Ordinal Gematria like Los Angeles (locale of "3 deaths") in Jewish Ordinal Gematria.
- 87 is like Bonesmen in Pythagorean Gematria
- 87 is like Area, GMO, Gene Decide, & Chief Big Eagle in Jewish Gematria
- 87 is like Clinton, Twelve, The Eyes, Inside Job, Oh My God, Crackpot, Architect, Democracy, Scapegoat, Bill Gates, Muslim, Stealing, Mind of God, Dependent, Black Star, Black on Black, Nothing Priest, The Sun, Justice, & Code Breaker in Simple Gematria
Additionally, 1 Week & 12 days is like 112.
- 112 is like Freemason in KFW Gematria
- 112 is like Wickedness, Telepathy, Inner Earth, Unknown, Connection, Correlation, Cashless Card, Obama the Beast, Zionist, Asmodeous, Victory, Satanic Leader, Deadly Sins, Imagination, Catholicism, Divinity, & Nuclear Fire in Simple Gematria
Plus, 3/20/17 (3+20+17: Vernal Equinox) sums to 40 like the Number of WEEKS remaining in 2017 from the Vernal Equinox date. September (month of "Zika"), Skull & Bones w/one "s" or "k" exception, & United States in Pythagorean Gematria sum to 40 like Satanists in Septenary Gematria like Freemason in Chaldean Gematria; furthermore, the Hebrew Bible is Embedded. 

Note, 91's REFLECTION is 19, which is the # of people who "died" in California last year (2016) from Zika.
- 91 is like Freemason in Jewish Ordinal Gematria
- 91 is like Novus, Deception, Darkness, Dark Moon, Phoenix, PSYOP, & Pistol in Simple Gematria
19 was also Embedded in Rogue One, Force Awakens, & Carrie Fisher's "death"; it also Correlates to Standard Oil Company that was Established in 1909. Satan w/"s" exception sums to 19 in Pythagorean Gematria like Badge (Officers/Freemasons) in Jewish Gematria & like Oswald (assassin) in Septenary Gematria. Further, Los Angeles (locale of "3 deaths") sums to 109} 19 in Ordinal Gematria.
SoCal (locale of "3 deaths") sums to 14 in Pythagorean & Septenary Gematrias like Kern (locale of "3 deaths") in Septenary & Chaldean Gematrias. Further, September also sums to 140} 14 in Reverse Ordinal Gematria. Additionally, Lupercalia, which is on February 14th (Valentine's Day) Correlates to Zika; e.g., ZIKV & ATCC (ATCC®™VR-84) BOTH sum to 14 in Septenary Gematria.
Further, One (One Hundred & One years old at DR's Death) in Jewish Reduced Gematria like Two (2 versions of the Talmud) & DR in Reverse Reduction & H Exception Gematrias ALL sum to 14 like Dead (DR's Death & people with Zika) in Jewish Gematria & also like Ten (DR's AGE at Death: 101} 10) in Chaldean Gematria
One Hundred One (age of DR at Death) sums to 47/11/2 in Septenary Gematria like Bava Kamma w/“v” & ”k" exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria
& like One (101 years of age: DR at Death) in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 47 is like Caesar & Agent in Simple Gematria
- 47 is like Star of David, Chronos (Father Time/Saturn/Satan) w/“s” exception & President in Pythagorean Gematria
- 47 is like Beast, Obey, Time, Judge, Gavel, Authority, Candy, & Mafia in Jewish Gematria
- 47 is like Hippocrates (father of medicine) in Chaldean Gematria
- 74 is like Prophecy in EP Single Gematria
- 74 is like Divide & Conquer, Independence Day, Roman Catholicism, Surveillance Camera, White Supremacist, Star of David w/"s" & “v” exceptions, Supposition w/TWO “s" exceptions, Hate Crimes, & Alphabetical Order in Pythagorean Gematria
- 74 is like Hexagon, Accursed, Masonic, Killing, Satan’s, Lucifer, Bible Study Class, Gospel, Jury, Jesus, Cross, Messiah, Jewish, Holiday, Nuclear, Oregon, Math, Simple, English, Gematria, London, & Pinnacle in Simple Gematria
- 74 is like Royal Air Force in English Gematria
- 74 is like Hate in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
- 74 is like Oswald in Simple Gematria & Francis Bacon
- further, g-d ( a way of writing of GOD for some people: 74} g=7 d=4 ordinal/numerically); also, the ONLY state with a 74 Gematria (SG) is the 33rd State: Oregon
Culicidae (higher classification of Mosquito) sums to 62 in Reverse Reduced & H Exception Gematrias like San Bernardino & Eighty Four (ATCC®™VR-84) in Pythagorean Gematria, which Correlates to "Deeply Saddened" (a quote by Bush Sr. after DR's Death) in Jewish Reduced Gematria
Los Angeles County sums to 58 in Septenary Gematria like Group of Thirty (Rockefeller) in Chaldean Gematria like United Nations (Rockefeller) in Jewish Gematria like ZIKV (Zika Virus) in KFW Gematria like Overgrown (meaning of Zika) in Jewish Reduced Gematria & like Chase Manhattan Corporation (Rockefeller), which sums to 1147 (11+47=58).
- 58 is like Freemasonry, Skull & Bones w/BOTH “s” & “k” exceptions, “Annuit Coeptis” & The Seal of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
- 58 is like Agenda & Blame in Jewish Gematria
- 58 is like Claws, Jade Helm, Bleeding, Facebook, & German in Simple Gematria
- 84 is like United States of America, Divide & Conquer in Pythagorean Gematria
- 84 is like Savior & Jesuit in Simple Gematria like Obama in Jewish Gematria:
- 65 is like the Bill of Rights & Star of David w/“v” exception in Pythagorean Gematria
- 65 is like Bald Eagle & Hanged in Jewish Gematria
- 65 is like Ugly, Seven, Horse, Music, Diabetes, & Ego Death in Simple Gematria
August (month of Zika) sums to 90 in LCH Gematria
- 90 is like Alpha (numeric value of 1, like Creation); Healing, & Idea Man in Jewish Gematria
- 90 is like MKUltra in Jewish Ordinal Gematria
- 90 is like Speculation in Reverse Full Reduction EP & Reverse Single Reduction EP Gematria
- 90 is like Face in English Gematria
- 90 is like Earth Change, Demonic Code, Gargoyle, Economy, Reality, Sphinx, The Moon, Holy Bible, The Bible Code, Hate Speech, Is Elohim, The Black Man, Color Code, & Be Prepared in Simple Gematria
Oil (Standard Oil Company) sums to 99/18/9 in Sumerian Gematria like Monopoly (Standard Oil Company) in ALW Gematria & like Group of Thirty (Rockefeller), which sums to 1188 in Sumerian Gematria} 11+88=99
- 99 is like Alliance in Jewish Gematria
- 99 is like Physics, Servant, Telepathic, Thirteen, Judgement, Rapture, Delusion, & Michelle Obama in Simple Gematria
- Bavarian Illuminati (13 Bloodline families) sums to 99 in Pythagorean Gematria & was Founded in 5/1/1776
- Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati) sums to 51 in Pythagorean Gematria & similarly like SoCal (locale of Zika), which sums to 510} 51 in Reverse Sumerian Gematria; also, the "California has seen 87 cases from 13 countries this year" (headline quote); 87} 8+7=15, which is the REFLECTION of 51
- 51 is like Kabbala in Reverse Reduce Gematria like Hiding, Be Hidden, Conspiracy, & Bad Karma in Simple Gematria
- 51 is like Freemason w/“s” exception, & New Testament w/“s” exception, Father Time, & Surveillance in the English Reduction system
- Regarding 13: 1 Week & 12 days is like 13 (1+12), which the Vernal Equinox/DR's DOD sum to (3+2+1+7=13) like DR (initials) in Pythagorean & Septenary Gematrias and like Talmud in Jewish Reduced Gematria and also like Two, which refers to the 2 versions of the Talmud. Further, Cababla, God, and Pagan sum to 13 as well. Also, like the 13 Countries (87 cases of Zika) September (month of "Zika") sums to 103} 13 in Ordinal Gematria like Los Angeles (locale of "3 deaths") in Jewish Ordinal Gematria.
3/20} 32 like California (local of "3 deaths") in Chaldean Geamtira like David in Reversed Reduced & H Exception Gematria like DR in Reverse Ordinal Gematria & like Oil (Standard Oil) in ALW Gematria & like One One (101 years of age: DR at Death) in Pythagorean Gematria
- 32 is like America, Slave w/"v" exception, Satanists w/"s" exception, Occultic, Gunshot, Deep State, & Language in Pythagorean Gematria
- 32 is like Dead Head in Jewish Gematria
- 32 is like Obama, Debacle, Agenda, Media, Bomb, & Gunshot in Simple Gematria
- Barack (18 PG) + Obama (14 PG) sums to 32 in Pythagorean Gematria; 7/4/1776 summed equals 32; UK} U=3 / K=2 >32
666 as underscored above and as noted has an AFFINITY with 111: Banker (DR's profession) sums to 111 in Reverse Ordinal Gematria
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