Gematria: Doberman Kills Cobras, Snoop Dogg Concert Stage Collapse, & "Who Am I" from The Source Magazine [16/61, 24/42, 25/52, 34/43, 35/53, 36/63, 37/73, 45/54, 69/96, 89/98]
Gematria: Doberman Kills 4 Cobras, Snoop Dogg Concert Stage Collapse, & "Who Am I" from The Source Magazine
Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes by Adam Boult
15 JULY 2016 • 2:48PM
"Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes" in the English Reduction system equals 177
- 177 is like Incredible, The Fiend, Nasa DNA, Gilgamesh, Kill Kill Kill, Black Reign, & Race Card in Jewish Gematria
- 177 is like The Alien Invasion, Brotherly Love, The Doomsday Device, Prince Of Darkness, Satan Great Deceiver, & His False Prophet in Simple Gematria
"Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes" in the English Ordinal system equals 465
- 465 is like Main Ruler, Demonic Reptilian, Is Hideous, Has a Satanic Plan, Star Seeds, Hell Burns, Spirit of God, Palestinians, EU Implant, Occult Logic, Cult Images,The Box, Blood of the Lamb God, Free Bilderberg Films, The Mark of the Ego, False Allegations, In a Bad Position, Craig’s Forehead Seal, USA Mark Hand, Satan’s Hero, The Bastian of Hell, Lie President Lied, Represent, & Hidden in the Gematria in Jewish Gematria
- 465 is like How Ancient Egypt Connects To Ancient Sumeria, Born September Eighteenth Nineteen Fifty Four, Sixty Six Years After The First Atomic Bomb, Luke Chapter Fourteen Verse Twenty Seven, The Unseen Christ Of The Current Corrupt Age, First Kings Chapter Nineteen Verse Twenty, First Rule Of Fight Club Europe Is Corrupted, Six Hundred Sixty Six On Third Dimension, & Numbered Bank Accounts In Zurich Switzerland in Simple Gematria
"Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes" in the Jewish system equal 2926
- 2926} 29 & 26 or 29+26=57 or 2+9+2+6=19
Adam Boult (writer of Doberman article) in the English Reduction system equals 26
- 26 is like GOD & Flag in Simple Gematria
- 26 is like Hide & Faked in Jewish Gematria
- 26 is like Kill in Pythagorean Gematria
Adam Boult (writer of Doberman article) in the English Ordinal system equals 89 like Snoop Doggy Dogg w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system
- 89 is like Race, God of War, Influence, Damien, Logic, Demo, Death is Fake, & Black Hand in Jewish Gematria
- 89 is like Osiris, Demiurgic, Memory, Davinci Code, Fallen Angel, Stupid, False Logic, Black Diamond, August (like the Incident at Snoop's NJ concert: 8/6), Winter, Unity, Complete, & Fooled Again in English Gematria
Adam Boult in Jewish Gematria system equals 408
- 48 is like Cell, Damage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
- 48 is like Device, Hoax, Evil, Blood, Sex, & Famine in Simple Gematria
- 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria
Adam in the English Reduction system equals 10 like 1+2+1+6=10 (date of article on Snoop Dogg in The Source) like the the drop [of] 10 feet to the ground at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ
- 10 symbolizes by ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light and also the God number (like 55} 5+5
- 10 is formed of the Pillar and the Circle.
- 10 is both Masculine and Feminine, or Father/Mother principles
- 10 is the number from which all things come, and all must return
- 10 is the symbol of ‘wholeness’
- 10 is the symbol of humanity, number 1 and number 0
- 10 is the symbol of the gift of power and protection
Adam like CGI in the English Ordinal system equals 19 like CGI in the English Reduction system
- 19 is like Idea, Ahead, Badge, KFC, NBC, & DNA in Jewish Gematria
- 19 is like Adam, Ra, AR 15, Idea, Ahead, NBC, & DNA in Simple Gematria
- 19 is like Bullets in Pythagorean Gematria
Boult in the English Ordinal system equals 70
- 70 is like Hidden, Knife, Black Flag, Laden, & Dodge in Jewish Gematria
- 70 islike Viper, Demons, Shadow, Fascism, Anarchy, Secret, Vatican,End Time, Sheeple, Adam and Eve, Incest, Zombie, & Yahweh in Simple Gematria
Boult like WK w/"k" exception (Wiz Khalifa) in the English Reduction system equals 16
- 16 is like Guns in Pythagorean Gematria
- 16 is like Cage in Jewish Gematria & Deaf in Simple Gematria
AB in the English Reduction system equals 3 like AB in the English Ordinal system
- 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinity: the Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
AB in the English Sumerian system equals 18
- 18 is like Barack , Masons, Shots, & Kills in Pythagorean Gematria
- 18 is like Big, Head, Die, Gala, Face, Aide, & Big 10 in Jewish Gematria
- 18 is like Barack = 2+1+9+1+3+2=18
7+15+20+16=58 like Snoop Dogg w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system & like Wiz (Khalifa) in the English Ordinal system
- 58 is like Freemasonry & The Seal of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
- 58 is like Again, Agenda, Agenda 21, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
- 58 is like Claws, Jade Helm, Bleeding, Facebook, Father, Asleep, & Adult in Simple Gematria
7+15+16=38 like NOI (Nation of Islam of which Snoop Dogg was a part of in 2009) in the English Ordinal system
- 38 is like Jew, Death, Nigga, Killing, & Bible in Simple Gematria
7+1+5+2+1+6=22 like the length of the Concert Incident video like Wiz (Khalifa) like Camden (Locale of Incident of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) in the English Reduction system & like # of Albums Snoop Dogg has done/made & also like 8+6+2+1+5=22 (date of Incident of Dozens injured at Snoop Dogg's cncert in NJ)
- 22 is like Died, Fake, & Decade in Jewish Gematria
- 22 is like V, Deal, 33rd, & Bane in Simple Gematria
- 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision & Balance
7+1+5+1+6=20 like 8+6+1+5=20 (date of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) like NOI (Nation of Islam of which Snoop Dogg was a part of in 2009) in the English Reduction system & like DP (Dog/gg Pound: Snoop's inner circle) in the English Ordinal system
- 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
- 20 is like Feed & Facade in Jewish Gematria
- 20 is like Jade, Jade 2, & KFC in Simple Gematria
197(th day of 2016)
- 197 is like Prince, Carpe Diem, Fast, The Damned, Ninth, Megalomaniac, Barack Male Child, The Obama, Barack Michelle, All Seeing, A Enhanced Healing, The Globe, Method, & Foreign in Jewish Gematria
- 197 is like Area Fifty One Dreamland, Mother Son Incest, The Religion Of Islam, & Volcanic Eruption in Simple Gematria
169 (days remaining in 2016)
- 169 is like Thelema, Parable, American, & Cloning in Jewish Gematria
- 169 is like Harvest Humans, Tenth Dimension, Funding Terror, Thirteen Secret, Daughter of Zion, The Number Eleven,Embodiment Of Evil, Getting Confused, End Time Delusion, Nuclear Nightmare, & The Great Awakening is Simple Gematria
2:48PM (time of article published)
2+48=50 like Dibakar Raita (Doberman's owner) like BB&T Pavilion (arena of Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Reduction system
- 50 is like Snake, Fraud, Fallen, America, Sacred, Owl, Mad Men, Circle, Bush, Cocaine, & Cain and Abel in Simple Gematria
- 50 is like Beasts, Mankind, Ancient, Moloch, Lost, Anubis, Eye Damage, & Dead Now in English Gematria
- FIFTY: is like CNN Illuminati, Black Operations, Cycles, Lucifer Beast, & Satanic Genetic Deeds in Jewish Gematria
- 248 is like Make Obama Clone, I Am the One, Erotica, Lies Lies, Against, Spider, & Rocket in Jewish Gematria
- 248 is like Abomination Of Desolation, Planet Deconstruction, Area Fifty One Reptilians, Area Fifty One Conspiracy, Devil Owns All Rap Music, The Satanic Scriptures, & Diseases Of The Apocalypse in Simple Gematria
- 14 is like Obama in Pythagorean Gematria
- 14 is like Dead in Jewish Gematria
- 14 is like 7 Dead (Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986) in Simple Gematria
Friday like Doberman in the English Reduction system equals 36
- 36 is like Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
- 36 is like Bleed, Adam, Black, Ha Ha Ha Ha, & FILA in Jewish Gematria
- 36 is like Barack and Oil in Simple Gematria
- Summing numbers 1-36 equals 666 like Prophecy in Jewish Gematria
Friday in the English Ordinal system equals 63
- 63 is like Dead End, Being, & Aflame in Jewish Gematria
- 63 is like Medusa, Reveal, Command, Public, Reaper, Skill, Eleven, Bible Name, The Bible, Azrael, Tears, Tense, & Deja Vu in Simple Gematria
Doberman in the English Ordinal system equals 72
- 72 is like Balance & Dead Again in Jewish Gematria
- 72 is like DEC in English Gematria
- 72 is like Money, Bird Flu, Marriage, Rocket, Magnetic, Reborn, Himself, Hitler, Mea Culpa, Sadist, Mohammed, & Chickens in Simple Gematria
Male Doberman like Snoop Dogg like “Doggystyle” like “Animorph” & like Dogg Pound (Snoop Dogg's inner circle) in the English Reduction system equals 49 like 8+6+20+15=49 (the date of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert)
- 49 is like Revelation, Skull & Bones w/“s” & ”k” exceptions & like Skull & Bones w/both “s” exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria
- 49 is like Media, Cane, & Chalice in Jewish Gematria
- 103 is like Blame DNA, Falling, I Can Be Healed, Obamagic, & O Hell in Jewish Gematria
- 103 is like The Vatican, The Grays, The Secret, Capitalism, September 11, Before Earth, Mercury, Twin Flame, Obama Deceiver, Solomon, September, Committee, Great Flood, Black Widow, & Dark Knight in Simple Gematria
Hailed like Khalifa (Wiz) in the English Reduction system equals 30 like 10+20=30 (Snoop Dogg's DOB: 10/20/71)
- 30 is like Mafia, Elm, & Clan in Simple Gematria
- 30 is like M, M1, M5, M6, M13, KKK, Lead, Babel, Ice Age, Cabbala, & Baggage in Jewish Gematria
Khalifa w/"k" exception in the English Reduction system equals 39 like Hailed in the English Ordinal system
- 39 is like Mark Of Beast in Pythagorean Gematria
- 39 is like Greed, Pagan, Flat, Belief, Net, & Angel in Simple Gematria
- 39 is like New York in Simple Gematria [New York = 666 in English Gematria]
- 39 signatories on the Declaration of Independence & Books in the Old Testament
- UN (39 floors at the United Nations)
- 7/26/1788 (Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York) sums to 39
- Ten written sums to 39
Hero in the English Reduction system equals 28
- 28 is like Man, Bank, Lamb, Bleed, & Case in Simple Gematria
- 28 is like PSYOP, Pistol & Video Pythagorean Gematria
- It is the number of chapters of the Gospel of Matthew and also of the Acts of the Apostles
- 28 means Self-determinism, Independence, Relationships, Diplomacy, Business in Numerology
Hero (coined term for Doberman) in the English Ordinal system equals 46 like 10+20+16=46 (date of published article in The Source) & like the age that Snoop Dogg will be in 2017 on October 20th
- 46 is like Chaos, Logic, Magical, Dead Again, Hero, & Chicago in Simple Gematria
“the Deccan Chronicle reports, four deadly mountain cobras approached his family’s home and tried to enter – but met their match in the form of one extremely tough dog. “The pet, who has not been named, reportedly fought the snakes for four hours. After this epic battle of snake vs dog, all four of the cobras were dead – and, sadly, the Doberman succumbed to his injuries a few minutes later, dying from the accumulated poisoning effects of numerous snake bites.” The dog’s owner, Dibakar Raita, told reporters: “I’m shocked. He has made the supreme sacrifice for me and my family. I will remember him till our death. I pray God - May his soul rest in peace.”
“I’m shocked. He has made the supreme sacrifice for me and my family” in the English Reduction system equals 255
- 255 is like Keepers, Pope Chip, Ghost, Fallen Angels, Red Tape, Demonic Hate, Big 12 Conference,, Marines, Archangels, Religion is a Lie, LA Times, 4475 Fallen Angels, Sept, Chicago’s Obama, Fall Change Time, Big Conference,Behold the Lamb,Kill or be Kill, & The Coder in Jewish Gematria
- 255 is like Pine Gap Alien Installation, Americas Deadliest Earthquake, Loss Of Human Imagination,Barack Obama Agenda Mark In Right Hand, The Barack Obama And Pope Doggale Agenda, Hidden Meaning Obama Speaks Lies, Mark Of The Beast Mark Of Beast, Gender Ultimate Holiness, North Korea Nuclear Attack, The Infernal Cult Priest, Television Freak Shows, Revealing Number Sequence in Simple Gematria
“I’m shocked. He has made the supreme sacrifice for me and my family” in the English Ordinal system equals 534
- 534 is like Satanic Bloodlines, Chronos Nimrod, Far Side of the Moon, A Copper Blood Pleiadian, Hidden Tongue Code, Lucifer Plans, Messiah from France, Mental Hospital, God is a Lunatic, Internal Magnetic Field, Iris of Christ, Panic Disorder Is, Three Four, Sealed Mark of Satan, Pilot Error, The X-Mark, Idol of Terror, Rain of Horror, The Goddess Fifteen, Masonic as Religion, Pillar of Madness, Black Cube of Satan, Oppression, Demonic President, Obama Gets Shot, & Barack H Obama Died March Third in Jewish Gematria
- 534 is like Osiris, Virus, False Hero, Secrets, Da Vinci Code, Argentina, Gift of God, King James, Religion, Success, Stupid, Fallen Angel, End Times, I Love God, Pastor, God of War, Grand Slam, The Light, Influence, Black Diamond, I Give Up, The Hobbit, Forsaken, Terrible, Dead Famous, Death is Fake, Fooled Again, Sequence, Cliff Hanger, August 29 1958 (Michael Jackson’s DOB & a Friday: 241st day of year & 124 days remaining) Summer, Winter, Complete, Indian Ocean, Right Hand, Unity, Geomatria, Gematrical, Nicolas Cage, Is You, & Guinea Pig in Simple Gematria
“I will remember him till our death” in the English Reduction system equals 148
- 148 is like Miracle & Dark Lamb in Jewish Gematria
- 148 is like Aliens In The Media, The Grey Aliens, Gray Serpent,Holy Bloodline, Destruction, The Trinity, Nuclear Weapon, & Satanic Wizard in Simple Gematria
“I will remember him till our death” in the English Ordinal system equals 319
- 319 is like Creator, CERN Collider, Green Dragon, The Atomic Age Noah’s Flood, Pale Horse, Beast Mark, & Crucified in Jewish Gematria
“I pray God - May his soul rest in peace” in the English Reduction system equals 145
- 145 is like Bar Code, Female Choice, & Dark Magic in Jewish Gematria
- 145 is like Order of Thelema, Seed of Darkness,Worship Hell, Annunaki Are Real, Reptile Aliens, Divine Genetics, An Image of Jesus, Swine Flu Scam, Obama Gets Shot, Numerology, & Ten in Simple Gematria
“I pray God - May his soul rest in peace” in the English Ordinal system equals 352
- 352 is like The Global Elite, Deceitful, The Black Gates, False Flag Alien Plan, An Ego Trip, Is Small Minded, Funeral, Messenger, Nineteenth, San Andreas, The Torah,His Home Is Hell, The Dark Light, Black The Dark Side, & Infections in Jewish Gematria
- 352 is like Obama Conspires, Against Zionists, President Obamas Health Care Reform Bill, Environmental Protection Agency, Morgellon’s Syndrome Is Caused By A, Centers For Disease Control Zombie, & Many Deadly Diseases Of The Apocalypse in Simple Gematria
Dibakar Raita (The dog’s owner from the village in Gajapati region of Odisha, east India)
Dibakar Raita like BB&T Pavilion (arena of Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Reduction system equals 50
- 50 is like Snake, Fraud, Fallen, America, Sacred, Owl, Mad Men, Circle, Bush, Cocaine, Easy, & Cain and Abel in Simple Gematria
- 50 is like Beasts, Mankind, Ancient, Moloch, Lost, Anubis, Eye Damage, & Dead Now in English Gematria
- FIFTY: is like CNN Illuminati, Black Operations, Cycles, Lucifer Beast, & Satanic Genetic Deeds in Jewish Gematria
Dibakar Raita w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 59
- 59 is like NYPD in Pythagorean Gematria
- 59 is like Kill in Jewish Gematria
- 59 is like Negro & Slave in Simple Gematria
- 59 } Revelation; i.e., the Bible counts 59 written numbers in ordinal (the order type of a well-ordered sets & extensions of natural (whole #s) form further, in the Bible, 59 numbers are multiples of 60
Dibakar Raita in the English Ordinal system equals 95
- 95 is like Dark, Drak, & Face Of Baal in Jewish Gematria
- 95 is like Alligator, Pineal Gland, Brain Wave, An Alien Garage, Disaster, Sirius, Pentagram, Halloween, Absolute, Confiscate, Hussein, & Martyr in Simple Gematria
Dibakar Raita in the English Sumerian system equals 570
- 57 is like Gene, Gain, Doc, & La Bamba ("to shake" or "to stomp") in Jewish Gematria
- 57 is like Pineal, God Gene, Moon, Deceived, England, Telsa, Human, Vaccine, Birth, Bible Code, 440 Herz, Appear, Actor, Embodied, Fooled, Golden, Magician, Jews, Bible Code, Cherub, Sleep, Bless, Idiot, Shark, City, Steal, Beat it, Ice Cream, & Wood in Simple Gematria
Sebekapur in the English Reduction system equals 35
- 35 is like Headache, & Dam in Jewish Gematria
- 35 is like China, Ebola, NASA, Catch 22 & Goal in Simple Gematria
Sebekapur w/"s" or "k" exception like Uncle Snoop & like Pavilion (BB&T: locale of arena injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Reduction system equals 44
- 44 is like Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria
- 44 is like like KILL, Hope, Faith, and Karma in Simple Gematria
- 53 is like Kendra, Tran, Lamb, Hell, & Haste in Jewish Gematria
- 53 is like Skin, Database, Coca-Cola, Divide, Black Cat, Hasidic, Haste, Sabbath, Machine, Choir, Ban Oil, Hacking, Sheep, Ending, & Chicken in Simple Gematria
Sebekapur like Pavilion (arena of Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Ordinal system equals 98
- 98 is like Alpha and Omega, Crystal, Prophet, Garden of Eden, Angel of Death, Higgs Hoax, Luciferian, Python, Iran Attack, Islam Clock, Israelite, Morphine, Judas’ Goat, Black Knight, Dualism, Chosen One, Second Death, Barack’s Wife, Gay Music, Istanbul, White Magic, & Lupercalia, which was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility in Simple Gematria
- 98 is like Base, Base 64, Bribe, Diabolic, Obama Dead, Fake Name, Black Flame, & Hold Back in Jewish Gematria
Sebekapur in the English Sumerian system equals 588
- 588 is like Chosen One, Python, Mission, Duke of Earl, Second Death, X Videos, Crystal, Prophet, Garden of Eden, Angel of Death, Anxiety, Anxiety, Black People, Black Knight, Oblivion, Luciferian, Hard Work, Istanbul, Eighth King, Rare Light, Darkened Hair, White Magic, Morphine, Iran Attack, End Islam, Israelite, Judas’ Goat, Eight Eight, Sunset, Dualisms, The Alphabet, Trust, Eli Manning, Karl Marx, Higgs Hoax, The Center, Blue Star, & Improve in English Gematria
- 588 is like The Most Significant Discovery In The History Of Mankind, Large Earthquake Occur At Antipodes Region Of Cern At Great Depth, Prince Harry Conceived One Two Two Five One Nine Eight Three, Annunaki Busy With Their Own Codes A Sub Set Is Human Codes, Society Of Jesus Invented Islam Muhammed A Jesuit Priest, Sixty One Thousand Three Hundred Forty Four Hours, & The Planet Of The Elect Is Called The Second Sun Or The Dwarf Star in Simple Gematria
“Authorities said 42 people were injured in the incident, which is described by a witness that the drop was about 10 feet to the ground.”
BHUBANESWAR (city in India where "Hero" Doberman killed 4 Cobras and then died) like The Source (magazine that published article on Snoop Dogg) like Dog Pound (Snoop Dogg's inner circle) & like September in the English Reduction system equals 42 & like the # of people injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ
- 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Zionism, History, Knowledge, G, Economics, Architect, Building, Hail Mary, Twenty-one, & Nigger in Pythagorean Gematria
- 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
- 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
- 42 is like Saddam, Gun, War, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria
- 42 is the Life’s Purpose # & Angel # in Numerology
- Five in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 42
- Nine in Simple Gematria sums to 4
BHUBANESWAR w/"s" exception like The Source w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 51
- 51 is like Hiding, Be Hidden, Conspiracy, & Bad Karma in Simple Gematria
- 51 is like Freemason in Pythagorean Gematria
- 5/1/1776 Bavarian Illuminati was Founded, which sums to 99 In Pythagorean Gematria
BHUBANESWAR in the English Ordinal system equals 114 like CGI in the English Sumerian system
- 114 is like Pearl Harbor, World War, Holocaust, & A Seal Of Satan in Simple Gematria
Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert
6 AUGUST 2016 • 5:19PM
Snoop Dogg in the English Ordinal system equals 112
- 112 is like Wickedness, Telepathy, Victory, Inner Earth, Unknown, Connection, Correlation, Cashless Card, Zionist, Catholicism, Divinity, Imagination, Obama the Beast, 7 Deadly Sins, Asmodeous, Satanic Leader, & Nuclear Fire in Simple Gematria
Snoop in the English Reduction system equals 25
- 25 is like Annuit (to approve) & Ordo (order) in Pythagorean Gematria
Snoop w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 34 like WK (Wiz Khalifa) in the English Ordinal system
- 34 is like Seclorum [of the ages] & Handguns in Pythagorean Gematria
Snoop in the English Ordinal system equals 79
- 79 is like Surveillance Video in Pythagorean Gematria
- 79 is like Chemical, Godhead, Mad-child, Miami, Denial, & Dog Head in Jewish Gematria
- 79 is like Mother, Akhenaten, I am an Alien, Alpha Omega, Democrat, Civilian, Murder, Diamonds, Dualism, Dualism 19, Criminal, Chaos Magic, Get Framed, 666 Yeshua, Material, Ravens, Black Ravens, Orlando, Silent, Miami Heat, & Nature in Simple Gematria
Dogg in the English Reduction system equals like BB&T in the English Ordinal system equals 24 & also like Snoop Dogg's 24-year career
- 24 is like Baal, A Kid, & Chica in Jewish Gematria
- 24 is like D (4), & D4 (44/8) in English Gematria
- 24 is like X (Death), 3X, Cat, CBS, MIB, Sad, Act, Crab, Flea, & FEM in Simple Gematria
Dogg in the English Ordinal system equals 33 like “Who Am I” (voted #4 by The Source from the album Doggystyle) in the English Reduction system
- 33 is the Magic #, Teacher #, Master # in Satanic Freemasonry; also the 33 vertebrate in one’s spine
- 33 is like Magic & LAPD in Simple Gematria
- 33 is like A Seal Of Satan, Handgun, Gunshots, Orange, Diamond, Marine, Federal, Police, Nazis, KKK } K (11) K (11) K (11), Coeptis [cœptis], Holocaust, Order, Masonry, False Flag, Teacher, Secrecy, October, Delaware, Left Eye, Mean, Believe, Beyonce, Indian, Sixteen, & Race War in Pythagorean Gematria
- Ninety & Sixty ONLY two numbers that have a Gematria of 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
- U (3) K (11 w/"v" exception} U=3x11=33
- Christopher Columbus’s initials } CC = 33
- Delaware (3rd State) sums to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
- Oregon is the 33rd State
- Massachusetts (6th), and Hawaii (50) in Pythagorean Gematria (only 3 said States sum to said #)
- The 33rd day (Groundhog Day) in the calendar is February 2nd
- Thirty-three sums to 156 in Simple Gematria
- 156 is like I Am an Alien, Kings, Berlin, False Flag, Fracking, Grimm, Code Nine, Real Magic, The Game, Taken, ROFL, Childhood, Grip, Chose, & Achilles in Jewish Gematria
- 156 is like God, Flag, Game, Heal, Drac, Mega, Hide, & Data in English Gematria
- 156 is like The Grey Alien Race, Tall Gray Aliens, The Demonic Aliens, Eater of Souls, Occult Gateway, The Fifth Element, The Reptilians, Francois Hollande, Battle Of Midway, Final Curtain Call, July Fourth, America’s Birthday, Thirty-three, As Above So Below, February Second, Six Six Six, Devil’s Creation, Metatron’s Cube, Twenty-eight, Brilliant Minds, The Number of Man, Calvary Cross,Messiah Gateway, Maniac Conned Icons, Nine Seven Eight, God Saves Israel, Biblical Prophecy, Lord Of The Sabbath, Baltimore News, The Seventh Day, Barack Obama Agreement, The Beast Barack H Obama, Great Deceiver B Obama, The New Age Barack Obama, Obama’s Request, Barack H Obama Miracles, The Wicked Barack Obama, Barry Sotero, Obamas Power Is, December Eighteenth, & Gematria Gateway in Simple Gematria
Wiz Khalifa w/"k" exception in the English Reduction system equals 61
- 61 is like News, Miracle, Shot, & Officer in Simple Gematria
- 61 is like God & Freemasons w/BOTH "s" exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria
- 61 is like Disneyland in Jewish Gematria
Wiz Khalifa in the English Ordinal system equals 106
- 106 is like Prophecy in Simple Gematria & Prophecy also sums to 666 in Jewish Gematria
- 106 is like Metatron, Inheritance, Divine Plan, Infinity, Nuclear Bomb, Destroy, Heil Hitler, Exorcism, Sociopath in English Gematria
- 106 is like Tennessee, Snuff Film, & Curious in Simple Gematria
- 106 is like King James' birthday: June 19, 1566 (6+19+15+56)
Wiz Khalifa in the English Sumerian system equals 636
- 636 is like Metatron, Prophecy, Divine Plan, Fox News, Columbus, Soul Mate, Nuclear Bomb, Destroy, Exorcism, Heil Hitler, Fits of Rage, Double Agent, Snuff Film, Prophecy, Infinity, FOX News, Nuclear Bomb, Exorcism, Destroy, Adultery, Frequent, Serious, Identity, Not Human, Beast of Death, Sociopath, Genetic Defect, Century, The Kingdom, & Capitalized in English Gematria
Wiz in the English Sumerian system equals 348
- 348 is like Caucasian, Pole Shift, False Market, False Market,Blood of the Lamb, Death Plot, The Rising, Its A Miracle, Replaces Obama, Hunt, Episcopalian, Horror, The Blood of Cain, & Detroit in Jewish Gematria
- 348 is like Father, Facebook, Jade Helm, Al Gore, Zodiac, Bleeding, Lady GaGa, & Please in English Gematria
- 348 is like The Destruction Of The Universe, International Finance Corporation, Gematria Must Be Taken Seriously, Evil Plot To Take Over The World, Loss Of Human Imagination And Beauty, The Direction To Another Dimension, & Holy Warriors Of The Apocalypse in Simple Gematria
Khalifa in the English Ordinal system equals 48
- 48 is like Cell, Damage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
- 48 is like Device, Hoax, Evil, Blood, Sex, & Famine in Simple Gematria
- 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria
Khalifa in the English Sumerian system equals 288
- 288 is like Creation, The Pope, Alligator, Beasts, Presence, Ancients, Sarah FED ID Chip, Decapitate Chains of Gold, The Red Era, In the Blood, On Three, Satanic Madi, Mindless, Sentence, & Reaction in Jewish Gematria
- 288 is like Build, Device, Bigger, Iceland, 3X3X3, Famine, Sex, Evil, Blood, Its Hoax, Ring, Thief, Wild, XX, Labor, Crime, Abuse, Ice Cube, Fixed, Cycle, Bar Code, Nepal, & Aware in Jewish Gematria
WK in the English Sumerian system equals 204
- 204 is like Alien Demon, Demonic Being, Sabbath, Disease, Black Sheep, Haste, O Lord, Michelle L Obama, & I Obama Black Alien in Jewish Gematria
- 204 is like Arabic, Hate, Dark, & Beheaded in English Gematria
- 204 is like Obama Demon Possessed, Reduplicated Phrases, & Reptilian Bloodline in Simple Gematria
Camden, New Jersey in the English Reduction system equals 65
- 65 is like the Bill of Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
- 65 is like Bald Eagle, Hanged, & Email in Jewish Gematria
- 65 is like Ugly, Seven, Horse, Music, Diabetes, Today, & Ego Death in Simple Gematria
Camden, New Jersey in the English Ordinal system equals 164
- 164 is like Snakehead, Aloha Obama, Became Death, Michele Obama, Omega Man, Alcoholic, No Peace, I Hate All, El Nino, 1490 El Nino, 1516 El Nino, 1915 El Nino, 1917 El Nino,160 El Nino, 86 El Nino, 673 El Nino, 300 000 El Nino 1892, & 241 4777 1916 El Nino in Jewish Gematria
- 164 is like Reptilian Aliens, Reptilian Blood, The Demonic Alien Race, Hypnotic Eyes, Everlasting Life, Armed And Dangerous, The Alpha And The Omega, Fourth Contact, Legend Of Atlantis, Alien Ontology, Economic Downfall, Creator Of The Bible, Isis And Osiris, Nibiru Deception, Image of a Mountain, Hadronic Electron, Hadronic Electron, Mysterious, Genesis Pyramid, American Culture, Baraq Obama Decoded in Bible, The Name Of Christ, Angels In The Flesh, Battle Of Ypres (The First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November: was a First World War battle fought around Ypres, in western Belgium during October and November 1914), Pale White Horse, Unsaved In Satan, Satan Sunshine, & Holy Bible Gematria in Simple Gematria
New Jersey like “What’s My Name” (Snoop Dogg's song voted #4 by The Source) in the English Reduction system equals 43
- 43 is like Freemason, Seal Of Saturn, Civilian, & Massacre w/"s" exception in Pythagorean Gematria
- 43 is like Game, Feeble, & Healed in Jewish Gematria
- 43 is like False, Frame, Kids, Mark, March, Greece, Left, Hawk, Choice, Block, & Define in Simple Gematria
New Jersey in the English Ordinal system equals 124
- 124 is like Gabriel, Faith, Hell Man, Heals, & I’m a Maniac in Jewish Gematria
- 124 is like John Kerry, JFK Airport, Chromosome, DNA Molecules, Great Britain, Technology, Programmer, Deceiver of Men, Hidden Letter, Biblical Gematria, Depression, New Jersey, Isaac Newton, Miss Piggy, Father of Lies, Fifty-two, Eye for an Eye, The O and the X, Son of Satan, Blood Sacrifice, Fornication, Fireworks, 1812 Overture, White Crow, The Hebrew Bible, Jesus and Gene, Zero Order, Vegas Hell Gate, Death of Us All, Demonic Church, Olympians, & The Future in Simple Gematria
Camden in the English Ordinal system equals 40 like Long Beach (home city of Snoop Dogg) in the English Reduction system
- 40 is like Life, Us, Recede, & Debacle in Jewish Gematria
- Skull & Bones w/one “s” or “k” exceptions sums to 40
Friday in the English Ordinal system equals 63
- 63 is like Being, Dead End, & Aflame in Jewish Gematria
- 63 is like Medusa, Reveal, Command, Public, Reaper, Skill, Eleven, Bible Name, The Bible, Tears, Tense, & Deja Vu in Simple Gematria
August 6, 2015 (day/date of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert)
8+6+20+15=49 like Male Doberman like Snoop Dogg like “Doggystyle” like “Animorph” in the English Reduction system equals 49
- 49 is like Revelation, Skull & Bones w/“s” & ”k” exceptions & like Skull & Bones w/both “s” exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria
- 49 is like Media, Cane, & Chalice in Jewish Gematria
- 29 is like Black, Became, Held, A Lamb, Bind, Page, & Hedge in Simple Gematria
- 29 is like Handgun in Pythagorean Gematria
- 29 breaks down to the number 11, a Master Number in Satanic Freemasonry
- 29 represents Relationships, Teamwork, Compassion, Companionship, & Diplomacy in Numerology
8+6+2+1+5=22 like the length of the Concert Incident video like the # of albums by Snoop Dogg has made/created like 7+1+5+2+1+6=22 (date of Doberman killing cobras) like Wiz (Khalifa) & like Camden (Locale of Incident of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) in the English Reduction system
- 22 is like Died, Fake, & Decade in Jewish Gematria
- 22 is like V, Deal, 33rd, & Bane in Simple Gematria
- 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision & Balance
BB&T Pavilion (locale)
BB&T Pavilion in the English Ordinal system equals 122 like 54+44=98
- 122 is like False, Is A Fake, Bully America, 666 Elohim, Macabre, Ban Oil, March 11 1962, Bad Leader, & Karma in Jewish Gematria
- 122 is like Alien Arrival, Pope Francis, Satellites, Great Deceiver, King Of Kings, The DNA Secret, Bill Clinton, San Francisco, The Torah Code, Twin Flames, Pathetic Liar, The Incubus, Horned Angels, Three Fifty, The Math Of God, Mushroom, Emmy Awards, & Moon In Libra in Simple Gematria
Pavilion in the English Ordinal system equals 98 (like 54+44=98: the length of Snoop Doog's "Doggystyle" album)
- 98 is like Alpha and Omega, Crystal, Prophet, Garden of Eden, Angel of Death, Higgs Hoax, Luciferian, Python, Iran Attack, Islam Clock, Israelite, Morphine, Judas’ Goat, Black Knight, Dualism, Chosen One, Second Death, Barack’s Wife, Gay Music, Istanbul, White Magic, & Lupercalia, which was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility in Simple Gematria
- 98 is like Base, Base 64, Bribe, Diabolic, Hold Back, Obama Dead, Fake Name, & Black Flame in Jewish Gematria
BB&T in the English Reduction system equals 6
- 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram: 6-pointed Star: Star of David; Thelema: Church of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt”
Snoop Doggy Dogg in the English Reduction system equals 80
- 80 is like Rebirth, Evil Obama, Tragedy, Putin, Creator, Baphomet, The Beast, Lunatic, Baptism, Fighting, Illogical, & Behavior in Simple Gematria
Snoop Doggy Dogg in the English Ordinal system equals 170
- 170 is like Lamb of God, Planned, Gang Leader, & Illicit in Jewish Gematria
- 170 is like The Royal Family, Transhumanism, Genetic Engineering, The Great Pyramid, Human Salvation, Tall White Aliens, Divine Bloodlines, World War Three, The Devil Incarnate, Demonic Celebrities, The Church Of Satan, The House Of Evil, Dental Damage Is Satan, Thousand Years, & The Number Zero in Simple Gematria
Snoop Doggy Dogg in the English Sumerian system equals 1020
- 30 is like Mafia, Elm, & Clan in Simple Gematria
- 30 is like M, M1, M5, M6, M13, KKK, Lead, Babel, Ice Age, Cabbala, & Baggage in Jewish Gematria
Uncle Snoop in the English Ordinal system equals 134
- 134 is like Branch, Mankind, December, December 7, December 12, December 13, December 17, December 27, 1941, December 17, 1950, December 19, 1950, December 22, 1956, December 28, 1974, December 30, 1974, December 25, 1975, December 26, 1975, December 3, 2001, December 2012, December 21 2012, December 21, 2013, The Dice, Denied Denied, & Cliffs in Jewish Gematria
- 134 is like Supreme Being, Strange Flesh, Tremendous, Palin Is A Legacy, Palin Has A Legacy, Eighty Four, Bohemian Grove, Global Warming, Senator Bickle, Solar Eclipse, The Tree Of Life, San Bernardino, Shape-shifters, Geo-engineering, Puma Punku, Market Forces, Prime Number, HIV Infection, Satan’s Aliens, Santa’s Sleigh, Believe Lucifer, Thirteen Cubed, Five Corners, Unholy Angel, Thirty One, Evil Lyrics, Barack Devils Hand, Obama the One Eye, Man of Periodide, White People, & Come Together in Simple Gematria
Uncle Snoop in the English Sumerian system equals 804
804} 84 or 8+4=12
- 84 is like United States of America in Pythagorean Gematria
- 84 is like Savior & Jesuit in Simple Gematria
- 84 is like Obama in Jewish Gematria
- Barack Hussein Obama DOB: 8/4/61
- 84 is like Divide & Conquer in Pythagorean Gematria
Hip Hop in the English Reduction system equals 45
- 45 is like Officers in Pythagorean Gematria
- 45 is like DNA, NBC, Edible, Chile, & Failed in Jewish Gematria
- 45 is like Drago, Pit, Eaten, Gods, Iraq, Leader, Heals, Elect, Spade, Fox, Enoch, East Ariel, Daniel, Knife, Dogs, Effect, Cinema, Bad Fire, Dealer, Alarm, & Yoda in Simple Gematria
Hip Hop in the English Ordinal system equals 72
- 72 is like Balance & Dead Again in Jewish Gematria
- 72 is like DEC in English Gematria
- 72 is like Money, Bird Flu, Marriage, Rocket, Magnetic, Hitler, Mea Culpa, Sadist, Mohammed, Chickens, Reborn, & Himself in Simple Gematria
Hip Hop in the English Sumerian system equals 432
- 432 is like Princess Diana, The Creator, Chemtrails Are, The Beast Mark, Ohio FEMA Camps Red, Alien Number, The Pineal Door, We Shall Perish, Hexagram, Demonic Talisman, The Pale Horse, Methamphetamine, Human Beings, Abominable Research, Islam A Satan End, Christian Dogma, False Religions, Rise Against, Pagan Cult, An Immortal Man, & Linked To Dementia in Jewish Gematria
- 432 is like Hitler, Money, Mohammed, World, Syria, First, School, Lust, Lucky, Gentile, Boredom, Mea Culpa, Charisma, Bird Flu, Race Games, Sadist, Despair, Chickens, Tracing, I’m Scared, Limited, Origin, Rocket, Magnetic, Reborn & Himself in English Gematria
- 432 is like Society For A More Beautiful National Capital, Seeing One’s Own Doppelgänger Is An Omen Of Death, Ultimate Sexual Orgasm In Masturbation, Too Much Of Anything Is Not Good For You, Occult Technology Developed At Area Fifty One, Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil, Santa Claus Sin Against The Holy Trinity, The Manifestation Of Extraterrestrials, Beast Six Six Six Lord Is Gods Holy Beast, The Twelve Apostles Of The Holy Spirit, Stop The Earthquake Activity In Indonesia, & The Most Powerful Force In The Universe in Simple Gematria
Hip Hop in Jewish Gematria system equals 195
- 195 is like Origin, God’s Child, Demon King, DNA to, Magnetic, Charlie Hebdo, Irate, Of Sin, Farside, Maggot, Hip Hop, Handicapped, & Fathom in Jewish Gematria
- 195 is like Gray Alien Invasion, Approaching The Deadline, The Grays Will Come, Area Fifty One Secret, The Solar Serpent, Disillusionment, Seventh Dimension, Brother And Sister, Satan Pure Nudism, Jesus Second Coming, Jesus Was Crucified, Sado-Masochistic Hell, Military Complex, & Washington State in Simple Gematria
Rap Music in the English Reduction system equals 37
- 37 is like RFID, Dead End, Flame, Hell, Seal, Weed, Break, Demo, & Scan in Simple Gematria
- 37 is like December in Pythagorean Gematria
Rap Music in the English Ordinal system equals 100
- 100 is like Global, Fire, Gemini, Bible Code, Magician, Black Mamba, Circle 336, Michelle, & Calling in Jewish Gematria
- 100 is like World Bank, New Science, Nano-Bots, Gold Queen, Palace Queen, Alpha Queen, Demonic Being, Alienation, Molecular, Goddess Hand, Elohim Bride, Bride of King, God Beauty, I Am Light Beam, Lightning, I am Christ, Jesus God, Wednesday, Fuse Atom, I am Code Pink, Encoded Pink, & Birthmark in Simple Gematria
Rap Music in the English Sumerian system equals 600
- 600 is like End of Days & Reptilian Stare in Jewish Gematria
- 6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram: 6-pointed Star: Star of David; Thelema: Church of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt”
Rap Music in Jewish Gematria system equals 73
- 73 is like Angel, Hail Me, & Defiance in Jewish Gematria
- 73 is like Nation, RFID Chip, United, Egypt, Children, Eighteen, Sacrifice, Goddess, Crazy, Joseph, Nimrod, Nibiru, Adam Lanza, & Normal in English Gematria
KIAH FIELDS in the English Reduction system equals 48
- 48 is like Cell, Damage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
- 48 is like Device, Hoax, Evil, Blood, Sex, & Famine in Simple Gematria
- 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria
KIAH FIELDS w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 57
- 57 is like Gene, Gain, Doc, & La Bamba ("to shake" or "to stomp") in Jewish Gematria
- 57 is like Pineal, God Gene, Moon, Deceived, England, Telsa, Human, Vaccine, Birth, Bible Code, 440 Herz, Appear, Actor, Embodied, Fooled, Golden, Magician, Jews, Bible Code, Cherub, Sleep, Bless, Idiot, Shark, City, Steal, Beat it, Ice Cream, & Wood in Simple Gematria
KIAH FIELDS in the English Ordinal system equals 84
- 84 is like United States of America in Pythagorean Gematria
- 84 is like Savior & Jesuit in Simple Gematria
- 84 is like Obama in Jewish Gematria
- Barack Hussein Obama DOB: 8/4/61
- 84 is like Divide & Conquer in Pythagorean Gematria
October 20, 2016 (day of published article in The Source)
It is ALSO Snoop Dogg's DOB
It is ALSO Snoop Dogg's DOB
- 66 is like King, King 5, EPA, NFL, Biblical, & Coded in Jewish Gematria
- 66 is like K, AC DC, K2, & FDA in English Gematria
- 66 is like Already Beasts, Mankind, Debit Card, Rat Race, Ancient, Lunar, Corona, Queer, Lose Face, I’ll Be Okay, Eye Damage, Dead Now, Anubis, Twin, Sodom, Cain and Abel, Moloch, Lost, Abyss, Curse, Padded Cell, Islamic, Alcohol, Envy, Judges, Field Day, Event, Loose, & Blessed in Simple Gematria
- Christians w/BOTH "s" exceptions sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
- 66 Books in the Bible (39 Old Testament & 27 New Testament)
- Thirty-Three written sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
- 12 is like FCC in Pythagorean Gematria & Simple Gematria
- 12 is like DEC in Jewish Gematria & Simple Gematria
- 12 symbolizes the command and the good, and governs the space and the time, that is to say the operation of the Cosmos, from where its designation of cosmic number
- 12 Symbols of material and spiritual food, because of the 12 breads which Jesus Christ broke to the Last Supper, Himself being the Bread of Life.
- It's the Number attributed to the government of the world or the Cosmos.
- It is the creative capacity, and in some religions, it expresses also the Divine Mother
10+20+16=46 like Hero (coined term for the dead Doberman) in the English Ordinal system [NOTE: 46's REFLECTION is 64 like Snoop's Hgt: 6'4"]
- 46 is like Chaos, Logic, Magical, Dead Again, Hero, & Chicago in Simple Gematria
- If he "DIES" in 2017, he will be 46 years old
“Snoop Dogg to be of 71% African, 23% Native American, and 6% European descent.” ~ Wiki71 is like Man, Magical, & Madame in Jewish Gematria
71 is like Royal, The Fiend, Pleiadian, Orion, Target, I’m Alive, Act of God, Moses, Catholic, Sheriff, Devil’s, Samuel, Babylon, Apollo, Zeus, Emanuel, Chapter, Receive, Advocate, Dementia, Druggie, Falsified, Forget, Guess, Last Adam, & Floods Against in Simple Gematria
23 is like Lie in Jewish Gematria
23 is like In 1977, In 1995, In 1776, I Am, In, End, CEO, H2O, Fake, Made, Agama, Cane, W, & Hack in Simple Gematria
23 means Duality, Charisma, Communication and Society in Numerology
23 means Duality, Charisma, Communication and Society in Numerology
6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram: 6-pointed Star: Star of David; Thelema: Church of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt”
- 100 is like Global, Fire, Gemini, Bible Code, Magician, Black Mamba, Circle 336, Michelle, & Calling in Jewish Gematria
- 100 is like World Bank, New Science, Nano-Bots, Gold Queen, Palace Queen, Alpha Queen, Demonic Being, Alienation, Molecular, Goddess Hand, Elohim Bride, Bride of King, Lightning, I Am Light Beam, I am Christ, Jesus God, Wednesday, Fuse Atom, God Beauty, I am Code Pink, Encoded Pink, & Birthmark in Simple Gematria
**USING 71, 23, & 6 (the % numbers of his different ethnicities) summed is 100; so, the 100th day in 2017 is in the 15th Week and is Monday, April 10th & Friday, September 22nd comes during the 38th Week & leaves 100 days remaining in 2017.

Friday, September 22nd is in the 38th Week like 7+15+16=38 the date of "Hero" Doberman
265th day in 2017 for 9/22/17, & leaves 265 days remaining in 2017 for 4/10/17
Monday, April 10, 2017 is 15th Week of 2017.
10/20/1971 (Snoop Dogg's DOB)

Friday, September 22nd is in the 38th Week like 7+15+16=38 the date of "Hero" Doberman
- 38 is like Jew, Death, Nigga, Killing, & Bible in Simple Gematria & like NOI (Nation of Islam of which Snoop was a part of in 2009) in the English Ordinal system equals 38
- 22 is like Died, Fake, & Decade in Jewish Gematria
- 22 is like V, Deal, & Bane in Simple Gematria
- 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision & Balance like 7+1+5+2+1+6=22 (date of article published of "Hero" Doberman) like Wiz (Khalifa) like Camden (Locale of Incident of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) in the English Reduction system & like # of Albums Snoop Dogg has done/made & also like 8+6+2+1+5=22 (date of Incident of Dozens injured at Snoop Dogg's cncert in NJ)
- September like Long Beach (home city of Snoop Dogg) like Skull & Bones w/one “s” or “k” exceptions in the English Reduction system & like Camden in the English Ordinal system
- 40 is like Life, US, Recede, & Debacle in Jewish Gematria
Friday in the English Reduction system equals 36 (6+9+9+4+1+7). Friday is also like the day of Snoops Dogg's concert incident in NJ: Friday, August 6
- 36 is like Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
- 36 is like Bleed, Adam, Black, Ha Ha Ha Ha, & FILA in Jewish Gematria
- 36 is like Barack and Oil in Simple Gematria
- Summing numbers 1-36 equals 666 like Prophecy in Jewish Gematria
- 94 is like Terror sums in Simple Gematria
- 94 is like Nine, Dread, & Rabbi in Jewish Gematria
- 94 is like Ace of Spades, The Miracle, Second Chance, In the Club in Simple Gematria
- 17 is like GOD, KILL, Flag, & SHOT in Pythagorean Gematria & like the year number 2017
September (1+5+7+2+5+4+2+5+9)=42 in Pythagorean Gematria like BHUBANESWAR (city in India where "Hero" Doberman killed 4 Cobras and then died) like The Source (magazine that published article on Snoop Dogg) like Dog Pound (Snoop Dogg's inner circle) & like the # of people injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ
- 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Zionism, History, Knowledge, G, Economics, Architect, Building, Hail Mary, Twenty-one, & Nigger (5+9+7+7+5+9) in Pythagorean Gematria
- 59 is like NYPD in Pythagorean Gematria
- 59 is like Kill in Jewish Gematria
- 59 is like Negro & Slave in Simple Gematria
- Five in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 42
- Nine in Simple Gematria sums to 42 like # of people injured at concert
- 77 is like Police Officer and Police Department in Pythagorean Gematria
- 77 is like Obama Lies, Shoot, Hexagram, Damn Lies, Christ, & Judaism in Simple Gematria
- 57 is like Actor, Embodied, Fooled, Sleep, Idiot, City, Bible Code in Simple Gematria
- 265 is like Genes Death, Man Hater, Dark Moon, Atom Bomb, Elder Gods, Big Problem, Screaming, Aliens Kill All, Alien Craft, Blue Beam, False Hero, Demonic Lies, Satan Dead Ahead, & Hates God, Moses in Jewish Gematria
- 265 is like Soldiers Against The Aliens, Reptilian Bloodline Children, The Annihilation Of The Earth, The Center Of The Universe, Extinction Of Humanity, An Extraterrestrial Being, Sin Wickedness Corrupt, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Electromagnetic Spectrum, I Hope His Wounds Are Healing, The Birth Of The Anti Christ, M Obama Antichrist Servant, Fake Obama Killer From Fessenden, Barack H Obamas Approval Rating, Is All Hidden In A Name Sarah L Palin (666 in Jewish Gematria), & Jesus Christ Was Pleiadian in Simple Gematria
9+22+17 (DOD?)=48 like 10+20+1+9+7+1 (Snoop's Life #)=48
- 48 is like Cell, Damage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
- 48 is like Device, Hoax, Evil, Blood, Sex, & Famine in Simple Gematria
- 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria
9+2+2+1+7 (DOD)=21 like 1+2+1+9+7+1 (Snoop's DOB)=21
- 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
- 21 is like Abide & Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
- 21 is like Led, & Edge in Simple Gematria
- Twenty-one sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria
- 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Zionism, History, Knowledge, G, Economics, Architect, Building, Hail Mary, Twenty-one, & Nigger (5+9+7+7+5+9) in Pythagorean Gematria
- 68 is like Big Bang, Malice, Killed, Bad God, Behind, Gap, & Changed in Jewish Gematria
- 68 is like Alien Base, Directed, Barack Obama, Barack Obama 440, God is Dead, Mohammad, Benjamin, Hermes, Logos (the Word of God), Decipher, Language, & Extra in Simple Gematria
- 23 is like Lie in Jewish Gematria
- 23 is like Fake & Made in Simple Gematria
- 9/22 or September 22nd is the Last Day (an Ending) of Virgo.
- “I’m shocked. He has made the supreme sacrifice for me and my family” said by Dibakar Raita (the "Hero" Doberman) sums to 534 in the English Ordinal system
- 534 in Simple Gematria is like Dead Famous, Death is Fake, Fooled Again, & August 29 1958 (Michael Jackson’s DOB & a Friday like the day of September 22, 2017, the CODED DOD for Snoop Dogg.
- September 22, 2017 is in the 38th Week like 7+15+16=38 the date of "Hero" Doberman
- Further, Virgo symbolizes the Virgin; so, Snoop is giving himself like a Virgin.
- 9+22=31 like 4+10+17=31 the other DOD of Snoop (Monday, April 10, 2017)
- 31 is like Skull & Bones in Pythagorean Gematria
- 31 is like Cube, CNN, & Focus in Simple Gematria
- 31 is also one of the three highest ranks of Satanic Freemasonry (31, 32, & 33)
- 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
- 15 is like Gun in Pythagorean Gematria
- 10 symbolizes by ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light and also the God number (like 55} 5+5
- 10 is formed of the Pillar and the Circle.
- 10 is both Masculine and Feminine, or Father/Mother principles
- 10 is the number from which all things come, and all must return
- 10 is the symbol of ‘wholeness’
- 10 is the symbol of humanity, number 1 and number 0
- 10 is the symbol of the gift of power and protection
- 29 is like Black, Became, Held, A Lamb, Bind, & Gang in Simple Gematria
- 29 is like Handgun in Pythagorean Gematria
- 29 breaks down to the number 11, a Master Number in Satanic Freemasonry
- 29 represents Relationships, Teamwork, Compassion, Companionship, & Diplomacy in Numerology
- 27 is like Code, Race, Ego, Faked, & Fecal in Simple Gematria
- 10+20+16=46 (Snoop's DOB) like Hero (coined term for the dead Doberman) in the English Ordinal system
- 46 is like Chaos, Logic, Magical, Dead Again, Hero, & Chicago in Simple Gematria
- If he "DIES" in 2017, he will be 46 years old
- 51 is like Hiding, Be Hidden, Conspiracy, & Bad Karma in Simple Gematria
- 51 is like Freemason in Pythagorean Gematria
- 5/1/1776 Bavarian Illuminati was Founded, which sums to 99 In Pythagorean Gematria
- 31 is like Skull & Bones in Pythagorean Gematria
- 31 is like Cube, CNN, & Focus in Simple Gematria
- 31 is also one of the three highest ranks of Satanic Freemasonry (31, 32, & 33)
- 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
- 15 is like Gun in Pythagorean Gematria
- 13 is a Sacred Number & represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
- 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
10+20+19+71=120 like DP (Dog/gg Pound: Snoop's inner circle) in the English Sumerian system
- 120 is like Alien DNA, DNA Encoded, Alien Click, Hard Headed, The BBC, Debit, Habit, Dream, Finland, Kill God, & Offended in Jewish Gematria
- 120 is like Jade, JJ, Jade 2, KFC, Feed, & Abel in English Gematria
- 120 is like Illuminati, Masonic Logic, 666 888 Illuminati, The Holy Code, Materialism, Gematria Greek, The Truth, Discovery, The Architect, Vocabulary, Lucid Dreaming, Communism, Life After Death, Hidden Master, Secret Chiefs, Army Ranks, Leviticus, Occult Logic & Leviticus (The Book of Leviticus (/lɪˈvɪtɪkəs/; from Greek Λευιτικόν, Leuitikon, meaning “relating to the Levites” - is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch) in Simple Gematria
- 101 is like Greed, Division, Immortal, Tree of Life, I Am God, Spider Web, The Logos, Michio Kaku, Afraid, Cancelled, Christian, Darth Vader, Blasphemy, Sorcerer, Approval, Imagine, Animal, Pledge, Gematria Code, & Republican in Jewish Gematria
- 101 is like Dragons Den, Dark Soul, Human Brain, Bilderbergs, Demonic Fiend, Obama is a Lair, Bulls-Eye, Perfect Man, Death of An Ego, Assassin, Home Depot, Vessels, Malpractice, Repentance, & Gematria Code in Simple Gematria
10+20+1+9+7+1 (Life #)=48
- 48 is like Cell, Damage, & CNBC in Jewish Gematria
- 48 is like Device, Hoax, Evil, Blood, Sex, & Famine in Simple Gematria
- 48 is like Propaganda in Pythagorean Gematria
- 21 signifies the Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3)
- 21 is like Abide & Be Dead in Jewish Gematria
- 21 is like Led, & Edge in Simple Gematria
- Twenty-one sums to 42 in Pythagorean Gematria
1+2+7+1=11 like DP (Dog/gg Pound: Snoop Dogg's inner circle) in the English Reduction system
- 11 is a Master # and means Sin, Transgression & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
October (6+3+2+6+2+5+9) is the ONLY month that sums to 33 like “Who Am I” (voted #4 by The Source from the album Doggystyle) in the English Reduction system & like Dogg in the English Ordinal system
- 33 is the Magic #, Teacher #, Master # in Satanic Freemasonry; also the 33 vertebrate in one’s spine
- 33 is like Magic & LAPD in Simple Gematria
- 33 is like A Seal Of Satan, Handgun, Gunshots, Orange, Diamond, Marine, Federal, Police, Nazis, KKK } K (11) K (11) K (11), Coeptis [cœptis], Holocaust, Order, Masonry, False Flag, Teacher, Secrecy, October, Delaware, Left Eye, Mean, Believe, Beyonce, Indian, Sixteen, & Race War in Pythagorean Gematria
- Ninety & Sixty ONLY two numbers that have a Gematria of 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
- U (3) K (11 w/"v" exception} U=3x11=33
- Christopher Columbus’s initials } CC = 33
- Delaware (3rd State) sums to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
- Oregon is the 33rd State
- Massachusetts (6th), and Hawaii (50) in Pythagorean Gematria (only 3 said States sum to said #)
- The 33rd day (Groundhog Day) in the calendar is February 2nd
- 26 is like Kill in Pythagorean Gematria, Fake in Jewish Gematria, & God in Simple Gematria
- 63 is like Death in Jewish Gematria, Cannabis, Friday, Smoke, Public, The Bible, Bible Name, Tears, Deja Vu & Reaper.
- 59 is like Kill, Negro, Slave, NYPD, & Revelation in Pythagorean Gematria
- 64 is like Thelema, Israel, & Zion in Simple Gematria
- 64 is like Nigga in Jewish Gematria
- 64 is like Do What Thou Wilt, Civil Rights (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama in Pythagorean Gematria
- 8x8 = 64
- Barack Hussein Obama sums to 64 like Do What Thou Wilt & Civil Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
- 88th Congress enacted Civil Rights Act of ’64 } 8x8 = 64
- Barack Hussein Obama was elected President 44-years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed (1964 to 2008)
Nation of Islam like 7+15+20+16=58 (date of published article on the "Hero" Doberman) like Snoop Dogg w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system & like Wiz in the English Ordinal system
- 58 is like Freemasonry & The Seal of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
- 58 is like Again, Agenda, Agenda 21, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
- 58 is like Claws, Jade Helm, Bleeding, Facebook, Father, Asleep, & Adult in Simple Gematria
Nation of Islam in the English Ordinal system equals 148
- 148 is like Miracle & Dark Lamb in Jewish Gematria
- 148 is like Aliens In The Media, The Grey Aliens, Gray Serpent, Holy Bloodline, Destruction, The Trinity, Nuclear Weapon, & Satanic Wizard in Simple Gematria
Nation of Islam in the English Sumerian system equals 888
- 888 is like Divine Plan, Holy Double Eight, Book Of The Holy Eight, Mind of God She is Number Eight, Mrs. She is Number Eight, Ten Commandments Queen, Annunaki Mushroom, Area Fifty-one Dreamland, Fractal Geometry, Creation of Man Mother Gene Hands, Ultrasound Imagining, Royal Battle Hat, Completes The Education, Crystal called Calcite (is a carbonate mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate), African Truth Shepherd, The Eleven, Lazer Robot, Sun Nucleus, Terrorist Strike, Earthquake Cremations, Apocalypse All Shall Die, Islam Destroyed, Islamic Female Acid Burn Suicide, Buried in a Earthquake Gene, Texas State Fair, Bitter Bitter Bitter, Marilyn Monroe Hell, Satan’s Decapitation Camps, Prostitution, Child Sex-crime Burn, Lightning Destiny, The Deadly Ending Of All Sin, Drug Addictions, Holy Spirit Flame, Vietnam C, & Doctor in Jewish Gematria
- 888 is like Gray Serpent, The Grey Aliens, Knowledge of Gene, Holy Bloodline, Who is the King, The Secret Path, Snake Apple Tree, Gematria Code of God, Occult Gematria, Jewish Gematria, English Gematria, Simple Gematria, Elenin is Coming, The Comet Elenin, Aliens in the Media, We are not Alone, First Contact, Coming Truth, No Humans Left, Host Commander, Nuclear Weapon, Living Lord God, In a Grey Suit, Formed from a Hate, Obama Goat Nation, Barack Obama the Beast, Obedient Messiah, Messiah Finished, Jesus Gospel, Jesus Forgave, Saved in Jesus, The King Jesus, God’s Anointing, God’s Numbering, Righteous God, From God a Message, God Knows Us, God’s Perfect Bible, Old Testament, Gospel Parables, Scriptures, Biblical Prophet, Bible Hope Jesus, Unseal the Book, Spirit Birth, Finished Cross, Morning Star, Eternal Kingdom, Three Numbers (like 71, 23, 6: Snoop's % of ethnicities), Nebuchadnezzar, The Trinity, North Carolina, 616 Simple Gematria, Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Gematria, Time Traveler, Satanic Wizard, Hide your Mark, Hotel California, Jewish English, & Ice Rose Cross in English gematria
- 888 is like A Surprise Of Nuclear Attack On America July Twenty Seventh Two Thousand Fourteen, Sexual Narcissist Immune System Is Mecca Saudi Arabia The Apocalypse Is Happening The Year, United Nations CIA MI6 Mossad, Police Unions And Organized Mafia Criminal Networks Apocalypse, Clinton Death Toll, Thirty Plus People Killed Or Have Strange Deaths Linked To Clintons H, Aliens Seek To Sustain Increase Their Six Six Six Level and As They Are Programmed To Do So D, Aliens Seek To Sustain Increase Their Six Six Six Level and As They Are Programmed To Do So D, An Extreme Form Of Antisocial Personality Disorder Combined With Narcissistic Elements, Okay Already Enough Is Enough Just Kill Me And Let Me Go Out Of This World Of Pain And Misery, Eight Years Six Months Twenty Days Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty Six Days (8 6 23 3126), & ROFL Those Humans Under The Devil Are Like Clueless Sitting Ducks To I Am El Yhvhs Group in Simple Gematria
888 is like home, family, and efficiency, including friends as an extended family.
888 is a natural number with both Mathematical and Symbolic meaning.
888 occurs in the Bible verse immediately following the one containing 666, however, it is hidden in the verse rather than clearly stated.
The triple number 888 is one that’s seen as positive and progressive. If you’ve been seeing this number a lot lately, prepare for a world of abundance and opportunities coming your way in a short while.
Nation Of Islam in Jewish Gematria system equals 446
- 446 is like King of Pentacles, Orion’s Belt, Scientist, Pineal Portal, Bird Flu Epidemic, The Others, The Angels of Hate, Pleiadian Contact, Send a Master, More Man than God, Bloods of the Gods, Organic Forms, She is Satanic, Satanic Teacher, The Angel of Disease, Bride of Christ, True God, Nation of Islam, Osama Laden Not Dead, Obama A U N Mark, He is Not a Hero, Obama a Agent Bennan, The Biblical Man is a Madman, Osama Laden not dead, For Hates Sake, Square, Silence Rises, & Doubts in Jewish Gematria
- 446 is like Muslim Brotherhood The Gematria Code Diffusion, Institute For Food And Development Policy, The Lamb Slain From The Foundation Of The World, February Eighteenth True Birthday Of Christ, God Hates Abortion Hands That Shed Innocent Blood, The Female Of The Species Is More Deadly Then The Male, And The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It, Her Buzzer Number Was One Twenty Four, Jesus Christ The Promise Of New Jerusalem, Five Twenty Eight Egyptian Revolution, January Twenty Nine Nineteen Ninety One, Born August Twenty Eight Nineteen Fifty, Sixty Six Years After Trinity Test, December Twentieth Twenty Three Fourteen, Illuminati What Do You Want From Austin, & August Twenty Three Twenty Twelve in Simple Gematria
NOI in the English Reduction system equals 20 like 7+1+5+1+6=20 like the date of "Hero" Doberman & like DP (Dog/gg Pound: Snoop's inner circle)
- 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
- 20 is like Feed & Facade in Jewish Gematria
- 20 is like Abel, Jade, Jade 2, & KFC in Simple Gematria
NOI in the English Ordinal system equals 38 like 7+15+16=38 like the date date of "Hero" Doberman
- 38 is like Jew, Death, Nigga, Killing, & Bible in Simple Gematria
NOI in the English Sumerian system equals 228
- 228 is like Meaning Of Life, Draconian, Alpha and Omega, Diamonds, Road Rage, Dramatic, Selfish, Missed, Act of Malice, The man-child, Elect One, Alien Beings, Pothead, & Kimbo Slice in Jewish Gematria
- 228 is like Kabbalah, Death, Gold, Fire, Noah, Alpha, Change, Rich, Max, Daddy, Palace, Cigar, & Adidas in English Gematria
- 228 is like United States Of America, Time is Running Out, Are Fifty-one Reptilian, Scientific Illumnism, Frequency Signature, Divine Intervention, Underground Alien Bases, Creator and Destroyer, Spraying the Skies, Father of Civilization, The Unified Field Theory, She Is A True Princess, Tropical Storm Igor, Go for it Obama Tells GOP, The Second Book of Moses,Who is the Antichrist, Martin Luther King Jr.,Eleven Million Dollars, Cosmopolitan Magazine, The Bible’s Lion Return, The Sado-Masochistic Hell, Four Skull Bottles, Demon Causing Seizure, The Key of Rituals, Earth Day Twenty Ten, Jesus Christ Is Lord, Ken Griffey Jr Retires, & Dallas Cowboys Schedule in Simple Gematria
7+1+2+3+6=19 like Adam like CGI in the English Ordinal system equals 19 like CGI in the English Reduction system
- 19 is like Idea, Ahead, Badge, KFC, NBC, & DNA in Jewish Gematria
- 19 is like Adam, Ra, AR 15, Idea, Ahead, NBC, & DNA in Simple Gematria
- 19 is like Bullets in Pythagorean Gematria
Detained by Swedish Police on July 25, 2015.
10+20=30 like Hailed (the Doberman) like Khalifa (Wiz) in the English Reduction system equals 30 & like Snoop Dogg's DOB: 10/20/71
- 30 is like Mafia, Elm, & Clan in Simple Gematria
- 30 is like M, M1, M5, M6, M13, KKK, Lead, Babel, Ice Age, Cabbala, & Baggage in Jewish Gematria
Length of Album is 54:44
- 54 is like I Am Dead, Bald Headed, A Lamb, Eden, Academia, & Fig Leaf in Jewish Gematria
- 54 is like Dad & I in English Gematria
- 54 is like DNA, Mayan, Scandal, Islam, Chemical, Rope, Damsel, & Car Bomb in Simple Gematria
- 44 is like Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria
- 44 is like like Kill, Hope, Faith, and Karma in Simple Gematria
54+44=98 like Pavilion (arena of Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Ordinal system
- 98 is like Alpha and Omega, Chosen One, Second Death, Barack’s Wife, Gay Music, Crystal, Prophet, Garden of Eden, Angel of Death, Higgs Hoax, Luciferian, Python, Iran Attack, Islam Clock, Israelite, Morphine, Judas’ Goat, Black Knight, Dualism, Istanbul, White Magic, & Lupercalia, which was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility in Simple Gematria
- 98 is like Base, Base 64, Bribe, Hold Back, Diabolic, Obama Dead, Fake Name, & Black Flame in Jewish Gematria
Label is Death Row
Dr. Dre (producer) DD=44 like Kill in Simple Gematria; Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria; & like Sebekapur w/"s" or "k" exception (the village under Raygada block of Gajapati district) like Uncle Snoop & like Pavilion (BB&T: locale of arena injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) in the English Reduction system
Recording for Album started in January of 1992
1/1992} 1+1+9+9+2=22 like 7+1+5+2+1+6=22 (date of "Hero" Doberman article) like Wiz (Khalifa) like Camden (Locale of Incident of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) in the English Reduction system & like # of Albums Snoop Dogg has done/made & also like the # of people injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) & like 8+6+2+1+5=22 (date of Incident of Dozens injured at Snoop Dogg's cncert in NJ)
Recording for Album finished in October of 1993
10/1993} 10+1+9+9+3=32
Recording for Album finished in October (33) of 1993
33/1993} 33+1+9+9+3=56
Recording for Album started in January of 1992
1/1992} 1+1+9+9+2=22 like 7+1+5+2+1+6=22 (date of "Hero" Doberman article) like Wiz (Khalifa) like Camden (Locale of Incident of Dozens injured after railing collapse at Snoop Dogg concert) in the English Reduction system & like # of Albums Snoop Dogg has done/made & also like the # of people injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ) & like 8+6+2+1+5=22 (date of Incident of Dozens injured at Snoop Dogg's cncert in NJ)
- 22 is like Died, Fake, & Decade in Jewish Gematria
- 22 is like V, Deal, 33rd, & Bane in Simple Gematria
- 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision & Balance
10/1993} 10+1+9+9+3=32
- 32 is like America & Gunshot in Pythagorean Gematria
- 32 is like Dead Head in Jewish Gematria
- 32 is like Obama, Debacle, Agenda 21, Media, Bomb, & Gunshot in Simple Gematria
- Barack (18 PG) + Obama (14 PG) sums to 32
- 7/4/1776 summed equals 32
- UK} U=3 / K=2 >32
33/1993} 33+1+9+9+3=56
- 56 is like Kenya, Healing, Attack, ISIS, The End, Drone, April, Hatred, Semen, Wise, Created, Member, Comet, Zoo, & Equal in Simple Gematria
1993} 99÷3=33
Dog Pound in the English Ordinal system equals 96
- 96 is like Knowledge, Confederate, Freemason, Satanism, & The Golden gate Bridge, & San Andreas in Simple Gematria
- 96 is like Novus Ordo Seclorum (w/"s" exception) in Pythagorean Gematria
- *summing numbers 31+32+33=96
- *31, 32, & 33 are the three Highest Levels in Scottish Rite Satanic Freemasonry
BIG "G" is represents. "G" sums to 42 in English/Sumerian Gematria like BHUBANESWAR (city in India where "Hero" Doberman killed 4 Cobras and then died) like The Source (magazine that published article on Snoop Dogg) like Dog Pound in the English Reduction system & like the # of people injured at Snoop Dogg's concert in NJ
- 42 is like New World, New Testament, Freemason, Zionism, History, Knowledge, G, Economics, Architect, Building, Hail Mary, Twenty-one, & Nigger in Pythagorean Gematria
- 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
- 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
- 42 is like Saddam, Gun, War, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria
- 42 is the Life’s Purpose # & Angel # in Numerology
- Five in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 42
- Nine in Simple Gematria sums to 42
- Two G's in Snoop's Logo: 42(G)+42(G)=84
- 84 is like United States of America in Pythagorean Gematria
- 84 is like Savior & Jesuit in Simple Gematria
- 84 is like Obama in Jewish Gematria
- Barack Hussein Obama DOB: 8/4/61
- 84 is like Divide & Conquer in Pythagorean Gematria
The Source in the English Ordinal system equals 114 like CGI in the English Sumerian system
- 114 is like Pearl Harbor, World War, Holocaust, & A Seal Of Satan in Simple Gematria
The Source in the English Sumerian system equals 684
- 664 is like Esteem the Planets, To Eat Human Flesh, The Name of the Master, Semiconductor, Human Potential, Eye of Isis, Red Pill or Blue Pill, Idolatry, Calculate the Beast, Baptist Church, O Misery, Islam Child Predators, Sexed Up, Bit the Antichrist, Christ’s Sinning End, The Infernal Ox, Religious Seeds, Infernal Crusader, Quasi Magical Thinking, Of Mixed Blood and Race, The Cuckoo Nest, Lunacy, Bamboozled, Rothschild a Seed Broken, The Thirteenth Aeon, Thousand-Fifteen, Silence of Silent Silence, Spirit Matter, & A Friend to Humans in Jewish Gematria
- 664 is like Manipulation Of Gravitational And Magnetic Fields To Produce Motion, But The Men Of Sodom Were Wicked And Sinners Before The Lord Exceedingly, July Sixteen Two Thousand Eleven Abducted Chip Implanted By Aliens, Court Order Number Zero Zero Five One Three Dash Zero Zero One, Another Day Here Is Like Another Day In Hell Prison Planet Stop Now, Satan’s Inner Network Has Permission To Strike When Ready ZJC, September Twenty Fifth One Fifty Seven We’ve Only Just Begun, Three December One Thousand And Nine Hundred And Seventy Nine, Mecca Saudi Arabia, He Will Tear Down The Corrupt Commerce System Of The Antichrist, I Will Not Cry For Satan’s Daughter, She Is Just As Evil As Her Father, & The Most Narcissistic And Deprived Madman To Have And Will Ever Exist in Simple Gematria
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. (Snoop Doggy Dogg)
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. in the English Reduction system equals 107
- 107 is like Bad Fire, Cascade, Encode, & Black Man in Jewish Gematria
- 107 is like Suicide Seal, Theology, 66 is Yeshua, The Occult, Hidden Meaning, Earthquake, Military, The Messiah, Currency, Atonement, Incest Hell, Mormons, Satan’s Seed, & Frightful in Simple Gematria
- 107 is like Bloodlines, Eternal Life, Frightful, Earthquake, Hidden Meaning, The Occult, Time Keeper, Alien Hybrid, Theology, The Greys, Quantum, Solar Flare, 666 is Yeshua, The Messiah, Word of God, Atonement, Forgiving, The Code of God, Disneyland, Incest Hell, Satan’s Seed, Superman, & Soetoro in Simple Gematria
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. w/"v" exception in the English Reduction system equals 125
- 125 is like Omen, Impeached, & I’m A Dead Man in Jewish Gematria
- 125 is like Transgender, North Korea, Time Travel, North America, Domain of Evil, Area Fifty One, The Grey Goo, Dark Deception, & John Kennedy in Simple Gematria
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. w/"s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 116
- 116 is like Country, Powerful, & African American in Pythagorean Gematria
- 116 is like Reptilian, Be Very Afraid, Confusion, Pelosi Liar, Zuckerberg, Directions, Mind Master, Omega Delta Phi, Meaning of Life, Rothschild, Prince of Peace, Anointed One, Ursa Major, Royalty, Maternal Agenda, Powerful, Country, Making Room, Peace Symbol, Angel of Light, The Bread of Life, Hugo Chavez, Eternal Dream, Illuminate, Alert and Manage, Scales of Law, Usama bin Laden, Golden Tiger, Lack Muslim, Liberian Girl, David Koresh, Adolph Hitler, Loves Kids, & Pandora's in Simple Gematria
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. w/"v" & "s" exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 134
- 134 is like Branch, Mankind, December, December 7, December 12, December 13, December 17, December 27, 1941, December 17, 1950, December 19, 1950, December 22, 1956, December 28, 1974, December 30, 1974, December 25, 1975, December 26, 1975, December 3, 2001, December 2012, December 21 2012, December 21, 2013, The Dice, Denied Denied, & Cliffs in Jewish Gematria
- 134 is like Supreme Being, Strange Flesh, Tremendous, Palin Is A Legacy, Palin Has A Legacy, Eighty Four, Bohemian Grove, Global Warming, Senator Bickle, Solar Eclipse, The Tree Of Life, San Bernardino, Shape-shifters, Geo-engineering, Puma Punku, Market Forces, Prime Number, HIV Infection, Satan’s Aliens, Santa’s Sleigh, Believe Lucifer, Thirteen Cubed, Five Corners, Unholy Angel, Thirty One, Evil Lyrics, Barack Devils Hand, Obama the One Eye, Man of Periodide, White People, & Come Together in Simple Gematria
Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. in the English Ordinal system equals 269
- 269 is like Dark Knight, Code of Life, Bilderberg Gang, RFID Chips, Prism, Black Messiah, Black Horse, Fragment, The Feral Child, America Fake Death, & Barrack H Obama in Jewish Gematria
- 269 is like Deadly Earthquake In California, The Aliens That Abduct Humans, History Repeats Itself, The Aliens From The Future, Raise The Dead Cast Out Devils, The Tetragrammaton Name Of Baal, Satan’s Release From The Pit, & The Reincarnation Of Jesus in Simple Gematria
Long Beach, California in 1971 (born)
Long Beach, California in the English Reduction system equals 92
- 92 is like End Game, Fear, Dogma, Enigma, Bleeding, & Feeling in Jewish Gematria
- 92 is like Pentagon, The Dragon, Demon King, Nations, Marine Life, Grey Goo, Reverse, Manhattan, Duality, Numbers, Yellow, Planet X, Black Friday, Darkstar, Pinocchio, Bullet, & The Koran in Simple Gematria
Long Beach, California in the English Ordinal system equals 155
- 155 is like Science, Defense, I am Killing, Athena, Design, Black Lion, Hand in Hand, & Heroic in Jewish Gematria
- 155 is like Reptilian Elite, Head of Mind Control, Synthetic Cell, Aliens Beneath Us, A Depraved Nature, In My Minds Eye, Avian Flu Is Alien, Dragon Destroyed, Immortality, Very Deceitful, Christianity, Babylon The Great, Corpse Flower, Demons Are Coming, He Whom is Satan, Blood of My Blood, Beasts from Hell, You Go To Hell, Erotic Violence, The Wrong Path, February Third, January Ninth, Gay San Francisco, & Smokeless Flame in Simple Gematria
Long Beach in the English Ordinal system equals 67
- 67 is like Killer, Alchemy, Silence, Satanic, Clown, Lying, Teaching, Black Gold, Pharaoh, & Black Death in Simple Gematria
- 67 is like Revelation w/"v" exception in Pythagorean Gematria
California in the English Ordinal system equals 88
- 88 is the Kingdom of Dualism/Duality (Satanism) in Numerology
- 88 is like Program, Poison, Exodus, Great Seal, Handguns, & Purple in Simple Gematria
- 88 is like George Washington in Pythagorean Gematria
- The number Eight being the Symbol of the Infinity, 88 symbolizes the double directions of the Infinity of the Universe, that is to say the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
- 88th Congress enacted Civil Rights Act of ’64 } 8x8 = 64
- Barack Hussein Obama was elected President 44-years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed (1964 to 2008)
- Barack Hussein Obama sums to 64 like Do What Thou Wilt & Civil Rights in Pythagorean Gematria
“On this day in Hip Hop history we celebrate the birth of one of Hip Hop and pop culture’s most recognizable icons, Snoop Doggy Dogg. Uncle Snoop was born Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. in Long Beach, California in 1971. Since then he has risen to become a household name of Hip Hop. His image and style are synonymous with the West Coast and his name will forever stand among the Pantheon of legends who helped shaped Hip Hop culture. Over his 22 (and counting) album career, Snoop has always played close attention to visuals. With every album, Snoop has put together a theatrical representation of is G-Funk sound. In honor of his born day we have compiled a list of the ten best videos from his 24 year career.”
As Snoop Doggy Dogg’s debut single, “Who Am I” is simply a perfect introduction of one the games most promising rising stars at the time. Directed by Fab Five Freddy, this video was one of the earliest to utilize CGI as a main plot point. In the video, Snoop and his cohorts have the ability to animorph in a pack of dogs (with Snoop being a Doberman of course) running amok around Long Beach.
“Who Am I” in the English Ordinal system equals 69
- 69 is like Record Company, Beyoncé, Delaware, Texas, Reincarnation, & Lemonade in Pythagorean Gematria
- 69 is like False Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Goyim, Crush, Reward Rough, Bad Books, Curve, Pirate, Pandora, York, One Eye, Cameron, Knight, Bishop, Mexico, Mexican, Smith, Jabroni, Wealth, Is in Me, Husband, Beyoncé, Texas, Delaware, Message, Leonard, Thailand, & I Can Be Healed in English Gematria
- 69 is like False Flag, Archangel, Serve, Red Tape, Road Rage, Handgun, Pandora, Goyim, Curve, York, One Eye, Knight, Bishop, Cameron, Husband, Beyoncé, Texas, Mexico, Mexican, Wealth, People, & I Can be Healed in Simple Gematria
- 69 in Numerology, it means Idealism, Family, Harmony, Health, & Compassion; it also denotes the Infinity symbology too and refers to Karma as well
“Who Am I” in the English Sumerian system equals 414
- 414 is like Jehovah, Crush, Archangel, Drugs, False Flag, False God, Delaware, The Law, Red Tape, Goyim, Bad Medicine, Pirate, Pandora, York, One Eye, Black Hole, Wealth, Cameron, Bishop, Beyonce, Heroin, Husband, Texas, Smith, Mexico, Ghost, Message, Modern, Biggest, On Board, Worm, Leather, Thailand, Reward, Colts, I Can Be Healed, & Obama RFID in English Gematria
- 414 is like The Worldwide Epidemic Of Necro Mortosis, An Alien Battle Cruiser Or A Korilian Death Ray, Evil Pleiadians Perform Wonders And Signs, The Demon Anger Of Illuminati Wrote The Bible, Is Trying To Justify Destruction, Book Of Lies Three Hundred And Thirty Three, One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Six, One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Days, The Furnace Is To Be Opened With Technology, Salvation Is Keeping The Ten Commandments, Born On Seven Five Nineteen Ninety Three, Science Spirituality Mathematics Music, He Comes Only To Steal And Kill And Destroy, Two Olive Branches With Thirteen Leaves, & The Obsessive Compulsive Narcissist in Simple Gematria
“Who Am I” in Jewish Gematria system equals 998
- 998 is like Who am I, The Supreme Key, President Romney, The Prince Of The Kings Of The Earth, Area Fifty One Test, Architect Of The Matrix, The Drill Instructor, The Eye In The Cross, The Defense From False Allegations Is, Light And Darkness Are The Christ, Heaven And Earth, The Millions Of Abortion Sins, Saint Patrick’s Day,Satan From End Of Days, & Dies On Tuesday in Jewish Gematria
- 998 is like Is The Brightest Star In The Constellation Taurus And The Thirteenth Brightest Star In The Sky, I Will Not Talk With You Much Longer Because The Ruler Of The World Is Coming He Has No Power Over Me, & Uber Simply Declared That It Would Keep Operating In Germany No Matter What The German Courts Ruled in Simple Gematria
“What’s My Name” in the English Ordinal system equals 142
- 142 is like Terrorist in Pythagorean Gematria
- Forty-Two (written) sums to 142 in Simple Gematria
“What’s My Name” in Jewish Gematria system equals 1605
1605}165 or 1+6+5=12
1605}165 or 1+6+5=12
- 165 is like Aliens, Fallen Angel, The Big Lie, Hidden One, Fake Hero, & The Image in Jewish Gematria
- 165 is like United Nations, Homosexual Agenda, Alien Technology, Resurrection, Bipolar Disorder, & Identity Theft in Simple Gematria
“Doggystyle” in the English Ordinal system equals 139
- 139 is like Freemasonry in Simple Gematria
- 139 like Executioner, Population, Imperial Cult, & The Grey Demon in Simple Gematria
“Doggystyle” in the English Sumerian system equals 834
- 834 is like Denver, Forty-three, The Nine is the Key, Eye in the Triangle, The Fourth Dimension, The Lunar Serpent, Cult Army, CBS Gone By A Fifth Reich, Lucifer Mary, The Essex Rebellion, The Sperm Competition, Sanada is Serpent Bloodline, Lizards Defeated, Mighty Pillars, The Narcissistic Megalomaniac, The Grey Alien Calendar, Deceived is, Bush Hating Humans, The Defendant is Race and Racist, & Actuality in Jewish Gematria
- 834 is like Ancient Egypt, Without End, The Grey Demon, Imperial Cult, Solar Energy, Barack Hand of Satan, Population, Mo Obama Betrayer, Masks of Satan,Seed of the Devil, Freemasonry, An Eye for an Eye, Sixty-nine, Christ’s Wife, God of Plenty, Sixty-nine 69, God is the Devil, Punishment, Demon Pandering, Jackson Family, The Pink Light, False Knowledge, Feast of Fools, Baptism, The Waking Dream, Represents, The Gematric Web, & Barack Hand Of Satan in English Gematria
“Doggystyle” in Jewish Gematria system equals 1083
1083} 183 or 1+8+3= 12
- 183 is like Sacred, False God, The Hidden,DNA Packaging, Dope Fiend, In December, & Obama RFID in Jewish Gematria
- 183 is like Planet X Deception, Egyptian Pyramid, Apocalyptic Plans, Nine Twenty One, Order Out Of Chaos, Obama's Damaged Right Eye, & It Doesn’t Matter in Simple Gematria
Fab Five Freddy in the English Reduction system equals 68
- 68 is like Big Bang, Malice, Killed, Bad God, Behind, Gap, & Changed in Jewish Gematria
- 68 is like Alien Base, Directed, Barack Obama, Barack Obama 440, God is Dead, Mohammad, Benjamin, Hermes, Logos (the Word of God), Decipher, Language, & Extra in Simple Gematria
Fab Five Freddy in the English Ordinal system equals 113
- 113 is like Dishonest, Mainstream, & Green-screen in Simple Gematria
- 113a in the Bava Kama; Jews (Zionists) may circumvent a Gentile (non-jew) with subterfuge (lies)
- One-fifty-three sums to 113 in Pythagorean Gematria
Fab Five Freddy in Jewish Gematria system equals 1228
1228} 12/28 or December 28th or December Twenty-eighth (date of PSYOP)
- 40 is like Life, Us, Recede, & Debacle in Jewish Gematria
- Skull & Bones w/one “s” or “k” exceptions sums to 40
- 13 is a Sacred Number & represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
- 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
“Animorph” in the English Ordinal system equals 94
- 94 is like Terror sums in Simple Gematria
- 94 is like Nine, Dread, Rabbi, Find Me, Barak, B H Obama, & Fail Again in Jewish Gematria
- 94 is like Skulls, Microchip, Human Being, Third Eye, Judgment, Consumed, Star Child, Skynet, Esoteric, Patriarch, H5N1 Bird Flu, Mark Gray, Epic Relation, Uranus, Google, Unicorn, Covenant, Abortion, Columbine, Jacob's Ladder, Praise God, The Church, Shinning, Oral Sex, Dispute, Guilty, Despicable Me, Aspartame, Ace of Spades, The Miracle, Second Chance, In the Club, Harmony, Sasha Fierce, Blue Eyes, Innocent, Amsterdam, Tropical, & November in Simple Gematria
“Animorph” in the English Sumerian system equals 564
- 564 is like Akhenaten Nefertiti, Barack Obama Has a Secret, One Eye Damaged, Stubborn, God’s Numbering,This Number, Sun in Aries, Infernal Prophet, The Angles of Satan, The Hoax Fear, X Sign Death, Publishers, Embedded Text, Sore Throat, & The Imminent Comet in Jewish Gematria
- 564 is like Microchip, Human Being, Relation, Innocent, H5N1 Bird Flu, Skynet, Uranus, Unicorn, Covenant, Abortion, Holy One, Skulls, The Church, Guilty, Pol Pot, Terror, Shinning Oral Sex, Third Eye, Praise God, Boss-eyes, Judgment, Carousel, Second Chance, Ace of Spades, Harmony, Blue Eyes, November, Sasha Fierce, Amsterdam, Rudolph, & Twelfth, Club Foot in English Gematria
- 564 is like Eleven Is A Code Meaning Activation Of Twin Spiraling Human DNA,The Divine Knowledge Of The Twenty Six Holy Letters, Revelation Fourteen Fourteen Proves Jesus Is Death, Inability To Accept The Truth About Their Own Religion, Orgone Warriors Put Orgone Where Wickedness Lives, Germanys Superbug Is Weaponized With Bubonic Plague DNA, Open Doors Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide, & Is Totally Unworthy To Be The Head Of A Civilized Nation in Simple Gematria
“Animorph” in Jewish Gematria system equals 278
- 278 is like The Aliens, Gate Keeper, The Hidden One, The Keeper, King of Kings, Fiend of Pride, Snake Egg, Sell Them, Bad Morals, Death is God, The Smell, Engulf, Androids, Satanic Lie, Demon of Rage, America Faced Iran, Then Lie As, Thorn, Bad December Bad Iran, I Am Thor, Bad Star, Other Half, & Feb BH Obama Speech in Jewish Gematria
- 278 is like The Grays And The Reptilians, O Negative Blood Is Copper Based, The Trilateral Commission, Apprehension Of The Cosmos, Computer Optimization, Numerical Synchronicity, Stargate Of The Shining Ones, The Seven Pleiadian Sisters, Conscious Subconscious, Center Of Great Tribulation, The Purest Blood Of Christ, 10 Commandments R From Lucifer, Islamic Pervert Child Marriage, One Hundred Seventy-four, Revelations Is Prophetic& Barack Hussein Obama Comet Elenin in Simple Gematria
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