Gematria: Queen’s 2015 Christmas Message: “Enjoy Your Final Christmas” [14/41s,15/51s, 18/81s, 23/32s, 24/42s, 25/52s, 27/72s, 34/43s, 35/53s, 37/73s, 46/64s, 47/74s, 56/65s, 67/76s, 68/86s, 69/96s, & 78/87s]

 Gematria: Queen’s 2015 Christmas Message: “Enjoy Your Final Christmas” 
[14/41s, 15/51s, 18/81s, 23/32s, 24/42s, 25/52s, 27/72s, 34/43s, 35/53s, 37/73s, 46/64s, 47/74s, 56/65s, 67/76s, 68/86s, 69/96s, & 78/87s]
(20, 33, 42, 50, 66, 111, 666, 578)
(Reptilians/Draconians & Satanism)

E-Mail: Citizen of Gotham (COG)

 Queen’s 2015 Christmas Message: “Enjoy Your Final Christmas”

Posted on December 25, 2015 by Baxter Dmitry in Weird


The Queen dropped a bombshell yesterday while filming her annual Christmas Message for the BBC, hinting at deep personal regrets over the murder of Princess Diana, a BBC insider claims.
Clearly troubled, the Queen said, “She knew too much.” The Queen asked her subjects to understand that the Royal Family simply did what was necessary to ensure their own survival.
Senior BBC production staff and palace advisors scrambled to cancel the take, but not before the Queen expressed dark fears that this will be the last Christmas on earth because malevolent forces, much stronger than her own, are stalking across Europe, gaining ground every day.
I hope you enjoy your final Christmas,” she said bitterly, before BBC staff, under strict orders from palace advisors, cancelled the take and sent junior staff on an early lunch.
Later in the day the Christmas message was re-done, the second take proving less troubling to the establishment.
In the United Kingdom and on the Internet, broadcast of the Queen’s Christmas message is embargoed until 3:00 PM GMT on Christmas Day. In other parts of the Commonwealth, the message is first broadcast in New Zealand at 6:50 PM local time by Television New Zealand, in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation at 7:20 PM local time, and in Canada by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at 10 AM Eastern Standard Time [EST], which is the same as 3:00 PM GMT.
How popular is it?
Last year, 7.8 million viewers tuned in for the Christmas broadcast in the UK alone. The message was devoted to the First World War, the Northern Ireland peace process and the Scottish referendum.
The theme of this year’s speech, chosen by the Queen herself, will, according to her official website, reflect her own interests but will always be “motivated by compassion and concern for her people.”

Enjoy Your Final Christmas” in the English Reduction system equals 111 (5+5+1+6+7+0+7+6+3+9+0+6+9+5+1+3+0+3+8+9+9+1+2+4+1+1), which reduces to 3
  • 111 is like Black Alien, EncodedBiasedDie Hard, Bad Seed, and Cocaine in Jewish Gematria 
  • 111 is like Mark of Beast, Witchcraft, New York, Image of Satan, Democrat Obama, Wicked Will, Lucifer Hell, Satan’s Seal, Illusion, Dark Matter, Satan’s Hell, Sarah L Palin & Papa Smurf in Simple Gematria
  • 666 AFFINITY between 111 & 666: Mark of Beast, Witchcraft, New York, Image of Satan, Democrat Obama, Wicked Will, Lucifer Hell, Satan’s Seal, Illusion, Dark Matter, Satan’s Hell, Sarah L Palin & Papa Smurf in English Gematria

Enjoy Your Final Christmasw/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 120 (5+5+1+6+7+0+7+6+3+9+0+6+9+5+1+3+0+3+8+9+9+1+2+4+1+10), which reduces to 3
  • 120 is like Alien DNA, DNA Encoded, Alien Click, The BBC, Kill God, Dream, Circle, Finland, Camera, Debit, Habit, Hard Headed, & Offended in Jewish Gematria
  • 120 is like FeedJade, JJ, Jade 2T, As, Abel, & KFC in English Gematria
  • KFC in the English Reduction system equals 11 (2+6+3), which reduces to 2 } 11 is the Master # & means Sin, Transgression, & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 120 is like Hidden Master, Secret Chiefs, Army Ranks, Occult Logic, Illuminati, Lucid Dreaming, Gematria Greek, Masonic Logic, The Truth, Discovery, The Architect, Vocabulary, 666 888 Illuminati, Materialism, The Holy Code, Communism, Leviticus, Life After Death, & Leviticus (The Book of Leviticus (/lɪˈvɪtɪkəs/; from Greek Λευιτικόν, Leuitikon, meaning "relating to the Levites"| is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah/Pentateuch) in Simple Gematria


I hope you enjoy your final Christmas” in the English Reduction system equals 162 (9+0+8+6+7+5+0+7+6+3+0+5+5+1+6+7+0+7+6+3+9+0+6+9+5+1+3+0+3+8+9+9+1+2+4+1+1), which reduces to 9
  • 162 is like The End, Islamic, Fire and Ice, & Black on Black in Jewish Gematria
  • 162 is like JFK, Ego, Race, Base, Gas, Red, Code, Dance, Cuba, Headed, Oak, Adobe, & Fecal in English Gematria
  • 162 is like The Destroyer, Occultic Master, Snake Calligraphy, Never Shall We Die, Dedicated Time Keeper, Thief in the Night, High Priestess, GENDER Bending Chemical, EVIL Had Newsreel, Anderson CooperThe Tall Whites,  An Ideology Of Hate, Abo Blood Groups, Mac Os X Server, Mystic Number, Satan Will Lose Illegal Immigrant, Too Judgemental, The Devil To Pay, Devil To Pay The, The Way Back To Eden, Missing Money, Sun Worship, Back To The USSR, Romeo And Juliet, Thy Kingdom Come, Simple Exercise, Begging for Money in Simple Gematria

I hope you enjoy your final Christmas” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 171 
(9+0+8+6+7+5+0+7+6+3+0+5+5+1+6+7+0+7+6+3+9+0+6+9+5+1+3+0+3+8+9+9+1+2+4+1+10), which reduces to 9
  • 171 is like The AgendaFifteen, Single, Finished, Speech, Coincidence, Indicate, Death Hell in Jewish Gematria 
  • 171 is like The Great Architect, Construction, Savior of Mankind, Event Horizon, Annunaki Nephilim, Crop Circle Message, Final CountdownNephilimBarry SoetoroObama ExecutionerThe Klu Klux Klan in Simple Gematria 

I hope you enjoy your final Christmas” w/BOTH “s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 180 
(9+0+8+6+7+5+0+7+6+3+0+5+5+1+6+7+0+7+6+3+9+0+6+9+5+1+3+0+3+8+9+9+10+2+4+1+10), which reduces to 9
  • 180 is like Alpha PalaceNeglect, Freedom, Thelemic, Caesar, Ego Death, Obama Babel King, Black Light, I am African, God Dope, Sarah, Eat Pie, Polo, Kepler, NPR, Napoli, Italian, Hair-piece, & No Air in Jewish Gematria
  • 180 is like Fear, Hail, Decide, Deep, Ice Age, Map, Web, Paid, Mafia, Peace, Bible, He Did, Him, Check 222, Check 333, Check 444, Check 555, Check 666,  Check 777, Check 888, Check 999, Check 1110, Check 1111, Check 8887, Eagle, Bread, Beer, Asia, Ark, Magi, iPad, Coach, Elm (JRK murdered Elm Strret). Beard, UFC, UFC 120, UFC 121, Alice, Anna, Jane,  Debra, Anan, & Abby in English Gematria
  • 180 is like Lady Of All Nations, God’s Deadly Daughter, The Purest Blood, Age Of The Universe,  Supreme Wisdom, Child Slave Traders, Magically Delicious, Deconstruction,  Eyes Of The World, The Master Builder, Signs Of Deception, Insane Delusions, Methods Of Madness, Imprisoned Angels, I Think I Gonna Be Sick, Gematria Calculator, Gematria Prophecy, Dangerous Barack H Obama, Near Death Experience, Four Four Four, Satan As Lightening, Holy Holy Holy, Love Is All Around, Elixir Of Love Is, The Meaning Is This, I Am Here With You, Word Of God Made FleshSodom And Gomorrah, God's Name Is A Number, Saint Augustine, Power Of God, Sarah Louise Palin, Rupert Murdoch, Clovis Culture, Fourteen Moons, Masturbation Hand, Eight Times Seven, Healing Cyclops Priest, Search For Truth, & The Dog Whisperer in Simple Gematria

She knew too much” in the English Reduction system equals 63 
(1+8+5+0+2+5+5+5+0+2+6+6+0+4+3+3+8), which reduces to 9
  • 63 is like Being, Begin, Dead End, Needed, India & Aflame in Jewish Gematria
  • 63 is like MedusaReaper, SkillElevenDivine, Cannabis, Friday, Smoke, Meaning, Bible Name, The Bible, Ireland, Texas, Azrael, Tears, Tense, Deja Vu, Record, Soon, Reveal, Traffic, Avatar, Command, Public, Spine, The Eagle, Color, Grow, Gentle, Sets, Weeks, Mermaid in Simple Gematria
  • 11 is the Master # & means Sin, Transgression, & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
She knew too much” w/“s” exception like w/“k" exception & like Prince Harry like Prince William & also like the date: 12+25+20+15=72 in the English Reduction system ALL equal 72, which reduces to 9
  • 72 is like Balance & Dead Again in Jewish Gematria 
  • 72 is like Money, MarriageRebornHimselfHitler, Mohammed, Accurate, Rocket, Mea Culpa, Sadist, Bird Flu, Chickens, & Magnetic in Simple Gematria
  • NOTE: BOTH sons (progeny) of Princess share like Gematria
She knew too much” w/“k" exception & like Prince Philip & Antarctic Treaty System in the English Reduction system equals 81 (10+8+5+0+11+5+5+5+0+2+6+6+0+4+3+3+8), which reduces to 9
  • 81 is like Black DNA, Magickal, MimicGold, Gold 79Do I Die, Abel CainBeheadingMania, Okla, High End, Adolf in Jewish Gematria

motivated by compassion and concern for her people” in the English Reduction system equals 211 (4+6+2+9+4+1+2+5+4+0+2+7+0+3+6+4+7+1+1+1+9+6+5+0+1+5+4+0+3+6+5+3+5+9+5+0+6+6+9+0+8+5+9+0+7+5+6+7+3+5), which reduces to 4
  • 211 is like The Base, PlansCell PhoneMason, Last, Black PopeBlack Pope 112False Logic, The Black FlameFabricated, Firearm in Jewish Gematria
  • 211 is like Goddess Sophia Rises, Ancient Female Human Body, Between Incarnations, Alien Transmission, The Architecture Of God, Manifest Destiny Is, Order Of Rosicrucian, Impossible EducationObama Son Of Perdition, Behold A Pale White Horse, Many False Allegations, Chosen One Syndrome, Orange Revolution, Application Of Gematria, Sacred Burial Grounds, The Numbers In The Bible, The Hope of Salvation, Sexually Insatiable, The Cure For Duality, & 7 Satanic Fraternities In Simple Gematria

motivated by compassion and concern for her people” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system 
equals 220 
(4+6+2+9+4+1+2+5+4+0+2+7+0+3+6+4+7+1+10+1+9+6+5+0+1+5+4+0+3+6+5+3+5+9+5+0+6+6+9+0+8+5+9+0+7+5+6+7+3+5), which reduces to 4
  • 220 is like The DNA Code, Fiend of Fire, The End Game, Immoral, Independence Religion, & The Black Man in Jewish Gematria
  • 220 is like God Rapture Disaster, Revelation Thirteen, & 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Simple Gematria
motivated by compassion and concern for her people” w/BOTH “s” exceptions in the English Reduction system equal 229 
(4+6+2+9+4+1+2+5+4+0+2+7+0+3+6+4+7+10+10+1+9+6+5+0+1+5+4+0+3+6+5+3+5+9+5+0+6+6+9+0+8+5+9+0+7+5+6+7+3+5), which reduces to 4
  • 229 is like ElitesFascismDetails, Seal, Clock at Mecca, Gas Mask, Is a Demon, 911 I'm on Fire, & Sabbatical in Jewish Gematria
  • 229 is like Illuminati Li Bloodline, Aliens Harvest Humans, Queen Of The Universe, False Allegations Against, Inception Or Deception, Obama Son Of The Almighty, Thirteenth Dimension, & Obama Man Of Lawlessness, & Obama Man Of Lawlessness in Simple Gematria
Final like Theme BOTH sum to 24 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 24 is like MIB in Simple Gematria 
  • In Numerology it represents family, harmony, idealism, and companionship, and there’s a desire for long-term security

Represents the wheel of the rebirth, according to R. Allendy. It is the cyclic mechanism of the nature, 4, linked to the cosmic differentiation, 20, in the harmonious balance of the creation - 2 + 4 = 6.
Represent the combination of the aware individuality and mistress of all his energies with the Cosmos developing its complete harmony, according to Warrain.
Symbol of the double harmony of the sky and the earth.
Saint Jerome sees in this number the multiplication of the four elements - the earth, the water, the air and the fire - by the six days of the creation.
Twenty four is the number of letters of the alphabet that we find in the four Gospels.
The Christ in the Gospels achieves 33 miracles of which 24 were cures.
The 24 Elders sat on 24 thrones. (Rv 4,4)
Number of chapters of the Gospel of Luke.
The 24 classifications of priests and cantors. (1 Ch 24,1-19; 1 Ch 25,9-31)
In the war led to Gath against Philistines, a warrior of great size had six fingers to each hand and to each foot, giving 24 fingers on the whole. (2 S 21,20; 1 Ch 20,6)
It is the habit to represent the crown of the Virgin with 24 florets, containing six flowers (lily, crocus, violet, rose, sunflower, camomile), six stars and twelve precious stones borrowed from the Revelation and the Pectoral of Aaron.
It is at the age of 24 years old that Jesus entered in Perse, according to the Gospel of the Aquarius.
Saint Ann was 24 years old when she taken as husband saint Joachim. They were the parent of the Virgin Mary, according to visions of Mary Agreda.
Twenty four is the number of biblical books of the Old Testament - Hebrews and Protestants. This number is obtained by counting for only one book the twelve minor prophets, as well as Judges, Kings, Ezra, Chronicles - each one being generally divided in two books. It is also the calculation of the Talmud of Babylon.
The Chaldeans distinguished, apart from the zodiacal circle, 24 stars including 12 southern and 12 boreal, and they called them the “Judges of the universe”.
According to the Gospel of Thomas, 24 prophets appeared in Israel before the arrival of the Jesus Christ. (log 52.2)
The Egyptians discovered, 25 years before our era, that the monkey urinated regularly 24 times per day.
Japanese, the Perse and the Chinese divide the year into 24 parts of 15 days.
It is the number of grains that can have the Chinese chain of Buddhist origin.
The 24 tirthankaras, or perfect saints, of the Jainism.
In the Greek mythology, the giant Alcyoneus crushes under a rock 24 companions of Hercules before to be transpierced by an arrow of Athena.
According to the Zend-Avesta, Zervane, the time without milestone, had produced two great gods, Ormaz and Ahriman; the first, pure being and good by excellence, creative word, principle of life, symbolized by the light; the other, impure and perverse, destructive word, principle of death, symbolized by darkness. After having created his celestial army, to direct it, Ormaz created 24 gods (Yazatas or celestial spirits) whom he placed in an egg, in order to communicate to them an invincible energy in a powerful divine incubation. Ahriman retaliated immediately by producing 24 opposite spirits (demons or daevas) which pierced the egg and entailed under their standards half of the rebellious phalanges to the yoke of the good principle.
The 24 runes of the runic alphabet which each one has a divinatory senses and a magical power.
The twenty four hours of the circadian cycle of meridian lines, dividing the day into equal period. The hours are of Egyptian origin, but the equinoctial hour (60 minutes) is Greek. Formerly among the Egyptians and Romans, the length of the hours varied according to the season.
The human body is composed of 24 elements, whose hydrogen and oxygen are the most abundant with 63% and 25.5% respectively.
The thoracic cage of the human body is formed of 24 coasts.
The pure gold is called gold of 24 carats.
Anniversary of marriage: earthenware weddings.


The number 24 is used 20 times in the Bible.
The number 600 is used 24 times in the Bible.
The Revelation of John uses on the whole 24 different numbers, that are numbers 1 to 12, 24, 42, 80, 144, 666, 1000, 1260, 1600, 7000, 12000, 144000 and 200000000. However, we find in the Revelation the expression “ten thousand times ten thousand” (Rv 5,11) to mean a number immensely high or innumerable. If we consider it then as a potential number, the total numbers used in the Revelation is not 24 but well 25. But in the NRSV, the number 80 in the Revelation does not exist: instead of “80 pounds”, it is rather “talent” (Rv 16,21). In revelations of Maria Valtorta, Jesus declares concerning these numbers that “in times to come will shine the truth on the numbers still obscure written in the Revelation, numbers which are there to indicate the Perfection and the infinite Sanctity, and also the Impiety without measure”.
The number 7 is used 24 times in the Koran.
The word judges is used 24 times in the NT and the word lamb, 24 times in the Revelation. In the Gospel of saint John, the words water and spirit are used 24 times.

DATE: December 25, 2015 (posting)

9 like She knew too much” w/“s” exception
  • 72 is like Balance & Dead Again in Jewish Gematria 
  • 72 islike RebornMohammedHimselfMoneyMagneticMarriageHitler, Bird Flu, Chickens, Mea CulpaSadist in Simple Gematria
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo in Simple Gematria 
  • 52 is like DevilNWOHeart, & Six in English Gematria
1+2+2+5+2+1+5=18/like Mayan” 
  • 18 is like Sun & Masons (Satanic Freemasons) in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 18 is like Venus (Goddess of Sex/Planet of Sex) & Horus (Draconians) in Simple Gematria
  • 11 is a master number and means Sin, Transgression and Peril in Satanic Freemasonry

Australian Broadcasting Corporation in the English Reduction system equals 148 (1+3+1+2+9+1+3+9+1+5+0+2+9+6+1+4+3+1+1+2+9+5+7+0+3+6+9+7+6+9+1+2+9+6+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 148 is like Miracle & Dark Lamb in Jewish Gematria 
  • 148 is like Gray Serpent, Destruction, Holy Bloodline, Aliens In The Media, The Grey Aliens, Nuclear WeaponThe Trinity, & Satanic Wizard in Simple Gematria
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the English Reduction system equals 142 (3+1+5+1+4+9+1+5+0+2+9+6+1+4+3+1+1+2+9+5+7+0+3+6+9+7+6+9+1+2+9+6+5), which reduces to 7
  • 142 is like Terrorist in Pythagorean Gematria; 
  • Forty-Two (written) sums to 142 in Simple Gematria
Christmas” like Prince in the English Reduction system equals 38, which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 38 is like Death, Jew, Nigga& Bible in Simple Gematria
  • & like Princess Diana's DATE of Death8+3+1+1+9+9+7=38/11/2

Christmasw/“s” exception like Sumerians” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 47, which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 47 is like Star of David & President in Pythagorean Gematria  
  • 47 is like BeastObeyTimeAuthorityJudge, Gavel, Candy, & Mafia in Jewish Gematria
  • 47 is like Caesar in Simple Gematria
Christmasw/BOTH “s” exceptions like Royal Family Paris France” & like Sumeriansw/“s” exception in the English Reduction system ALL equal 56, which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 56 is like  WiseCreatedZoo, Member, Hatred, The End, Kenya, HealingISIS, Attack, DroneSemen in Simple Gematria
BBC in the English Reduction system equals 7 (2+2+3)
  • 7 is a Sacred Number and the number of Perfected Man
  • & like the REDUCTION of 7+1+19+61=88/16/7 & 7+1+1+9+6+1=25/7
Princess Diana like Reptilians” w/“s” exception & like Baxter Dmitry (writer of articlein the English Reduction system equals 60 (7+9+9+5+3+5+1+1+0+4+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 6
  • 60 is like Magick, Naked, & Chance in Jewish Gematria
  • 60 is like Aliens, Second Teacher, Kings, Castle, Dracula, The Code, Replace, Battle, Police, Orange, Diamond, Holy, Four, Word, Believe, Over, Order, Grant, Magnet, Dreams, Jump, Found, Caught, Raven, Happen, Life is, Active, Canvas, & Pray in Simple Gematria 
  • Police, Orange, & Diamond ALL sum 33 in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 6 represents the Hexagram6-pointed Star: Star of David; ThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
  • 64 is like ThelemaIsreal, & Zion in Simple Gematria; & Do What Thou WiltCivil Rights (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama Pythagorean Gematria  8x8 = 64
Princess Diana w/“s” exception is like Queen Elizabeth & like First World War in the English Reduction system equals 69
(7+9+9+5+3+5+10+1+0+4+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • False Flag sums to 69 in Simple Gematria
  • 69 in Numerology means Idealism, Family, Harmony, Health, & Compassion
  • CORRELATION: Princess Diana (w/“s” exception) & Queen Elizabeth & First World War ALL reduce to 6
Princess Diana w/BOTH “s” exceptions is like Duke of Edinburgh in the English Reduction system equal 78 (7+9+9+5+3+5+10+10+0+4+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 6
  • 78 is like Novus Ordo Seclorum (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
Princess like Reptile in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 40, which reduces to 4
  • 40 is like Life, Us, & Debacle in Jewish Gematria
Diana like 578 comments } 5+7+8=20 & like Aztecs in the English Reduction system BOTH equals 20 (4+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 2
  • 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 20 is like stands for souls who have the knowledge of both Good and Evil and must consciously make choices to attain balance in all situations in Numerology
Royal Princess in the English Reduction system equals 66 (9+6+7+1+3+0+7+9+9+5+3+5+1+1), which reduces to 12, which reduces to 3
  • Thirty-Three written out sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • Biblical sums to 66 in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like King, King 5CodedNFL, Biblical, Indica, Facing, Genie, & EPA in Jewish Gematria
  • 66 is like Already Beasts, Mankind, Debit Card, Rat Race, JudgesAncient, Queer, Lose Face, I’ll Be Okay, Eye Damage, Dead Now, Anubis, Twin, Sodom, Freedom, Moloch, Abyss, Curse, Lost, Padded Cell, Islamic, Charles, Alcohol,Envy, Lunar, Romeo, Cain and Abel, Event, & Blessed in Simple Gematria
  • 66 is like K (11 in Pythagorean Gematria), Bed, JA, FE, CH, DK, BHA, AC DC, K2, FDA, 65K, & 70K in English Gematria
  • 11 is a Master # and means Sin, Transgression and Peril in Satanic Freemasonry

July 1, 1961, Sandringham, United Kingdom
August 31, 1997, Paris, France
Married for 18 years
3 Children: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry

  • 88 is the Kingdom of Dualism/Duality (Satanism) in Numerology
  • 88 is like ProgramPoison, and the Seal of Saturn in Simple Gematria
  • 69 is like False Flag in Simple Gematria
  • 69 in Numerology, it means IdealismFamilyHarmonyHealth, & Compassion; it also denotes the Infiniti symbology too and refers to Karma as well. 
  • 25 is like Annuit (to approveOrdo (order) in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
  • & like Canada and 7.8 million viewers (7+8=15)

6 represents the Male energy, the soul of man and the macrocosm of God
6 is represented geometrically as the Hexagram6-pointed StarStar of DavidThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected ManTranshumanism in Satanic Freemasonry &
July is the 7th Month & Princess Diana's birth-month

7/1/1961 to 8/31/1997 (including date of calculation) = 13,211 Days or 36 years, 2 months
  • 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria
  • 13 is a Sacred Number. It represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 211 is like MasonThe Base, LastBlack PopeBlack Pope 112The Black FlameFirearmFalse LogicFabricatedPlans& Cell Phone in Jewish Gematria
  • 36 is like Barack and Oil in Simple Gematria
  • 2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative

7/1/1961 to 8/31/1997 (not including date of calculation) = 13,210 Days or 36 years, 1 month, and 30 days
  • 13 is like CIA in Jewish Gematria. 
  • 13 is a Sacred Number. It represents Death and Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice: Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 210 is like AkhenatenIs A LiarBlack Knight, CubeDecision in Jewish Gematria
  • 210 is like Ebola, China, Eye, Image, & Catch 22 in English Gematria
  • 36 is like Barack and Oil in Simple Gematria
  • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
  • 30 is like Mafia in Simple Gematria
  • NOTE:  31 is the REFLECTION of 13
  • 31 is like CubeCNNFocus in Simple Gematria
  • 31 is also one of the three highest ranks of/in Satanic Freemasonry (3132& 33)
  • 31 is like
August is the 8th Month (Princess Diana's Death month)
  • 8 in Numerology represents Saturn (Satan), as well as CruelInsensitiveViolentBullish or Greedy
  • 155 is like Christianity in Simple Gematria
  • 136 is like CobraFEMA Camp& BBC America in Jewish Gematria 
  • 136 is like What Are AliensReptilian AgendaApocalypse EndAlien InfectionHuman NatureValley of DeathGreat Awakeningncient of DaysNewspapersCounterfeitCivil Rights, Stock MarketThe Fallen OnesSatanic MessageDevil's MusicMother MaryVirgin MaryBride of ChristSnow WhiteThe Third DegreeExhaustion, Gulf of Mexico, Obama The Deceiver in Simple Gematria
  • 38 is like Jew, DeathNigga& Bible in Simple Gematria
  • & like Prince & Sumerians 
  • 28 is like ManBankLambBleed, Om, Case, & in Simple Gematria
  • 28 is like Mayans
2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
2 in Numerology it is the most feminine number and means Resilient, Lasting, Sensual, graceful, and Loyal as well as TactfulDiplomaticSensitive, and Cooperative
1 in Numerology is the number of Creation; and represents the masculine, focused, an originator and self-starter; it is also progressive, strong-willed, courageous, self-reliant and rebellious (in a constructive way)

Marriage = 18 years
  • 18 is like BigHeadDieGalaHa-HaBeef, & Big 10 in Jewish Gematria
  • 18 is like Masons (Satanic Freemasons) & Mayans in Pythagorean Gematria
3 Children
  • 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinity: the Triangle, the Pyramid and spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry; also, it's the Third Eye
Paris like 3:00 PM GMT in the English Reduction system equals 27 (7+1+9+9+1+0), which reduces to 9
  • 27 is like Code, RaceEgoFaked, & Fecal in Simple Gematria
  • 27 is like Car Bomb in Pythagorean Gematria
Paris France” like Christmas” w/BOTH “s” exceptions & Royal Family in the English Reduction system equals 56 
(7+1+9+9+1+0+6+9+1+5+3+5), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 56 is like KenyaHealingAttackISISThe EndHatred in Simple Gematria
  • 56 is like Prince Philip's birthday: 6+10+19+21 56/11/2
France like Aztecs” w/“s” exception & like Broadcast in the English Reduction system equals 29 (6+9+1+5+3+5), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 29 is like BlackBecameHeldA LambBindPage, Gang, Cabin, Hedge in Simple Gematria
Sandringham in the English Reduction system equals 54 (1+1+5+4+9+9+5+7+8+1+4), which reduces to 9

  • 54 is like DNAMayan, Scandal, FrenchDamsel (Princess Diana), Love, Islam, Gabriel, Oracle, Voice, Health, Play, Engine, Black Sea, Chess, Chemical, An Angel, Rope,  ThanksSearch, & Car Bomb in Simple Gematria

NOTE: She is somehow the Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Head of the Commonwealth.

Born: 4/21/1926 } 4+21+19+26 = 70/7 & is like Survival
  • 70 is like Hidden, Laden, & Black Flag in Jewish Gematria 
  • 70 is like ViperDemonsShadow, Fascism, Anarchy, Secret, Vatican, End Time, Sheeple, Adam and Eve, Women, Incest, Courage, Zombie, & Yahweh in Simple Gematria
  • 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected Man: Transhumanism in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 4 in Numerology is means Fate
  • 21 = Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3) in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 19 is like DNA in Simple Gematria
  • 26 is like GOD in Simple Gematria
  • 51 is like Conspiracy, Be Hidden, Hiding, & Bad Karma in Simple Gematria
Queen Elizabeth (E-Lizard-beth) like Princess Diana w/“s” exception  & like First World War in the English Reduction system ALL equal 69, which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • False Flag sums to 69 in Simple Gematria
  • 69 in Numerology means IdealismFamilyHarmonyHealth, & Compassion
Queen in the English Reduction system equals 26 (8+3+5+5+5), which reduces to 8
  • 26 is like GOD & Flag in Simple Gematria
  • GOD sums to 61 in Jewish Gematria   
Bloodline is like Elizabeth & Survival in the English Reduction system equals 43, which reduces to 7
  • 43 is like Massacre in Pythagorean Gematria w/“s” exceptions
  • 43 is like GameFeeble, & Healed in Jewish Gematria
  • 43 is like KidsMarkFalseFrame, Greece, Hawk, Block, & Define in Simple Gematria
Elizabeth w/"v" exception in the English Reduction system equals 61 
(2+3+6+6+22+3+9+5+5), which reduces to 7
  • 61 is like GOD (26 in Simple Gematria / 156 English Gematria) & Church in Jewish Gematria 
  • 61 is like News & Miracle in Simple Gematria
  • Princess Diana's Birth-year (1961)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 
(born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark)

Born: 6/10/1921 6+10+19+21 56/11/2
  • 56 is like Paris France” like Christmas” w/BOTH “s” exceptions & Royal Family
  • 56 is like WiseCreatedISIS, Attack, Drone, Hatred, The End, Kenya, Healing, MemberZoo, Semen in Simple Gematria
  • 56 is like Washington, D.C. in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 11 is the Master # & means Sin, Transgression, & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
6+10+ 21 = 37/10 
  • 6 represents the Hexagram: 6-pointed Star: Star of David; Thelema: Church of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.” 
  • 10 represents ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light
  • 10 is formed of the Pillar and the Circle 
  • 10 is the Number from which all things come, and all must return
  • 21 means Devil (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3) in Satanic Freemasonry
  • 37 is like RFIDHellFlameBeing Once, & Dead End in Simple Gematria
NOTE: The Story of ISIS, OSIRIS, and Horus is the Egyptian Myth of Creation like the God # 55 or 10. From Geb, the Sky God, and Nut, the earth goddess came four children: OSIRIS, ISIS, Set and Nephthys. OSIRIS was the oldest and so became King of Egypt whilst marrying his sister [incest] ISIS. Horus is one of the most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egypt specialists.  ~ Wikipedia

Thusly and hitherto, True Bloodlines are manifested via Incest, which keeps the Bloodlines pure, hence, the term, Bloodline(s). This is why so many Hybrids or Satanists engage is pedophilia, incest, torture, as well as sacrifice children including their progeny. ~ COG

COG - Draconians: The Reptilians are Amongst Us 𝗜𝗜 (Bloodlines, Iconography, & Holograms) 

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in the English Reduction system equals 159 (7+9+9+5+3+5+0+7+8+9+3+9+7+0+4+3+2+5+0+6+6+0+5+4+9+5+2+3+9+7+8+0), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 159 is like A Fallen King,  Killing Field, Forehead, Beginning, Oracle, Georgia, Ireland, Older, Officer, Mermaid, Oath, Applied, FaceTime, Athens, Final Mind, Deeper, & Hell-Hell-Hell in Jewish Gematria
  • 159 is like Evil Gray Aliens, Winged Serpent, Grey Reptilian, Bilderberg Group, Eighth Dimension, Economic Armageddon, Divine Knowledge, Vatican SecretsPrison PlanetThe Coming Prince, Project Monarch, Barack Hussain Obama, Of False Promise, Twenty-Six, Mark Zuckerberg, New Testament, November Ninth, Martin Luther, Seventy-Eight, Natalie Portman, Come Lord Jesus, Constellation, One Step Beyond, Elizabeth Smart, Forgiven Of Sin, Little Black Devil, The Devils Trap, Satanic Ideology, & This September in Simple Gematria
  • 26 is like GOD in Simple Gematria & Queen in Pythagorean Gematria
  • Vatican in the English Reduction system equals 25 (4+1+2+9+3+1+5), which reduces to 7
  • 25 is like Annuit (to approve) & Ordo (order) in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected Man: Transhumanism in Satanic Freemasonry

7MAY 307 Children From the Vatican Murdered Simultaneously by Tory Smith

Prince Philip like Antarctic Treaty System & like She knew too much” w/“k" exception in the English Reduction system equals 81, which reduces to 9
  • 81 is like Mimic, Black DNAMagickal, Gold, Gold 79BeheadingDo I Die, Abel Cain, Mania, Adolf in Jewish Gematria
  • is Sacred # & means Cube (Black Box/Cube: Satan) in Satanic Freemasonry
Prince like Sumerians in the English Reduction system equals 38 (7+9+9+5+3+5), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 38 is like Death, Jew, & Bible in Simple Gematria
  • Princess Diana's Date of Death: 8+3+1+1+9+9+7=38/11/2
Phillip like Demiurge in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 46, which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
  • 46 is like Hero in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 46 is like ChaosLogicDead Again, & Magical in Simple Gematria
Duke of Edinburgh like Princess Diana in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 78, which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 78 is like Novus Ordo Seclorum (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
Duke like 10:00 AM EST  in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 14 (4+3+2+5+0), which reduces to 5
  • 14 is like 7 Dead (Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986) in Simple Gematria
  • 14 is like Dead in Jewish Gematria
  • 14 is a karmic number and these people need to learn independence, self-initiative, unity and justice. And it is the number of the good and the charity in Numerology
Edinburgh like Parallel South in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 52, which reduces to 7
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo in Simple Gematria 
  • 52 is like DevilNWOHeart, & Six in English Gematria
Oligarchy like Draconians w/“s" exception in the English Reduction system equals 53, which reduces to 8
  • 53 is like Chicken in Simple Gematria
  • Also, the number of Parties (Parties 53) for the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS)
Palace Advisors in the English Reduction system equals 55 (7+1+3+1+3+5+0+1+4+4+9+1+6+9+1), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1 
  • 55 = GOD number (5+5=10 } GOD #): Create or Destroy / Overcome & Vanquish your enemies / and represent Will and Power & also signifies the Universal Energy, or Prana. It represents great Occult Powers.
  • 55 is like BeneathSatanSanta, Parable, DecemberMichele, New Age, Trap, MakingAwakenAnagramLaws in Simple Gematria
Palace Advisors w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 64 (7+1+3+1+3+5+0+1+4+4+9+1+6+9+10), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1 
  • 64 is like ThelemaIsreal, & Zion in Simple Gematria 
  • 64 is like Nigga in Jewish Gematria
  • 64 is like Do What Thou WiltCivil Rights (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama in Pythagorean Gematria  
  • 8x8 = 64
Palace Advisors w/BOTH “s” exceptions in the English Reduction system equal 73 (7+1+3+1+3+5+0+1+4+4+9+10+6+9+10), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1 
  • 73 is like Hail MeAngel, Angle, BlankDefended, & Defiance in Jewish Gematria
  • 73 is like RFID ChipNation, United, SacrificeChildrenJoseph, Nimrod, Egypt, Nibiru, Adam Lanza, Goddess, CrazySolve, & Normal in English Gematria

Survival William in the English Reduction system equals 34 (1+3+9+4+9+4+1+3), which reduces to 7
  • 34 is like Seclorum [of the ages] in Pythagorean Gematria
Survival w/“s” exception like Bloodline in the English Reduction system equal 43 
(10+3+9+4+9+4+1+3), which reduces to 7
  • 43 is like Massacre in Pythagorean Gematria w/“s” exceptions
  • 43 is like GameFeeble, & Healed in Jewish Gematria
  • 43 is like KidsMarkFalseFrame, Greece, Hawk, Block, & Define in Simple Gematria
  • Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh/Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark
Survival w/“v” exception in the English Reduction system equals 52 
(1+3+9+22+9+4+1+3), which reduces to 7
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo in Simple Gematria 
  • 52 is like DevilNWOHeart, & Six in English Gematria
Survival w/BOTH “v” exceptions is like 4+21+19+26 70/7 (Queen's birthday) in the English Reduction system equal 70 
(1+3+9+22+9+22+1+3), which reduces to 7
  • 70 is like HiddenLaden, & Black Flag in Jewish Gematria 
  • 70 is like ViperDemonsShadow, Fascism, Anarchy, Secret, Vatican, End Time, Sheeple, Adam and Eve, Women, Incest, Courage, Zombie, & Yahweh in Simple Gematria
  • 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected ManTranshumanism in Satanic Freemasonry
Survival w/“s” exception & BOTH “v” exceptions in the English Reduction system equal 79 (10+3+9+22+9+22+1+3), which reduces to 16, which reduces to 7
  • 79 is like Murder in Simple Gematria
Malevolent Forces in the English Reduction system equals 68 (4+1+3+5+4+6+3+5+5+2+0+6+6+9+3+5+1), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5
  • 68 is like Big Bang, Behind, Gap, Changed, Malice, Bad God, & Killed in Jewish Gematria
  • 68 is like Alien BaseDirected, Barack ObamaBarack Obama 440Barack ObamaBenjamin, Hermes, Logos, Mohammad, Decipher, Language, God is Dead, & Extra in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like KILL in Simple Gematria
  • 44 is like Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
Malevolent Forces w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 77 
(4+1+3+5+4+6+3+5+5+2+0+6+6+9+3+5+10), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5
  • 77 is like Be Hidden & Hiding in Jewish Gematria
  • 77 is like Dragon Head, FEMA Camps, Engineer, Power, Obama Lies, Shoot, Christ, Damn Lies, Hexagram, & Judaism in Simple Gematria
Malevolent Forces w/“v” exception in the English Reduction system equals 86 
(4+1+3+5+22+6+3+5+5+2+0+6+6+9+3+5+1), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5
  • 86 is like Citizen (666 Jewish Gematria), Republic, Symbol, Pyramid, and Triangle (P & T: Freemasonry Symbology) in Simple Gematria
Malevolent Forces w/BOTH “s” & “v” exceptions in the English Reduction system equals 104 (4+1+3+5+22+6+3+5+5+2+0+6+6+9+3+5+10), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5
  • 104 is like Reptilians Harvest Humans Underground, USA Will Destroy United Kingdom, & Our Father Who Art In Heaven in Jewish Gematria
Television” in the English Reduction system equals 49 
(2+5+3+5+4+9+1+9+6+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 49 is like Media, Cane Chalice in Jewish Gematria
  • 49 is like Revelation (w/v except. sums to 67) in Pythagorean Gematria (& 121 is Simple Gematria)
  • Revelation sums to 1010 in Jewish Gematria (& 121 in Simple Gematria)
  • #s of Revelation are 47 & 67
Televisionw/“s’ exception in the English Reduction system equal 58 
(2+5+3+5+4+9+10+9+6+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 58 is like Agenda, Agenda 21Again, & Blame in Jewish Gematria
  • 58 is like ClawsFather, Star, Facebook, Jade Helm, Imagine, Asleep, Reading, Stand, Basket, Bleeding, & Adult in Simple Gematria
Televisionw/“v’ exception in the English Reduction system equal 67 
(2+5+3+5+22+9+1+9+6+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 67 is like PharaohBlack Death, KillerBlack GoldAlchemy, Silence, Satanic, Clown, Lying, Teaching, Organic in Simple Gematria
  • Revelation sums to 67 (w/v except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
Televisionw/“s” & w/“v’ exceptions in the English Reduction system equal 76 
(2+5+3+5+22+9+10+9+6+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 76 is like MeanI am BlackAmenName, Choke, Face God, Dog Face, Bible Eagle, & Go Ahead in Jewish Gematria: 
  • 76 is like DNA ChangesHuman DNAHumansVictimContainMasterDespicableRevengeContact Barack H Obama, Bad People, Oklahoma, Dirty, & Bible Codes, in Simple Gematria
Commonwealth” in the English Reduction system equals 52 (3+6+4+4+6+5+5+5+1+3+2+8), which reduces to 7
  • 52 is like Pope & Ordo in Simple Gematria 
  • 52 is like Devil, Heart, NWO, & Six in English Gematria 
Scottish” like Annunakis” in the English Reduction system equals 32 (1+3+6+2+2+9+1+8), which reduces to 5
  • 32 is like America in Pythagorean Gematria;  UKU=3 / K=2 w/o summing), 7/4/1776 (32)
  • 32 is like Dead Head in Jewish Gematria
  • 32 is like ObamaDebacleAgenda 21, Media, Bomb in Simple Gematria

Scottishw/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 41 
(10+3+6+2+2+9+1+8), which reduces to 5
  • 41 is like All & Edifice in Jewish Gematria
  • 41 is like DracoKingAlienIconOmegaUSAManiac,& Addict in Simple Gematria
  • 41 is like Mass Murder in Pythagorean Gematria
Scottish” w/BOTH “s” exceptions & Reptiles” w/"s" exception & Reptilian” “Annunakis” w/“s" & “k” exceptions & Christmas Day in the English Reduction system ALL equal 50, which reduces to 5
  • 50 is like SnakeAmerica, Sacred, Owl, Bush, Fraud, Fallen, Cocaine, Circle, Easy, Cain and Abel, & Mad Men in Simple Gematria 
  • FIFTY: is like Black OperationsCycles, CNN Illuminati, Lucifer Beast, & Satanic Genetic Deeds in Jewish Gematria
  • 50 is like Mankind, Ancient, BeastsAnubis, Eye Damage, Dead NowMoloch, Freedom, Lost in English Gematria
First World War like Princess Diana w/“s” exception is like Queen Elizabeth in the English Reduction system ALL equal 69, which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 69 in Numerology, it means Idealism, Family, Harmony, Health, & Compassion
  • False Flag sums to 69 in Simple Gematria

First World War w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 78 
(6+9+9+10+2+0+5+6+9+3+4+0+5+1+9), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 78 is like Novus Ordo Seclorum (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
Scottish Referendum in the English Reduction system equals 87 (1+3+6+2+2+9+1+8+0+9+5+6+5+9+5+5+4+3+4), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 87 is like Manifest & The Eyes in Simple Gematria
Scottish Referendum w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 96 (10+3+6+2+2+9+1+8+0+9+5+6+5+9+5+5+4+3+4), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 96 is like KnowledgeFreemason, Satanism, Confederate, & The Golden Gate Bridge in Simple Gematria
  • 96 is like Novus Ordo Seclorum (s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 96 is like San Andreas in Simple Gematria
Scottish Referendum w/BOTH “s” exception in the English Reduction system equal 105 (10+3+6+2+2+9+10+8+0+9+5+6+5+9+5+5+4+3+4), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
  • 105 is like Greece, Ending, & FEDS in Jewish Gematria
  • 105 is like Internet, Zionism, Masonry, Nine ElevenAlex Jones, Blood Moon, Sudden Death, Obama-nation, Obama the Liar, Messenger, I am the Lord, Symbols, Chinese War, Light Year, Individual, Father Time, Younger, Quality, & Nonsense in Simple Gematria
"Australia" in the English Reduction system equals 30 (1+3+1+2+9+1+3+9+1), which reduces to 3
  • 30 is like Mafia in Simple Gematria
"Australia” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 39 (1+3+1+2+9+1+3+9+1), which reduces to 12, which reduces to 3
  • 39 is like Greed, Pagan, Flat, Belief, Net, & Angel in Simple Gematria
  • 39 is like NY in Simple Gematria [New York = 666 in English Gematria]
  • UN (39 floors)
  • 7/26/1788 (Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York) sums to 39 in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 39 signatories on the Declaration of Independence & Books in the Old Testament
"Canada" like 7.8 million viewers in the English Reduction system equals 15 (3+1+5+1+4+1), which reduces to 6
  • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
  • & like Princess Diana's Birthday 7+1+6+1=15/6
Europe” like the TIME: 6:50 PM GMT & Senior in the English Reduction system ALL equal 35 (5+3+9+6+7+5), which reduces to 8
  • 35 is like Me, Mad, Half, Headache, & Dam in Jewish Gematria
  • 35 is like NASAGoalChina, Ebola, Bacon, Image, Catch 22, & Naked in Simple Gematria

United Kingdom” in the English Reduction system equals 65 (3+5+9+2+5+4+0+2+9+5+7+4+6+4), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 65 is like Bald Eagle, Hanged, & Email in Jewish Gematria
  • 65 is like Ugly, SevenEgo DeathHorse, Music, Today, & Diabetes in Simple Gematria

United Kingdomw/“k” exception in the English Reduction system equals 74 
(3+5+9+2+5+4+0+2+9+5+7+4+6+4), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
  • 74 is like Killing, MasonicSatan’s, Hexagon, Accursed,
  • Gospel, English, Simple, Gematria, Nuclear, English, Jury, Jesus, Cross, Messiah, Lucifer, Bible Study Class, London, & Pinnacle in Simple Gematria 
  • 74 is like Royal Air Force in English Gematria
  • further, g-d ( a way of writing of GOD for some people: 74} g=7 d=4 numerically); also, the ONLY state with a 74 Gematria (SG) is the 33rd State: Oregon 
New Zealand” like ”Internet” in the English Reduction system both equal 42 (5+5+5+0+8+5+1+3+1+5+4), which reduces to 6
  • 42 is the Angel # in Numerology
  • 42 is like Nigger in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like Freemason in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 42 is like FEMA in Jewish Gematria
  • 42 is like Bad in English Gematria
  • 42 is like Saddam, Deacon, & Bad Cubed in Simple Gematria

Northern Ireland” in the English Reduction system equals 85 (5+6+9+2+8+5+9+5+0+9+9+5+3+1+5+4), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
  • 85 is like Reptile, Falsehood, Humanoid, Biology, Stolen, Alien Brain, The Pope, Matrix, Annunaki, Twins, Creation, The Earth, Implant, Violence, CBS News, Hail Satan, The DevilMcDonaldsBoston, Storm, Silver, Steven, Nibiru, Sentence, Get Ready in Simple Gematria

3:00 PM GMT } 3+7(P)+4(M)+7(G)+4(M)+2(T)= 27/9
  • 27 is like Code, RaceEgoFaked& Fecal in Simple Gematria; & Car Bomb in Pythagorean Gematria
  • 27 is like & like Paris


Number of generations from David to the Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew. (Mt 1,1-17)
The New Testament of the Bible of Jerusalem contains 27 books.
The 27th (3x3x3) book of the Protestant Bible edition contains 3x3x3x30 verses. The 3rd book contains 3x3x3 chapters and 3x3x3x3x3x3+130 verses. The 3 first books of the Bible have 3x3x13 chapters.
The number 27 is used 6 times in the Bible.
The book of the Acts of the Apostles in the NT uses on the whole 27 different numbers, which are numbers 1 to 12, 14, 15, 20, 40, 70, 75, 120, 200, 276, 400, 450, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 50000.
The number 500 is used 27 times in the Bible.
Among the 365 different numbers found in the Bible, 27 of them are prime numbers, counting the number one.

6:50 PM GMT } 6+5+7(P)+4(M)+7(G)+4(M)+2(T)= 35/7 like Europe” 
  • 35 is like MeMadHalfHeadache, & Dam in Jewish Gematria
  • 35 is like NASAGoalChina, Ebola, Bacon, Image, Naked, & Catch 22 in Simple Gematria
7:20 PM GMT } 7+2+7(P)+4(M)+7(G)+4(M)+2(T)= 33/6
  • 33 is the Magic #, Teacher #, Master # in Satanic Freemasonry; also the 33 vertebrate in one’s spine
  • 33 is like Race War, Nazis,Marine, Federal, Police, KKK (11+11+11), Diamond, Mean, Teacher, & Sixteen in Pythagorean Gematria 
  • 16 is like Cage in Jewish Gematria & Deaf in Simple Gematria
  • 16 in Numerology means: Outspoken, strong-willed, analytical, research, study. Further, it is a Karmic number; plus, it indicates the achievement of the material power.
33 is like Magic in Simple Gematria; Delaware (3rd), Massachusetts (6th), and Hawaii (50) in Pythagorean Gematria (only 3 said States sum to said #)
  • 33 = October (Only month with said numerology) & Coeptis [cœptis] both in Pythagorean Gematria

    • Indian sums to 33 in Pythagorean Gematria, Christopher Columbus’s initials } CC = 33
    • Thirty Three sums to 66 in Pythagorean Gematria & 156 in Simple Gematria
    • Only the words Ninety & Sixty have a Gematria of 33 in Pythagorean Gematria
    • FBI established on July 26, 1908  or 7/26/1908 33
    • 7+26= 33
    • 7+2+6+1+9+8= 33
  • 6 represents the Hexagram6-pointed Star: Star of David; ThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
  • 64 is like ThelemaIsreal, & Zion in Simple Gematria; & Do What Thou WiltCivil Rights (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama Pythagorean Gematria  8x8 = 64


The Old Testament counts 16 prophets and the New Testament counts 16 apostles and evangelists.

Joash reigned sixteen years on Israel to Samaria. (2 K 13,10)

Uzziah had sixteen years when the people of Judah chose him as king in succession to his father Amaziah. (2 K 14,21)

Jotham, son of Uzziah, reigned sixteen years to Jerusalem. (2 K 15,33)

Ahaz, son of Jotham, reigned sixteen years to Jerusalem. (2 K 16,2)

Sixteen classes of priests were formed with the heads of the family of son of Eleazar. (1 Ch 24, 4)


It is the number of years in inside of which the four Gospels were written, according to visions of Mary Agreda.

Difference of age between the Virgin Mary and his Son Jesus, according to visions of Maria Valtorta.

The sixteen petals of the Visuddha Chakra located on the front of the throat.

Ahura-Mazda, according to the Avesta, created for its people 16 places of habitation.

The Jains have 16 goddesses.

The sixteen guardians of the Great Work of Templar.

The sixteen geomantic figures.

In the Hindu religion, an Avatar is an extraordinary being, the miraculous incarnation of the Divine in a human form, for the well of the humanity. By definition, the Avatar has sixteen particular gifts: the ability to materialize objects at will; qualities of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence; the capacity to transmit a pure love current, inexhaustible; the possibility to transcend all conditions of the Karma which appears by his capacity to transform miraculously the life of a person by an act of divine will.

Some roses of cathedrals have sixteen rays.

The antiquity recognized sixteen plant sacredness: catmint, plant of the vitality; century, enchantments; chelidonium, triumph; mistletoe, salvation; heliotrope, sincerity; jusquiame, dead; tongue of dog, sympathy; lily, manifestation; melissa, comfort; nettle, bravery; periwinkle, fidelity; rose, initiation; sage, life; serpent aria, fluid; vervain, love; virgo pastors, fruitfulness.

Sum of the four first odd numbers (1+3+5+7=16) which, by theosophical addition, gives 1+6=7, the sacred number.
The magic square using the first sixteen numbers is associated to the Jupiter planet and has for sum 34.
The Jupiter planet has 16 satellites.
Anniversary of marriage: weddings of silverware.


The number 16 is used 21 times in the Bible.
The number 80 is used 16 times in the Bible.

10:00 AM EST } 1+1(A)+4(M)+5(E)+1(S)+2(T)= 14/5 like Duke 
  • 14 is like 7 Dead (Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986) in Simple Gematria
  • 14 is like Dead in Jewish Gematria
  • 14 is a karmic number and these people need to learn independenceself-initiativeunity and justice. And it is the number of the good and the charity in Numerology

10:00 AM EST w/“s” exception } 1+1(A)+4(M)+5(E)+10(S)+2(T)= 23/5
  • 23 means duality, charisma, communication and society in Numerology

Represents “the principle of organization 3, acting on the differentiation of the world in spirit and matter in Numerology
At the moment of his assassination, Caesar was stabbed 23 times.
The circulation of the blood through all the human body takes 23 seconds.
The number of articulation in the human arm is 23.
The 23 axioms of the geometry of Euclid.
The 23 days of the “physical” cycle in the biorhythm.
The ovule and the spermatozoon are composed both of 23 chromosomes.
Anniversary of marriage: weddings of clock.


The number 23 is used 14 times in the Bible, the 14 times in the OT.
The words leprous, dragon and blasphemy are used 23 times in the Bible.

7.8 (million viewers) 7+8=15/6 } like Canada

    • 15 is like Face & FED in Jewish Gematria
    • & like Princess Diana's Birthday 7+1+6+1=15/6

    578 (comments) 5+7+8=20/2 } like Princess
    • 578 is like Alien Hybrid, Dark Intentions, Conqueror, Gematria Is Proof, Fractal Dimensions, Economy, Holy Bible Code, & CIA NSA Double Agent in Jewish Gematria
    • 578 is like I Am Barack Hussein Obama President Of The United States Of America & Ridicule Is The Tribute That Mediocrity Pays To Genius in Simple Gematria
    • 20 is like Death in Pythagorean Gematria
    • 20 is like stands for souls who have the knowledge of both Good and Evil and must consciously make choices to attain balance in all situations in Numerology
    "Reptile" like Diana in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 40 
    (9+5+7+2+9+3+5), which reduces to 4
    • 40 is like Life, Us, & Debacle in Jewish Gematria
    Reptilesw/"s" exception like Reptilian” “Annunakis” w/“s" & “k” exceptions & like Scottish” in the English Reduction system ALL equal 50, which reduces to 5
    • 50 is like SnakeAmericaSacred, Owl, Bush, Fraud, Fallen, Cocaine, Circle, Easy, Cain and Abel, & Mad Men in Simple Gematria 
    • FIFTY: is like Black OperationsCycles, CNN Illuminati, Lucifer Beast, & Satanic Genetic Deeds in Jewish Gematria
    • 50 is like Mankind, AncientBeastsAnubis, Eye Damage, Dead NowMoloch, Freedom, Lost in English Gematria
    Reptilians” in the English Reduction system equals 51 (9+5+7+2+9+3+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 6
    • 51 is like Conspiracy, Bad Karma, Hiding& Be Hidden in Simple Gematria
    Reptiliansw/“s” exception like Princess Diana in the English Reduction system equals 60 (9+5+7+2+9+3+9+1+5+10), which reduces to 6  
    • 60 is like Magick, Naked, & Chance in Jewish Gematria
    • 60 is like Aliens, Second Teacher, Kings, Castle, Dracula, The Code, Replace, Battle, Police, Orange, Diamond, Holy, Four, Word, Believe, Over, Order, Grant, Magnet, Dreams, Jump, Found, Caught, Raven, Happen, Life is, Active, Canvas, & Pray in Simple Gematria 
    • Police, Orange, Diamond ALL sum 33 in Pythagorean Gematria 
    • 6 represents the Hexagram6-pointed Star: Star of David; ThelemaChurch of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
    • 64 is like ThelemaIsreal, & Zion in Simple Gematria; & Do What Thou WiltCivil Rights (Civil Rights Act of 1964), & Barack Hussein Obama Pythagorean Gematria  8x8 = 64
    Draconian” in the English Reduction system equals 43 
    (4+9+1+3+6+5+9+1+5), which reduces to 7
    • 43 is like Massacre in Pythagorean Gematria w/“s” exceptions
    • 43 is like GameFeeble, & Healed in Jewish Gematria
    • 43 is like KidsMarkFalseFrame, Greece, Hawk, Block, & Define in Simple Gematria
    Draconians” in the English Reduction system equals 44 (4+9+1+3+6+5+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 8 & w/s/exception it sums to 53
    • 44 is like KILLHopeFaith, and Karma in Simple Gematria
    • 44 is like Military in Pythagorean Gematria 
    • also KILL in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 17 
    • Wisconsin and Georgia the only TWO STATES with 44 Gematria (Pythagorean Gematria)
    Demiurge” like Phillip in the English Reduction system equals 46 (4+5+4+9+3+9+7+5), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
    • 46 is like Hero in Pythagorean Gematria
    • 46 is like Chaos, Logic, Dead Again, & Magical in Simple Gematria
    Annunakis” like Scottish & like WEIRD (magazine) in the English Reduction system equals 32 (1+5+5+3+5+1+2+9+1), which reduces to 5
    • 32 is like America in Pythagorean Gematria; UKU=3 / K=2 w/o summing), 7/4/1776 (32)
    • 32 is like Dead Head in Jewish Gematria
    • 32 is like ObamaDebacleAgenda 21, Media, Bomb in Simple Gematria
    Annunakisw/“s” exception & Annunakis” w/“k” exception & Reptiles” in the English Reduction system ALL equal 41 (1+5+5+3+5+1+2+9+10), which reduces to 5
    • 41 is like All & Edifice in Jewish Gematria
    • 41 is like DracoKingAlienIconOmegaUSAManiac, & Addict in Simple Gematria
    • 41 is like Mass Murder in Pythagorean Gematria
    Annunaki” in the English Reduction system equals 31 (1+5+5+3+5+1+2+9), which reduces to 4
    • 31 is like CNN, Focus, & Cube in Simple Gematria
    • (3) N (5) N (5) sum to 13, 31's REFLECTION
    • 13 is a Sacred # & represents Death & Rebirth: Reincarnation, Sacrifice & Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
    • 31 is like Princess Diana's Date of Death
    Sumerians” like Prince in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 38 (1+3+4+5+9+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
    • 38 is like Death, Jew, & Bible in Simple Gematria
    Sumeriansw/“s” exception like Christmas in the English Reduction system equals 47 (10+3+4+5+9+9+1+5+1), which reduces to 11, which reduces to 2
    • 47 is like Star of David & President in Pythagorean Gematria  
    • 47 is like  BeastObeyTimeAuthorityJudge, Gavel, Candy, & Mafia in Jewish Gematria
    • 47 is like Caesar in Simple Gematria
    Sumerian” in the English Reduction system equals 37 (1+3+4+5+9+9+1+5), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
    • 37 is like RFID, Being Once, Flame, Dead End, Hell, Seal, Teach, Demo, & Scan in Simple Gematria
    Aztecsw/“s” exception like Broadcast & like France in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 29 (1+8+2+5+3+10), which reduces to 2
    • 29 is like Became, A Lamb, Bind, Black, Gang, Held, Cabin, & Hedge in Simple Gematria
    Aztec” like Mayans” in the English Reduction system equals 19 (1+8+2+5+3), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
    • 19 is like DNA, NBC, Badge, Bald, Idea, Aide, & Ahead in Simple Gematria
    • NBC like DNA in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 10 (5+2+3), which reduces to 1
    • 10 represents ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light; it is also the God number (like 555+5
    Mayansw/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 28 (4+1+7+1+5+1), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
    • 28 is like ManBankLamb& Bleed in Simple Gematria
    • 28 is like 8+3+1+9+7=28/10/1 } Date of Princess Diana's Death Date
    Mayan in the English Reduction system equals 18 (4+1+7+1+5), which reduces to 9
    • 18 is like Sun & Masons (Satanic Freemasons) in Pythagorean Gematria 
    • 18 is like Venus (Goddess of Sex/Planet of Sex) & Horus (Draconians) in Simple Gematria
    • 18 is like the date: 1+2+2+5+2+1+5=18 of Queen's Speech
    • 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation
    • 2 in Numerology is means LoyalTactfulDiplomatic, & Cooperative
    • 4 in Numerology is means Fate
    • 3 is the Sacred number & represents the Pagan Trinity: Triangle, Pyramid & Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry
    • 5 represents the Pentagram: a 5-Pointed Star: Baphomet in Satanic Freemasonry
    • represents the Hexagram6-pointed Star: Star of David; Thelema: Church of Satan: “Do What Thou Wilt.”
    • 7 is a Sacred # & means Perfected Man: Transhumanism in Satanic Freemasonry
    • 8 in Numerology means Saturn (Satan) & Cruel, Insensitive
    • 9 is Sacred # & means Cube (Black Box/CubeSatan)
    • 10 represents ISIS and OSIRIS and is the symbol of Love and Light; it is also the God number (like 555+5
    • 11 is the Master # & means Sin, Transgression, & Peril in Satanic Freemasonry
    • 13 means Death/Rebirth/Sacrifice & Phoenix in Satanic Freemasonry
    • 21 = Devil (Sacred # 7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect 3)
    • 22 is the Master Builder Number in Numerology signifying Precision and Balance
    • 33 is the Highest Satanic Freemasonry # & represents the Magic #, the Master #, and the Teacher #; and also the 33 Vertebrates in one's Spine (Satan)
    • 39 is like GreedPagan, Flat, Belief, Net, & Angel in Simple Gematria
    • 49 is like Media in Jewish Gematria & Revelation in Pythagorean Gematria
    • 44 is KILL in Simple Gematria
    • 5is the GOD number (5+5 =10 } GOD #): Create or Destroy / Overcome & Vanquish your enemies / and represents Will and Power & also signifies the Universal Energy, or Prana. It represents Great Occultic Powers
    • 64 is like Thelema in Simple Gematria 
    • 88 is the Kingdom of Dualism/Duality in Numerology, & is like Program & Poison in Simple Gematria
    • 91 is like Novus (New) in Simple Gematria 
    • 93 is like Saturn (Satanin Simple Gematria 
    • 94 is like Terror & Propaganda in Simple Gematria 
    • 96 is like Freemason, SatanismConfederateThe Golden Gate Bridge, Knowledge in Simple Gematria & Novus Ordo Seclorum (w/"s" except.) [New Order of the Ages]
    • 111 is like Black AlienBad SeedDie Hard, & Encoded in Jewish Gematria 
    • 111 is like Mark of Beast, Witchcraft, New York, Image of SatanSatan’s SealSatan’s HellWicked Will, Lucifer Hell, Illusion, Dark Matter, Democrat ObamaSarah L Palin & Papa Smurf in Simple Gematria & ALL of the above share an AFFINITY with 666
    • 113 = Jewish may use Subterfuges (lies) to circumvent a Gentile (non-Jew) ~ the Bava Kamma 113.a } Dishonest, Mainstream, & Green-screen all sum to 113 in Simple Gematria


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