Gematria: Doberman Kills Cobras, Snoop Dogg Concert Stage Collapse, & "Who Am I" from The Source Magazine [16/61, 24/42, 25/52, 34/43, 35/53, 36/63, 37/73, 45/54, 69/96, 89/98]

Gematria: Doberman Kills 4 Cobras, Snoop Dogg Concert Stage Collapse, & "Who Am I" from The Source Magazine [ 16/61, 24/42, 25/52, 34/43, 35/53, 36/63, 37/73, 45/54, 69/96, 89/98 ] Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes by Adam Boult 15 JULY 2016 • 2:48PM " Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes " in the English Reduction system equals 177 177 is like Incredible, The Fiend, Nasa DNA, Gilgamesh, Kill Kill Kill, Black Reign, & Race Card in Jewish Gematria 177 is like The Alien Invasion, Brotherly Love, The Doomsday Device, Prince Of Darkness, Satan Great Deceiver, & His False Prophet in Simple Gematria " Dog dies saving its owners from killer snakes " in the English Ordinal system eq...