Gematria: Significant Dates in 2017 & 2018 (UPDATED) [2017=8/11, 9/11/, 11/8, 9/22, 11/17, & 11/28 | 2018=9/11/, 9/17, & 9/23]
Gematria: Significant Dates in 2017 & 2018 (UPDATED)
[2017=8/11, 9/11/, 11/8, 9/22, 11/17, & 11/28 | 2018=9/11/, 9/17, & 9/23]
[2017=8/11, 9/11/, 11/8, 9/22, 11/17, & 11/28 | 2018=9/11/, 9/17, & 9/23]
- 2017 -
August 11, 2017 (8/11) = 223rd Day of Year w/142 Days Remaining
(Correlation to May 22, 2017 UK Manchester Bombing = 142nd Day of year w/223 Days Remaining); furthermore, another Correlation is Trump's Inauguration, which was 11/8, or the opposite of 8/11 (Aug.11th).
142 & 223 are also EMBEDDED in the Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding) of/on July 19, 2017.
142 & 223 are also EMBEDDED in the May 22nd, 2017 UK Manchester Bombing PSYOP, see: Gematria: 222 Wars since 1776 or in 239 years/93% of the time (WWIII & Satanic Freemasons)
(Correlation to Queen Elizabeth's birthday & her "Emergency Meeting," the "One-eyed Goat Miracle," and the CIA's new drug "Grey Death") as well as the Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP, as well as the London Bridges PSYOP.
19 Embedded as well with Numeric Date in Queen Elizabeth's "Emergency Meeting," the "One-eyed Goat" PSYOP, & the CIA's "New Drug: Gray Death" PSYOP. Shane's Copter PSYOP, which correlates to Trump's Inauguration, i.e., the Duration of Time from JFK's DOD (assassination date) to Trump's said ceremony in Days (19,119).
19 Embedded as well with Numeric Date of Shane's Copter PSYOP, which Correlates to Trump's Inauguration, i.e., the Duration of Time from JFK's DOD (assassination date) to Trump's said ceremony in Days (19,119) & Encoded into Jay-Z's album: "4:44," which includes the company, tracks, his name, the month of the album's release, which Correlates to the UK Manchester Bombing, London Bridges, Ariana Grande's birth month, & the Summer Solstice, which relates to Prince Philip or the Duke of Edinburgh.
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
November 8, 2017 = 11/8 or 88 like Trump, Inauguration, & JFK tie-in.
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
11/8 or November 8th is a Wednesday sums to 37 in Pythagorean Gematria
37 is like RFID, Being Once, Hell, Seal, Weed, End, Flame, Demo, & Scan in Simple Gematria
37 is like December, Sci-Fi w/"s" exception, Nostradamus, Watergate, Bamboozle in Pythagorean Gematria
37 is Prime #
37 is like Francis Drake in Chaldean Gematria
Francis Drake (born 1540), knighted by Queen Elizabeth I in 1581, was second in command of the English Fleet and mostly responsible for defeating the Spanish Armada who called him Franciscus Draco} "Francis the Dragon"
NOTICE: Trump's total Lifespan/Duration, including End Date, up to the moment or day he was inaugurated, was more than 37 Million minutes (37,136,160). So, it is like 11/8 being a Wednesday, which sums to 37.
Adittionally, Trump was 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 Days old at the inauguration; 7+7+7=21, which is like the 21, which has Correlations from PSYOPs of 2017 for dates in 2018. This is underscored below (scroll down) in the: - 2018 - section or part, but one should read through and not skip to as it will be explained as mentioned already. 

Pertaining to the JFK connection, the Duration from 11/22/1963, JFK's Assassination Date or DOD (Day of Death) to Donald Trump's Inauguration Day (1/20/2017) is 53 Years, which is like the 53 that remain in 2017 from the 11/8 date (the 312th Day of said year). Moreover, it was 19,119 Days as well. So, notice the 119 that was underscored in the Video "Gematria: Significant Dates in 2017 & 2018" that is embedded and represents by the morphemes like Star of David, All Seeing Eye, Hebrew Calendar, Queen Mary, Divine Light, Divine Rule, King James Bible, Biblical verse, In God’s Arms, High Priest, Tribe of Judah, Master Plan, Foundation, Keeper of Fire, Order of Death, Imperial Oil, Lost Ending, Snake People, Saucer Ship, Planet Mars, Milky Way, Alien Travel, Ancient Ones, & Seeing Clues sum to 119 in Ordinal Gematria.
In addition to the aforesaid, Donald, Lion, Diabolical, I Am an Eagle, Black Mind, A Clone, & Name Game sum to 119 in Jewish Gematria.
119 symbolizes high Treason and the Reject of God.
Suffice it to say, there is the ostensible 9/11 referencing, i.e., 119/116 are 9/11's INVERSION. Also, 911 became the Emergency Code nationwide in 1968.
911 like Bad Obama Revealed, O Barack Obama Jr., Division, Vatican Hill, Nine Eleven FEMA, Natural Disasters, The Demonic Grey Aliens, See Reveal, & Devil’s Mind in Jewish Gematria
911 is like Nine Eleven Was An Inside Job Orchestrated By A Very Top Secret Group In The Us Government, I Will Arise And Go To My Father And Will Say Unto Him, Father I Have Sinned Against Heaven And Before Thee, Eleven September Two Thousand Fifteen A Mobile Crawler Crane Collapsed Onto The Masjid Al Haram In Mecca, Nothing In The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity, Gray Alien Creator Deity Dead In Willow Glen The Rumour Has It Along With Reptilian And Draconian, & The Ones Responsible For Putting Aborted Babies In The Food Will Suffer In Hell For Eternity in Ordinal Gematria
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
Gematria: 222 Wars since 1776 or in 239 years/93% of the time
(WWIII & Satanic Freemasons)

Gematria: 222 Wars since 1776 or in 239 years/93% of the time
(WWIII & Satanic Freemasons)

53 is a Prime #
53 is like Religion, Saturnism w/“s” exception, & Shooting w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria
53 is like Entertainment in Chaldean Gematria
53 is like Hell & Haste in Jewish Gematria
53 is like Skin, Database, Coca-Cola, Divide, Black Cat, Hasidic, Haste, Sabbath, Machine, Choir, Ban Oil, Hacking, Sheep, Sink, Ending, & Chicken in Ordinal Gematria
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)

19 Embedded as well with Numeric Date of Shane's Copter PSYOP, which correlates to Trump's Inauguration, i.e., the Duration of time from JFK's DOD (assassination date) to Trump's said ceremony in Days (19,119).

COG PLAYLIST: Donald John Trump
November 28, 2017 (11/28) = 332nd Day in 2017 w/33 Days Remaining
Queen Elizabeth II sums to 332 in Francis Baconis Gematria like Erin Moran in Primes Gematria like Blood Sacrifice on Sumerian Gematria
September 22, 2017 (9/22) = Autumnal Equinox (1st Day of Fall begins); 265th Day of Year w/69 Days Remaining; further, 38th Friday of 2017 like it is also the 38th Week of 2017 as well; also, September 22nd is the 3rd and last day of Rosh Hashanah (a Jewish Observance) & is Rosh Hashanah II (New Year 2nd day in Isreal).
38 is like Cosmology in Reverse Reduce Gematria
38 is like Cosmology in Reverse Reduce Gematria
38 is like Revelation in Septenary Gematria
38 is like Prophecy in H Reverse Gematria
38 is like Chronos (Father Time/Saturn/Satan) English, & Gematria in Pythagorean Gematria
38 is like Chronos (Father Time/Saturn/Satan) English, & Gematria in Pythagorean Gematria
38 is like Kabbalah, Jew, Noah, Adolf, Death, Gold, Fire, Balance, Alpha, Daddy, Grid, Aflame, Oct (13 1307), & Palace in Ordinal Gematria
38 is like Bible, Eagle, Heel, & Big L (another Rapper like Jay-Z) in Jewish Gematria
NOTE: BIG L, who was killed as well ("Sacrificed" or Murdered), the "L" sums to 24 in Francis Baconis Gematria, which is the REFLECTION of 42 mentioned already. "L" also sums to 18, which Masons, MKUltra, Shots, Kills, Big, Head, Face, Die, & Gala; further, 18 represents Satan as 18 reduces to 9: (1+8); 9 symbolizes a Cube (Box: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry. Plus, Nine sums to 42, which was underscored above and in the accompanying Video. It is also a Prime # (9th), the 23rd. Satanists w/"s' exception, Nazi, Lie, & Slave sum to 23; 23 is associated outside of India with Eris, the Goddess of Chaos & Disorder. Adittionally, "L" sums to 37 like Wednesday (11/8) in Pythagorean Gematria, which is the 312th Day of 2017 leaving 53 Days in Remaining.
REMINDER} Trump’s total Lifespan/Duration, including End Date, up to the moment or day he was inaugurated, was more than 37 Million minutes (37,136,160).
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
Gematria: Jay-Z’s New Album “4.44” Embeds 9/17/2018 PSYOP (Piety & Draconians)
NOTE: 1930s (Depression Years): 19+30=49 like Revelation, Skull & Bones w/“s” & ”k” exceptions & Skull & Bones w/both “s” exceptions & like Satanists w/THREE "s" exceptions in Pythagorean Gematria like Occultic in Reverse Gematria like Leukemia in Chaldean Gematria like KKK in ALW (Kabbalah) Gematria
October 29, 1929: start of the "Great Depreesion" (a Purposeful Event but the Powers that Be). Again, Embedded in the "Helicopter Crash" PSYOP.
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
The 89th Oscars/Academy Awards was on SUNDAY, February 26th, in which Bill Paxton Died on February 25th, 2017.
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
89 ostensibly Embedded within the Shane McMahon Helicopter Crash PSYOP. A Homage or Veneration towards or for Satanic Freemasonry, O.J. Simpson (Parole PSYOP), as well as the 223/322 Encoding, which Correlates to the "COG - 222 Wars since 1176 or in 239 Years/93% of the time (WWIII+Satanic Freemasons)" post underscored in the beginning of this post.
"COG - 222 Wars since 1176 or in 239 Years/93% of the time (WWIII+Satanic Freemasons)" EMBEDDED in Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
89 is like Kabbalistic in Ordinal Gematria, which CORRELATES to September 17, 2018: 9/17/18 = 444 Days from June 30th (Jay-Z's album "4:44"; further, it will be 89 year after the Great Depression (10/29/1929); also, October is the ONLY month to sum to 33.
- 2018 -
September 23, 2018 (9/23) = 266th Day of Year w/99 Days Remaining
(Correlation to Jay-Z’s “The Black Album” released in 2003 that had the track (“99 Problems”): Four Hundred Forty-Four sums to 99 in Chaldean Gematria like June (month of “4:44's" release), & also like Friday (the DAY of “4:44” release); adittionally, the date that the Bavarian Illuminati was founded sums to 99 (5/1/1776} 5+1+17+76); plus, Thirteen sums to 99 as well and it was Thirteen Illuminati Families that found the Bavarian Illuminati.
13 is a Prime # & a Fibonacci #
13 is a Sacred Number & represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
13 Families that Founded the Bavarian Illuminati on 5/1/1776
13 is like Cabbala in Pythagorean Gematria
13 like Pagan in Septenary Gematria
13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
Thirteenth in the English Sumerian system equals 762
13 is like GOD in Septenary Gematria
13 is like Navy in Chaldean Gematria
13 also correlates with Loki (Norse Mythology: thirteenth guest in regards to the Death of Baldur)
13th Greek God Zeus
13 represents Jesus & his Last Disciples (12)
13 Rungs in the Ladder to Eternity (Egyptian Folklore)
13 Moons in a Calendar year
13 is like Indra (Captain of the Gods & Demolisher of enemies), the 1st of 12 aspects of the Sun
13 Pentagrams above the Bald Eagle’s Head on the back of a US Dollar
13 Leaves of the Olive Branch held by the Bald Eagle’s Right Claw on the back of a US Dollar
13 Arrows held by the Bald Eagle’s Left Claw on the back of a US Dollar
13 Bars/Stripes in the Shield in front of the Bald Eagle on the back of a US Dollar
13 Steps in the Pyramid
13 letters in Annuit Coeptis
13 letters in E Pluribus Unum (“Out of many, one" appearing on the Great Seal of a US Dollar)
13 signatories on the Declaration of Independence
66 & 99 are Embedded within the Shane McMahon Helicopter Crash PSYOP via Locale and Type of incident, i.e., a "crash."
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
Also, 99 & 66 are INVERSIONS; further, 9/23/18 is a Sunday, (9/23/18: 266th Day/99 Remain), which sums to 21 in Pythagorean Gematria like Five (# track of “4:44”) like “Lemonade” (Beyoncé Knowles album on April 23, 2016) in Septenary Gematria like Jay-Z's 5th Track ("4:44") and it being the "Crux" of the album; further, it is also like the 21 Grammys that Jay-Z has won as well as being like Donald Trump being 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 Days old at the inauguration; 7+7+7=21, which is like the 21.
September 11, 2017 (9/17) = 266th Day of Year
5844} 5+8+4+4=21 (Above mentioned Correlations)
58 is like Freemasonry, Skull & Bones w/BOTH “s” & “k” exceptions, "Annuit Coeptis” & The Seal of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria
58 is like Again, Agenda, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
58 is like German, Claws, Bleeding, Father, German, Asleep, & Adult in Ordinal Gematria
44 is like Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, Excrement, Saturnism w/"s" exception, Kabbalistic w/"s" or "k" exception, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria
44 is like God in LCH Gematria
44 is like KILL, Hope, Faith, & Karma in Simple Gematria
44 is like Numerology in Reverse Reduced Gematria
16 is like GOD in Jewish Reduced Gematria
16 is like Guns & Cattle in Pythagorean Gematria
16 is like Cage in Jewish Gematria & Deaf in Simple Gematria
One sums to 16 in Pythagorean Gematria
16 Prophets in the Old Testament
16 Apostles & 16 Evangelists in the New Testament
Shane's wife Marissa (MMM) has Gematria of 44; i.e., her AGE; furthermore, 16 is represented by SBM (Shane's initials), his DOB, & Locale of Helicopter PSYOP.
NOTE: the Affinity between 44 & 144.
144 is a Fibonacci #
144 is like Mark of the Beast, Forty-Four & April Fourth (4/4: 44 like Kill, Faith, & Karma) in Simple Gematria
44 is like Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, Excrement, Saturnism w/“s” exception, Kabbalistic w/“s’ or “k” exception, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria like GOD in LCH Gematria
44 is like Numerology in Reverse Reduced Gematria
NOTE: the Affinity between 44 & 144.
144 is a Fibonacci #
144 is like Mark of the Beast, Forty-Four & April Fourth (4/4: 44 like Kill, Faith, & Karma) in Simple Gematria
44 is like Prophet, Shooting, A Seal Of Saturn, Officer, Civilians, Excrement, Saturnism w/“s” exception, Kabbalistic w/“s’ or “k” exception, & Military in Pythagorean Gematria like GOD in LCH Gematria
44 is like Numerology in Reverse Reduced Gematria
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
111 is like Revelation in LCH Gematria
111 is like KKK in Francis Bacon Gematria
111 is like Black Alien, Encoded, Biased, Die Hard, Bad Seed, & Cocaine in Jewish Gematria
111 is like Mark of Beast, Computer, Witchcraft, New York, Image of Satan, Democrat Obama, Wicked Will, Lucifer Hell, Satan’s Seal, Illusion, Dark Matter, Satan’s Hell, Sarah L Palin, Moral Decline, & Democrat Obama in Ordinal Gematria
111 is like Mark of Beast, Computer, Witchcraft, New York, Image of Satan, Democrat Obama, Wicked Will, Lucifer Hell, Satan’s Seal, Illusion, Dark Matter, Satan’s Hell, Sarah L Palin, Moral Decline, & Democrat Obama in Ordinal Gematria
111 (Ordinal Gematria) AFFINITY with 666 (Sumerian Gematria):
Mark of Beast, Evil Sarah P, Evil Sarah P, Sarah Fed I D Chip, Plan Of Sarah, Sarah P A Beast, Lady of Evil, Leader of Alaska, New York, Monsanto, Witchcraft, Santa Claus, Image of Satan, Fire is Anger, Son of Sin, E Identity, Lucifer Hell, Hardened Heart, Receive a Mark, Wicked Will, Helicopter, God Incarnate, Lustful, Commercials, Demonic Evil, Allah is Lord, Pictures, Grand Rapids, Hell Burns, Providence, One Christ, Talking Heads, Devil Dragon, Devil In Chip, Open Chakras, Knighthood, Corrupt, Ejaculation, The KKK Leader, American Beast, Anarchy USA, Demon Inside, Bank Collapse, Illusion, Dark Matter, Dollar Sign, Teleport, Grat Aliens, The Archons, No MOre Cash, The Dragons, Horned Beast, Ebola Vaccines, End Times Deal, Forehead Sign, Birth C is Fake, Democrat Obama, & Mahdi Barack H Obama in Ordinal & Sumerian Gematrias
Gematria: Shane McMahon’s Emergency Helicopter Landing PSYOP (Satanic Freemasonry & O.J. Simpson Embedding)
254 (th day of year) } 2+5+4=11
11 is a Master # and means Sin, Transgression & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
11 is a Prime #
11 Tail Feathers of the Bald Eagle on the back of a US Dollar
Additionally, ALL of the #S BELOW are Correlated/Embedded/Interconnected in/from ALL of the mentioned PSYOPs, covered in ALL of the aforesaid Videos and Blog Posts.
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